<?php /** * Joomla! Content Management System * * @copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\CMS\Editor; \defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Filter\InputFilter; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\CMS\Log\Log; use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper; use Joomla\Event\AbstractEvent; use Joomla\Event\DispatcherAwareInterface; use Joomla\Event\DispatcherAwareTrait; use Joomla\Event\DispatcherInterface; use Joomla\Registry\Registry; /** * Editor class to handle WYSIWYG editors * * @since 1.5 */ class Editor implements DispatcherAwareInterface { use DispatcherAwareTrait; /** * Editor Plugin object * * @var object * @since 1.5 */ protected $_editor = null; /** * Editor Plugin name * * @var string * @since 1.5 */ protected $_name = null; /** * Object asset * * @var string * @since 1.6 */ protected $asset = null; /** * Object author * * @var string * @since 1.6 */ protected $author = null; /** * Editor instances container. * * @var Editor[] * @since 2.5 */ protected static $instances = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param string $editor The editor name * @param DispatcherInterface $dispatcher The event dispatcher we're going to use */ public function __construct($editor = 'none', DispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null) { $this->_name = $editor; // Set the dispatcher if (!\is_object($dispatcher)) { $dispatcher = Factory::getContainer()->get('dispatcher'); } $this->setDispatcher($dispatcher); // Register the getButtons event $this->getDispatcher()->addListener( 'getButtons', function (AbstractEvent $event) { $editor = $event->getArgument('editor', null); $buttons = $event->getArgument('buttons', null); $result = $event->getArgument('result', []); $newResult = $this->getButtons($editor, $buttons); $newResult = (array) $newResult; $event['result'] = array_merge($result, $newResult); } ); } /** * Returns the global Editor object, only creating it * if it doesn't already exist. * * @param string $editor The editor to use. * * @return Editor The Editor object. * * @since 1.5 */ public static function getInstance($editor = 'none') { $signature = serialize($editor); if (empty(self::$instances[$signature])) { self::$instances[$signature] = new static($editor); } return self::$instances[$signature]; } /** * Initialise the editor * * @return void * * @since 1.5 */ public function initialise() { // Check if editor is already loaded if ($this->_editor === null) { return; } if (method_exists($this->_editor, 'onInit')) { \call_user_func(array($this->_editor, 'onInit')); } } /** * Display the editor area. * * @param string $name The control name. * @param string $html The contents of the text area. * @param string $width The width of the text area (px or %). * @param string $height The height of the text area (px or %). * @param integer $col The number of columns for the textarea. * @param integer $row The number of rows for the textarea. * @param boolean $buttons True and the editor buttons will be displayed. * @param string $id An optional ID for the textarea (note: since 1.6). If not supplied the name is used. * @param string $asset The object asset * @param object $author The author. * @param array $params Associative array of editor parameters. * * @return string * * @since 1.5 */ public function display($name, $html, $width, $height, $col, $row, $buttons = true, $id = null, $asset = null, $author = null, $params = array()) { $this->asset = $asset; $this->author = $author; $this->_loadEditor($params); // Check whether editor is already loaded if ($this->_editor === null) { Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(Text::_('JLIB_NO_EDITOR_PLUGIN_PUBLISHED'), 'danger'); return; } // Backwards compatibility. Width and height should be passed without a semicolon from now on. // If editor plugins need a unit like "px" for CSS styling, they need to take care of that $width = str_replace(';', '', $width); $height = str_replace(';', '', $height); $return = null; $args['name'] = $name; $args['content'] = $html; $args['width'] = $width; $args['height'] = $height; $args['col'] = $col; $args['row'] = $row; $args['buttons'] = $buttons; $args['id'] = $id ?: $name; $args['asset'] = $asset; $args['author'] = $author; $args['params'] = $params; return \call_user_func_array(array($this->_editor, 'onDisplay'), $args); } /** * Get the editor extended buttons (usually from plugins) * * @param string $editor The name of the editor. * @param mixed $buttons Can be boolean or array, if boolean defines if the buttons are * displayed, if array defines a list of buttons not to show. * * @return array * * @since 1.5 */ public function getButtons($editor, $buttons = true) { $result = array(); if (\is_bool($buttons) && !$buttons) { return $result; } // Get plugins $plugins = PluginHelper::getPlugin('editors-xtd'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (\is_array($buttons) && \in_array($plugin->name, $buttons)) { continue; } PluginHelper::importPlugin('editors-xtd', $plugin->name, false); $className = 'PlgEditorsXtd' . $plugin->name; if (!class_exists($className)) { $className = 'PlgButton' . $plugin->name; } if (class_exists($className)) { $dispatcher = $this->getDispatcher(); $plugin = new $className($dispatcher, (array) $plugin); } // Try to authenticate if (!method_exists($plugin, 'onDisplay')) { continue; } $button = $plugin->onDisplay($editor, $this->asset, $this->author); if (empty($button)) { continue; } if (\is_array($button)) { $result = array_merge($result, $button); continue; } $result[] = $button; } return $result; } /** * Load the editor * * @param array $config Associative array of editor config parameters * * @return mixed * * @since 1.5 */ protected function _loadEditor($config = array()) { // Check whether editor is already loaded if ($this->_editor !== null) { return false; } // Build the path to the needed editor plugin $name = InputFilter::getInstance()->clean($this->_name, 'cmd'); $path = JPATH_PLUGINS . '/editors/' . $name . '/' . $name . '.php'; if (!is_file($path)) { Log::add(Text::_('JLIB_HTML_EDITOR_CANNOT_LOAD'), Log::WARNING, 'jerror'); return false; } // Require plugin file require_once $path; // Get the plugin $plugin = PluginHelper::getPlugin('editors', $this->_name); // If no plugin is published we get an empty array and there not so much to do with it if (empty($plugin)) { return false; } $params = new Registry($plugin->params); $params->loadArray($config); $plugin->params = $params; // Build editor plugin classname $name = 'PlgEditor' . $this->_name; $dispatcher = $this->getDispatcher(); if ($this->_editor = new $name($dispatcher, (array) $plugin)) { // Load plugin parameters $this->initialise(); PluginHelper::importPlugin('editors-xtd'); } } }