(function () { 'use strict'; /** * @copyright (C) 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // The container where the draggable will be enabled var url; var direction; var isNested; var dragElementIndex; var dropElementIndex; var container = document.querySelector('.js-draggable'); if (container) { /** The script expects a form with a class js-form * A table with the tbody with a class js-draggable * with a data-url with the ajax request end point and * with a data-direction for asc/desc */ url = container.dataset.url; direction = container.dataset.direction; isNested = container.dataset.nested; } else if (Joomla.getOptions('draggable-list')) { var options = Joomla.getOptions('draggable-list'); container = document.querySelector(options.id); /** * This is here to make the transition to new forms easier. */ if (!container.classList.contains('js-draggable')) { container.classList.add('js-draggable'); } url = options.url; direction = options.direction; isNested = options.nested; } if (container) { // IOS 10 BUG document.addEventListener('touchstart', function () {}, false); var getOrderData = function getOrderData(rows, inputRows, dragIndex, dropIndex) { var i; var result = []; // Element is moved down if (dragIndex < dropIndex) { rows[dropIndex].setAttribute('value', rows[dropIndex - 1].value); for (i = dragIndex; i < dropIndex; i += 1) { if (direction === 'asc') { rows[i].setAttribute('value', parseInt(rows[i].value, 10) - 1); } else { rows[i].setAttribute('value', parseInt(rows[i].value, 10) + 1); } } } else { // Element is moved up rows[dropIndex].setAttribute('value', rows[dropIndex + 1].value); rows[dropIndex].value = rows[dropIndex + 1].value; for (i = dropIndex + 1; i <= dragIndex; i += 1) { if (direction === 'asc') { rows[i].value = parseInt(rows[i].value, 10) + 1; } else { rows[i].value = parseInt(rows[i].value, 10) - 1; } } } for (i = 0; i < rows.length - 1; i += 1) { result.push("order[]=" + encodeURIComponent(rows[i].value)); result.push("cid[]=" + encodeURIComponent(inputRows[i].value)); } return result; }; var rearrangeChildren = function rearrangeChildren($parent) { if (!$parent.dataset.itemId) { return; } var parentId = $parent.dataset.itemId; // Get children list. Each child row should have // an attribute data-parents=" 1 2 3" where the number is id of parent var $children = container.querySelectorAll("tr[data-parents~=\"" + parentId + "\"]"); if ($children.length) { $parent.after.apply($parent, $children); } }; var saveTheOrder = function saveTheOrder(el) { var orderSelector; var inputSelector; var rowSelector; var groupId = el.dataset.draggableGroup; if (groupId) { rowSelector = "tr[data-draggable-group=\"" + groupId + "\"]"; orderSelector = "[data-draggable-group=\"" + groupId + "\"] [name=\"order[]\"]"; inputSelector = "[data-draggable-group=\"" + groupId + "\"] [name=\"cid[]\"]"; } else { rowSelector = 'tr'; orderSelector = '[name="order[]"]'; inputSelector = '[name="cid[]"]'; } var rowElements = [].slice.call(container.querySelectorAll(rowSelector)); var rows = [].slice.call(container.querySelectorAll(orderSelector)); var inputRows = [].slice.call(container.querySelectorAll(inputSelector)); dropElementIndex = rowElements.indexOf(el); if (url) { // Detach task field if exists var task = document.querySelector('[name="task"]'); // Detach task field if exists if (task) { task.setAttribute('name', 'some__Temporary__Name__'); } // Prepare the options var ajaxOptions = { url: url, method: 'POST', data: getOrderData(rows, inputRows, dragElementIndex, dropElementIndex).join('&'), perform: true }; Joomla.request(ajaxOptions); // Re-Append original task field if (task) { task.setAttribute('name', 'task'); } } // Update positions for a children of the moved item rearrangeChildren(el); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef dragula([container], { // Y axis is considered when determining where an element would be dropped direction: 'vertical', // elements are moved by default, not copied copy: false, // elements in copy-source containers can be reordered // copySortSource: true, // spilling will put the element back where it was dragged from, if this is true revertOnSpill: true, // spilling will `.remove` the element, if this is true // removeOnSpill: false, accepts: function accepts(el, target, source, sibling) { if (isNested) { if (sibling !== null) { return sibling.dataset.draggableGroup && sibling.dataset.draggableGroup === el.dataset.draggableGroup; } return sibling === null || sibling && sibling.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'tr'; } return sibling === null || sibling && sibling.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'tr'; }, mirrorContainer: container }).on('drag', function (el) { var rowSelector; var groupId = el.dataset.draggableGroup; if (groupId) { rowSelector = "tr[data-draggable-group=\"" + groupId + "\"]"; } else { rowSelector = 'tr'; } var rowElements = [].slice.call(container.querySelectorAll(rowSelector)); dragElementIndex = rowElements.indexOf(el); }).on('drop', function (el) { saveTheOrder(el); }); } }());