* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Imagine\Gd; use Imagine\Draw\AlphaBlendingAwareDrawerInterface; use Imagine\Driver\InfoProvider; use Imagine\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Imagine\Exception\RuntimeException; use Imagine\Image\AbstractFont; use Imagine\Image\Box; use Imagine\Image\BoxInterface; use Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface; use Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\RGB as RGBColor; use Imagine\Image\PointInterface; /** * Drawer implementation using the GD PHP extension. */ final class Drawer implements AlphaBlendingAwareDrawerInterface, InfoProvider { /** * @var resource|\GdImage */ private $resource; /** * @var bool */ private $alphaBlending = true; /** * Constructs Drawer with a given gd image resource. * * @param resource|\GdImage $resource */ public function __construct($resource) { $this->resource = $resource; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Driver\InfoProvider::getDriverInfo() * @since 1.3.0 */ public static function getDriverInfo($required = true) { return DriverInfo::get($required); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::arc() */ public function arc(PointInterface $center, BoxInterface $size, $start, $end, ColorInterface $color, $thickness = 1) { $thickness = max(0, (int) round($thickness)); if ($thickness === 0) { return $this; } imagesetthickness($this->resource, $thickness); if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw arc operation failed'); } if (imagearc($this->resource, $center->getX(), $center->getY(), $size->getWidth(), $size->getHeight(), $start, $end, $this->getColor($color)) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw arc operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw arc operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * This function does not work properly because of a bug in GD. * * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::chord() */ public function chord(PointInterface $center, BoxInterface $size, $start, $end, ColorInterface $color, $fill = false, $thickness = 1) { $thickness = max(0, (int) round($thickness)); if ($thickness === 0 && !$fill) { return $this; } imagesetthickness($this->resource, $thickness); if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw chord operation failed'); } if ($fill) { $style = IMG_ARC_CHORD; if (imagefilledarc($this->resource, $center->getX(), $center->getY(), $size->getWidth(), $size->getHeight(), $start, $end, $this->getColor($color), $style) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw chord operation failed'); } } else { foreach (array(IMG_ARC_NOFILL, IMG_ARC_NOFILL | IMG_ARC_CHORD) as $style) { if (imagefilledarc($this->resource, $center->getX(), $center->getY(), $size->getWidth(), $size->getHeight(), $start, $end, $this->getColor($color), $style) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw chord operation failed'); } } } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw chord operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::circle() */ public function circle(PointInterface $center, $radius, ColorInterface $color, $fill = false, $thickness = 1) { $diameter = $radius * 2; return $this->ellipse($center, new Box($diameter, $diameter), $color, $fill, $thickness); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::ellipse() */ public function ellipse(PointInterface $center, BoxInterface $size, ColorInterface $color, $fill = false, $thickness = 1) { $thickness = max(0, (int) round($thickness)); if ($thickness === 0 && !$fill) { return $this; } if (function_exists('imageantialias')) { imageantialias($this->resource, true); } imagesetthickness($this->resource, $thickness); if ($fill) { $callback = 'imagefilledellipse'; } else { $callback = 'imageellipse'; } if (function_exists('imageantialias')) { imageantialias($this->resource, true); } if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw ellipse operation failed'); } if (function_exists('imageantialias')) { imageantialias($this->resource, true); } if ($callback($this->resource, $center->getX(), $center->getY(), $size->getWidth(), $size->getHeight(), $this->getColor($color)) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw ellipse operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw ellipse operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::line() */ public function line(PointInterface $start, PointInterface $end, ColorInterface $color, $thickness = 1) { $thickness = max(0, (int) round($thickness)); if ($thickness === 0) { return $this; } imagesetthickness($this->resource, $thickness); if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw line operation failed'); } if (imageline($this->resource, $start->getX(), $start->getY(), $end->getX(), $end->getY(), $this->getColor($color)) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw line operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw line operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::pieSlice() */ public function pieSlice(PointInterface $center, BoxInterface $size, $start, $end, ColorInterface $color, $fill = false, $thickness = 1) { $thickness = max(0, (int) round($thickness)); if ($thickness === 0 && !$fill) { return $this; } imagesetthickness($this->resource, $thickness); if ($fill) { $style = IMG_ARC_EDGED; } else { $style = IMG_ARC_EDGED | IMG_ARC_NOFILL; } if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw chord operation failed'); } if (imagefilledarc($this->resource, $center->getX(), $center->getY(), $size->getWidth(), $size->getHeight(), $start, $end, $this->getColor($color), $style) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw chord operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw chord operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::dot() */ public function dot(PointInterface $position, ColorInterface $color) { if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw point operation failed'); } if (imagesetpixel($this->resource, $position->getX(), $position->getY(), $this->getColor($color)) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw point operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw point operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::rectangle() */ public function rectangle(PointInterface $leftTop, PointInterface $rightBottom, ColorInterface $color, $fill = false, $thickness = 1) { $thickness = max(0, (int) round($thickness)); if ($thickness === 0 && !