amOnPage('/'); } public function loginSuccessfully(AcceptanceTester \$I) { // write a positive login test } public function loginWithInvalidPassword(AcceptanceTester \$I) { // write a negative login test } } EOF; public function setup() { $this->checkInstalled(); $this->say("Let's prepare Codeception for acceptance testing"); $this->say("Create your tests and run them in real browser"); $this->say(""); $dir = $this->ask("Where tests will be stored?", 'tests'); $browser = $this->ask("Select a browser for testing", ['chrome', 'firefox']); if ($browser === 'chrome') { $this->sayInfo("Ensure that you have Selenium Server and ChromeDriver installed before running tests"); } if ($browser === 'firefox') { $this->sayInfo("Ensure that you have Selenium Server and GeckoDriver installed before running tests"); } $url = $this->ask("Start url for tests", "http://localhost"); $this->createEmptyDirectory($outputDir = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_output'); $this->createEmptyDirectory($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_data'); $this->createDirectoryFor($supportDir = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_support'); $this->createDirectoryFor($supportDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_generated'); $this->gitIgnore($outputDir); $this->gitIgnore($supportDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_generated'); $this->sayInfo("Created test directories inside at $dir"); if (!class_exists('\\Codeception\\Module\\WebDriver')) { // composer version $this->addModulesToComposer(['WebDriver']); } $configFile = (new Template($this->configTemplate)) ->place('url', $url) ->place('browser', $browser) ->place('baseDir', $dir) ->produce(); if ($this->namespace) { $namespace = rtrim($this->namespace, '\\'); $configFile = "namespace: $namespace\n" . $configFile; } $this->createFile('codeception.yml', $configFile); $this->createHelper('Acceptance', $supportDir); $this->createActor('AcceptanceTester', $supportDir, Yaml::parse($configFile)['suites']['acceptance']); $this->sayInfo("Created global config codeception.yml inside the root directory"); $this->createFile($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'LoginCest.php', $this->firstTest); $this->sayInfo("Created a demo test LoginCest.php"); $this->say(); $this->saySuccess("INSTALLATION COMPLETE"); $this->say(); $this->say("
Next steps:
"); $this->say('1. Launch Selenium Server and webserver'); $this->say("2. Edit
to test login of your application"); $this->say("3. Run tests using:
codecept run
"); $this->say(); $this->say("HINT: Add '\\Codeception\\Step\\Retry' trait to AcceptanceTester class to enable auto-retries"); $this->say("HINT: See https://codeception.com/docs/03-AcceptanceTests#retry"); $this->say("
Happy testing!
"); } }