<?php /** * @package Joomla.Plugin * @subpackage Editors.tinymce * * @copyright (C) 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\Plugin\Editors\TinyMCE\Field; \defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Form\Form; use Joomla\CMS\Form\FormField; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper; /** * Form Field class for the TinyMCE editor. * * @package Joomla.Plugin * @subpackage Editors.tinymce * @since 3.7.0 */ class TinymcebuilderField extends FormField { /** * The form field type. * * @var string * @since 3.7.0 */ protected $type = 'tinymcebuilder'; /** * Name of the layout being used to render the field * * @var string * @since 3.7.0 */ protected $layout = 'plugins.editors.tinymce.field.tinymcebuilder'; /** * The prepared layout data * * @var array * @since 3.7.0 */ protected $layoutData = array(); /** * Method to get the data to be passed to the layout for rendering. * * @return array * * @since 3.7.0 */ protected function getLayoutData() { if (!empty($this->layoutData)) { return $this->layoutData; } $data = parent::getLayoutData(); $paramsAll = (object) $this->form->getValue('params'); $setsAmount = empty($paramsAll->sets_amount) ? 3 : $paramsAll->sets_amount; if (empty($data['value'])) { $data['value'] = array(); } // Get the plugin require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/editors/tinymce/tinymce.php'; $menus = array( 'edit' => array('label' => 'Edit'), 'insert' => array('label' => 'Insert'), 'view' => array('label' => 'View'), 'format' => array('label' => 'Format'), 'table' => array('label' => 'Table'), 'tools' => array('label' => 'Tools'), 'help' => array('label' => 'Help'), ); $data['menus'] = $menus; $data['menubarSource'] = array_keys($menus); $data['buttons'] = \PlgEditorTinymce::getKnownButtons(); $data['buttonsSource'] = array_keys($data['buttons']); $data['toolbarPreset'] = \PlgEditorTinymce::getToolbarPreset(); $data['setsAmount'] = $setsAmount; // Get array of sets names for ($i = 0; $i < $setsAmount; $i++) { $data['setsNames'][$i] = Text::sprintf('PLG_TINY_SET_TITLE', $i); } // Prepare the forms for each set $setsForms = array(); $formsource = JPATH_PLUGINS . '/editors/tinymce/forms/setoptions.xml'; // Preload an old params for B/C $setParams = new \stdClass; if (!empty($paramsAll->html_width) && empty($paramsAll->configuration['setoptions'])) { $plugin = PluginHelper::getPlugin('editors', 'tinymce'); Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(Text::sprintf('PLG_TINY_LEGACY_WARNING', '#'), 'warning'); if (\is_object($plugin) && !empty($plugin->params)) { $setParams = (object) json_decode($plugin->params); } } // Collect already used groups $groupsInUse = array(); // Prepare the Set forms, for the set options foreach (array_keys($data['setsNames']) as $num) { $formname = 'set.form.' . $num; $control = $this->name . '[setoptions][' . $num . ']'; $setsForms[$num] = Form::getInstance($formname, $formsource, array('control' => $control)); // Check whether we already have saved values or it first time or even old params if (empty($this->value['setoptions'][$num])) { $formValues = $setParams; /* * Predefine group: * Set 0: for Administrator, Editor, Super Users (4,7,8) * Set 1: for Registered, Manager (2,6), all else are public */ $formValues->access = !$num ? array(4, 7, 8) : ($num === 1 ? array(2, 6) : array()); // Assign Public to the new Set, but only when it not in use already if (empty($formValues->access) && !\in_array(1, $groupsInUse)) { $formValues->access = array(1); } } else { $formValues = (object) $this->value['setoptions'][$num]; } // Collect already used groups if (!empty($formValues->access)) { $groupsInUse = array_merge($groupsInUse, $formValues->access); } // Bind the values $setsForms[$num]->bind($formValues); } krsort($data['setsNames']); $data['setsForms'] = $setsForms; // Check for TinyMCE language file $language = Factory::getLanguage(); $languageFile1 = 'media/vendor/tinymce/langs/' . $language->getTag() . '.js'; $languageFile2 = 'media/vendor/tinymce/langs/' . substr($language->getTag(), 0, strpos($language->getTag(), '-')) . '.js'; $data['languageFile'] = ''; if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $languageFile1)) { $data['languageFile'] = $languageFile1; } elseif (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $languageFile2)) { $data['languageFile'] = $languageFile2; } $this->layoutData = $data; return $data; } }