$fill) { return $this; } imagesetthickness($this->resource, $thickness); $minX = min($leftTop->getX(), $rightBottom->getX()); $maxX = max($leftTop->getX(), $rightBottom->getX()); $minY = min($leftTop->getY(), $rightBottom->getY()); $maxY = max($leftTop->getY(), $rightBottom->getY()); if ($fill) { $callback = 'imagefilledrectangle'; } else { $callback = 'imagerectangle'; } if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw polygon operation failed'); } if ($callback($this->resource, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY, $this->getColor($color)) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw polygon operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw polygon operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::polygon() */ public function polygon(array $coordinates, ColorInterface $color, $fill = false, $thickness = 1) { $thickness = max(0, (int) round($thickness)); if ($thickness === 0 && !$fill) { return $this; } imagesetthickness($this->resource, $thickness); if (count($coordinates) < 3) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A polygon must consist of at least 3 points, %d given', count($coordinates))); } $points = call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_map(function (PointInterface $p) { return array($p->getX(), $p->getY()); }, $coordinates)); if ($fill) { $callback = 'imagefilledpolygon'; } else { $callback = 'imagepolygon'; } if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw polygon operation failed'); } if (false === ( PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000 ? $callback($this->resource, $points, count($coordinates), $this->getColor($color)) : $callback($this->resource, $points, $this->getColor($color)) )) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Draw polygon operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Draw polygon operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface::text() */ public function text($string, AbstractFont $font, PointInterface $position, $angle = 0, $width = null) { static::getDriverInfo()->requireFeature(DriverInfo::FEATURE_TEXTFUNCTIONS); $angle = -1 * $angle; $fontsize = $font->getSize(); $fontfile = $font->getFile(); $x = $position->getX(); $y = $position->getY() + $fontsize; if ($width !== null) { $string = $font->wrapText($string, $width, $angle); } if ($this->applyAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Font mask operation failed'); } if ($fontfile && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') { // On Windows imagefttext() throws a "Could not find/open font" error if $fontfile is not an absolute path. $fontfileRealpath = realpath($fontfile); if ($fontfileRealpath !== false) { $fontfile = $fontfileRealpath; } } if (imagefttext($this->resource, $fontsize, $angle, $x, $y, $this->getColor($font->getColor()), $fontfile, $string) === false) { $this->revertAlphaBlending(); throw new RuntimeException('Font mask operation failed'); } if ($this->revertAlphaBlending() === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Font mask operation failed'); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\AlphaBlendingAwareDrawerInterface::getAlphaBlending() */ public function getAlphaBlending() { return $this->alphaBlending; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\AlphaBlendingAwareDrawerInterface::setAlphaBlending() */ public function setAlphaBlending($value) { $this->alphaBlending = (bool) $value; return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Imagine\Draw\AlphaBlendingAwareDrawerInterface::withAlphaBlending() */ public function withAlphaBlending($value) { $result = clone $this; return $result->setAlphaBlending($value); } /** * Generates a GD color from Color instance. * * @param \Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface $color * * @throws \Imagine\Exception\RuntimeException * @throws \Imagine\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * * @return resource */ private function getColor(ColorInterface $color) { if (!$color instanceof RGBColor) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('GD driver only supports RGB colors'); } $gdColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->resource, $color->getRed(), $color->getGreen(), $color->getBlue(), round((100 - $color->getAlpha()) * 127 / 100)); if ($gdColor === false) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to allocate color "RGB(%s, %s, %s)" with transparency of %d percent', $color->getRed(), $color->getGreen(), $color->getBlue(), $color->getAlpha())); } return $gdColor; } /** * Apply the alpha blending value. * * @param resource|\GdImage|null $to the GD image. If null we'll apply the alpha blending to the current resource. * * @return bool */ protected function applyAlphaBlending($to = null) { return $this->getAlphaBlending() ? imagealphablending($to ? $to : $this->resource, true) : true; } /** * Revert the alpha blending value to the initial state. * * @param resource|\GdImage|null $to the GD image. If null we'll apply the alpha blending to the current resource. * * @return bool */ protected function revertAlphaBlending($to = null) { return $this->getAlphaBlending() ? imagealphablending($to ? $to : $this->resource, false) : true; } }