setDefinition( [ new InputArgument('suite', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'suite to scan for feature files'), new InputArgument('test', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'tests to be loaded'), ] ); parent::configure(); } public function getDescription() { return 'Prints step-by-step scenario-driven test or a feature'; } public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->addStyles($output); $suite = $input->getArgument('suite'); $test = $input->getArgument('test'); $config = $this->getGlobalConfig(); ini_set( 'memory_limit', isset($config['settings']['memory_limit']) ? $config['settings']['memory_limit'] : '1024M' ); if (! Configuration::isEmpty() && ! $test && strpos($suite, $config['paths']['tests']) === 0) { list(, $suite, $test) = $this->matchTestFromFilename($suite, $config['paths']['tests']); } $settings = $this->getSuiteConfig($suite); $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $dispatcher->addSubscriber(new ConsolePrinter([ 'colors' => (!$input->hasParameterOption('--no-ansi') xor $input->hasParameterOption('ansi')), 'steps' => true, 'verbosity' => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, ])); $dispatcher->addSubscriber(new BootstrapLoader()); $suiteManager = new SuiteManager($dispatcher, $suite, $settings); $moduleContainer = $suiteManager->getModuleContainer(); foreach (Configuration::modules($settings) as $module) { $this->mockModule($module, $moduleContainer); } $suiteManager->loadTests($test); $tests = $suiteManager->getSuite()->tests(); $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::SUITE_INIT, new SuiteEvent($suiteManager->getSuite(), null, $settings)); $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::SUITE_BEFORE, new SuiteEvent($suiteManager->getSuite(), null, $settings)); foreach ($tests as $test) { if ($test instanceof Test and $test instanceof ScenarioDriven) { $this->dryRunTest($output, $dispatcher, $test); } } $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::SUITE_AFTER, new SuiteEvent($suiteManager->getSuite())); return 0; } protected function matchTestFromFilename($filename, $tests_path) { $filename = str_replace(['//', '\/', '\\'], '/', $filename); $res = preg_match("~^$tests_path/(.*?)/(.*)$~", $filename, $matches); if (!$res) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Test file can't be matched"); } return $matches; } /** * @param OutputInterface $output * @param $dispatcher * @param $test */ protected function dryRunTest(OutputInterface $output, EventDispatcher $dispatcher, Test $test) { $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::TEST_START, new TestEvent($test)); $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::TEST_BEFORE, new TestEvent($test)); try { $test->test(); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::TEST_AFTER, new TestEvent($test)); $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::TEST_END, new TestEvent($test)); if ($test->getMetadata()->isBlocked()) { $output->writeln(''); if ($skip = $test->getMetadata()->getSkip()) { $output->writeln("
" . $skip); } if ($incomplete = $test->getMetadata()->getIncomplete()) { $output->writeln("
" . $incomplete); } } $output->writeln(''); } /** * @return Module&MockObject */ private function mockModule($moduleName, ModuleContainer $moduleContainer) { $module = $moduleContainer->getModule($moduleName); $class = new \ReflectionClass($module); $methodResults = []; foreach ($class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) { if ($method->isConstructor()) { continue; } $methodResults[$method->getName()] = $this->getDefaultResultForMethod($class, $method); } $moduleContainer->mock($moduleName, Stub::makeEmpty($module, $methodResults)); } private function getDefaultResultForMethod(\ReflectionClass $class, ReflectionMethod $method) { if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000) { return new Maybe(); } $returnType = $method->getReturnType(); if ($returnType === null || $returnType->allowsNull()) { return null; } if ($returnType instanceof ReflectionUnionType) { return $this->getDefaultValueOfUnionType($returnType); } if ($returnType instanceof ReflectionIntersectionType) { return $this->returnDefaultValueForIntersectionType($returnType); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100 && $returnType->isBuiltin()) { return $this->getDefaultValueForBuiltinType($returnType); } $typeName = Actions::stringifyNamedType($returnType, $class); return Stub::makeEmpty($typeName); } private function getDefaultValueForBuiltinType(ReflectionType $returnType) { switch ($returnType->getName()) { case 'mixed': case 'void': return null; case 'string': return ''; case 'int': return 0; case 'float': return 0.0; case 'bool': return false; case 'array': return []; case 'resource': return fopen('data://text/plain;base64,', 'r'); default: throw new \Exception('Unsupported return type ' . $returnType->getName()); } } private function getDefaultValueOfUnionType($returnType) { $unionTypes = $returnType->getTypes(); foreach ($unionTypes as $type) { if ($type->isBuiltin()) { return $this->getDefaultValueForBuiltinType($type); } } return Stub::makeEmpty($unionTypes[0]); } private function returnDefaultValueForIntersectionType(ReflectionIntersectionType $returnType) { $extends = null; $implements = []; foreach ($returnType->getTypes() as $type) { if (class_exists($type->getName())) { $extends = $type; } else { $implements [] = $type; } } $className = uniqid('anonymous_class_'); $code = "abstract class $className"; if ($extends !== null) { $code .= " extends \\$extends"; } if (count($implements) > 0) { $code .= ' implements ' . implode(', ', $implements); } $code .= ' {}'; eval($code); return Stub::makeEmpty($className); } }