<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Completion; use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; /** * An input specialized for shell completion. * * This input allows unfinished option names or values and exposes what kind of * completion is expected. * * @author Wouter de Jong <wouter@wouterj.nl> */ final class CompletionInput extends ArgvInput { public const TYPE_ARGUMENT_VALUE = 'argument_value'; public const TYPE_OPTION_VALUE = 'option_value'; public const TYPE_OPTION_NAME = 'option_name'; public const TYPE_NONE = 'none'; private $tokens; private $currentIndex; private $completionType; private $completionName = null; private $completionValue = ''; /** * Converts a terminal string into tokens. * * This is required for shell completions without COMP_WORDS support. */ public static function fromString(string $inputStr, int $currentIndex): self { preg_match_all('/(?<=^|\s)([\'"]?)(.+?)(?<!\\\\)\1(?=$|\s)/', $inputStr, $tokens); return self::fromTokens($tokens[0], $currentIndex); } /** * Create an input based on an COMP_WORDS token list. * * @param string[] $tokens the set of split tokens (e.g. COMP_WORDS or argv) * @param $currentIndex the index of the cursor (e.g. COMP_CWORD) */ public static function fromTokens(array $tokens, int $currentIndex): self { $input = new self($tokens); $input->tokens = $tokens; $input->currentIndex = $currentIndex; return $input; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function bind(InputDefinition $definition): void { parent::bind($definition); $relevantToken = $this->getRelevantToken(); if ('-' === $relevantToken[0]) { // the current token is an input option: complete either option name or option value [$optionToken, $optionValue] = explode('=', $relevantToken, 2) + ['', '']; $option = $this->getOptionFromToken($optionToken); if (null === $option && !$this->isCursorFree()) { $this->completionType = self::TYPE_OPTION_NAME; $this->completionValue = $relevantToken; return; } if (null !== $option && $option->acceptValue()) { $this->completionType = self::TYPE_OPTION_VALUE; $this->completionName = $option->getName(); $this->completionValue = $optionValue ?: (!str_starts_with($optionToken, '--') ? substr($optionToken, 2) : ''); return; } } $previousToken = $this->tokens[$this->currentIndex - 1]; if ('-' === $previousToken[0] && '' !== trim($previousToken, '-')) { // check if previous option accepted a value $previousOption = $this->getOptionFromToken($previousToken); if (null !== $previousOption && $previousOption->acceptValue()) { $this->completionType = self::TYPE_OPTION_VALUE; $this->completionName = $previousOption->getName(); $this->completionValue = $relevantToken; return; } } // complete argument value $this->completionType = self::TYPE_ARGUMENT_VALUE; foreach ($this->definition->getArguments() as $argumentName => $argument) { if (!isset($this->arguments[$argumentName])) { break; } $argumentValue = $this->arguments[$argumentName]; $this->completionName = $argumentName; if (\is_array($argumentValue)) { $this->completionValue = $argumentValue ? $argumentValue[array_key_last($argumentValue)] : null; } else { $this->completionValue = $argumentValue; } } if ($this->currentIndex >= \count($this->tokens)) { if (!isset($this->arguments[$argumentName]) || $this->definition->getArgument($argumentName)->isArray()) { $this->completionName = $argumentName; $this->completionValue = ''; } else { // we've reached the end $this->completionType = self::TYPE_NONE; $this->completionName = null; $this->completionValue = ''; } } } /** * Returns the type of completion required. * * TYPE_ARGUMENT_VALUE when completing the value of an input argument * TYPE_OPTION_VALUE when completing the value of an input option * TYPE_OPTION_NAME when completing the name of an input option * TYPE_NONE when nothing should be completed * * @return string One of self::TYPE_* constants. TYPE_OPTION_NAME and TYPE_NONE are already implemented by the Console component */ public function getCompletionType(): string { return $this->completionType; } /** * The name of the input option or argument when completing a value. * * @return string|null returns null when completing an option name */ public function getCompletionName(): ?string { return $this->completionName; } /** * The value already typed by the user (or empty string). */ public function getCompletionValue(): string { return $this->completionValue; } public function mustSuggestOptionValuesFor(string $optionName): bool { return self::TYPE_OPTION_VALUE === $this->getCompletionType() && $optionName === $this->getCompletionName(); } public function mustSuggestArgumentValuesFor(string $argumentName): bool { return self::TYPE_ARGUMENT_VALUE === $this->getCompletionType() && $argumentName === $this->getCompletionName(); } protected function parseToken(string $token, bool $parseOptions): bool { try { return parent::parseToken($token, $parseOptions); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { // suppress errors, completed input is almost never valid } return $parseOptions; } private function getOptionFromToken(string $optionToken): ?InputOption { $optionName = ltrim($optionToken, '-'); if (!$optionName) { return null; } if ('-' === ($optionToken[1] ?? ' ')) { // long option name return $this->definition->hasOption($optionName) ? $this->definition->getOption($optionName) : null; } // short option name return $this->definition->hasShortcut($optionName[0]) ? $this->definition->getOptionForShortcut($optionName[0]) : null; } /** * The token of the cursor, or the last token if the cursor is at the end of the input. */ private function getRelevantToken(): string { return $this->tokens[$this->isCursorFree() ? $this->currentIndex - 1 : $this->currentIndex]; } /** * Whether the cursor is "free" (i.e. at the end of the input preceded by a space). */ private function isCursorFree(): bool { $nrOfTokens = \count($this->tokens); if ($this->currentIndex > $nrOfTokens) { throw new \LogicException('Current index is invalid, it must be the number of input tokens or one more.'); } return $this->currentIndex >= $nrOfTokens; } public function __toString() { $str = ''; foreach ($this->tokens as $i => $token) { $str .= $token; if ($this->currentIndex === $i) { $str .= '|'; } $str .= ' '; } if ($this->currentIndex > $i) { $str .= '|'; } return rtrim($str); } }