<?php /** * Part of the Joomla Framework Database Package * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE */ namespace Joomla\Database\Sqlsrv; use Joomla\Database\DatabaseInterface; use Joomla\Database\DatabaseQuery; use Joomla\Database\Query\QueryElement; /** * SQL Server Query Building Class. * * @since 1.0 */ class SqlsrvQuery extends DatabaseQuery { /** * The list of zero or null representation of a datetime. * * @var array * @since 2.0.0 */ protected $nullDatetimeList = ['1900-01-01 00:00:00']; /** * Magic function to convert the query to a string. * * @return string The completed query. * * @since 1.0 */ public function __toString() { // For the moment if we are given a query string we can't effectively process limits, fix this later if ($this->sql) { return $this->sql; } $query = ''; switch ($this->type) { case 'select': // Add required aliases for offset or fixGroupColumns method $columns = $this->fixSelectAliases(); $query = (string) $this->select; if ($this->group) { $this->fixGroupColumns($columns); } $query .= (string) $this->from; if ($this->join) { // Special case for joins foreach ($this->join as $join) { $query .= (string) $join; } } if ($this->where) { $query .= (string) $this->where; } if ($this->selectRowNumber === null) { if ($this->group) { $query .= (string) $this->group; } if ($this->having) { $query .= (string) $this->having; } if ($this->merge) { // Special case for merge foreach ($this->merge as $idx => $element) { $query .= (string) $element . ' AS merge_' . (int) ($idx + 1); } } } if ($this->order) { $query .= (string) $this->order; } else { $query .= PHP_EOL . '/*ORDER BY (SELECT 0)*/'; } $query = $this->processLimit($query, $this->limit, $this->offset); if ($this->alias !== null) { $query = '(' . $query . ') AS ' . $this->alias; } break; case 'querySet': $query = $this->querySet; if ($query->order || $query->limit || $query->offset) { // If ORDER BY or LIMIT statement exist then parentheses is required for the first query $query = PHP_EOL . "SELECT * FROM ($query) AS merge_0"; } if ($this->merge) { // Special case for merge foreach ($this->merge as $idx => $element) { $query .= (string) $element . ' AS merge_' . (int) ($idx + 1); } } if ($this->order) { $query .= (string) $this->order; } $query = $this->processLimit($query, $this->limit, $this->offset); break; case 'insert': $query .= (string) $this->insert; // Set method if ($this->set) { $query .= (string) $this->set; } elseif ($this->values) { // Columns-Values method if ($this->columns) { $query .= (string) $this->columns; } $elements = $this->insert->getElements(); $tableName = array_shift($elements); $query .= 'VALUES '; $query .= (string) $this->values; if ($this->autoIncrementField) { $query = 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . $tableName . ' ON;' . $query . 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . $tableName . ' OFF;'; } if ($this->where) { $query .= (string) $this->where; } } break; case 'delete': $query .= (string) $this->delete; $query .= (string) $this->from; if ($this->join) { // Special case for joins foreach ($this->join as $join) { $query .= (string) $join; } } if ($this->where) { $query .= (string) $this->where; } if ($this->order) { $query .= (string) $this->order; } break; case 'update': if ($this->join) { $tmpUpdate = $this->update; $tmpFrom = $this->from; $this->update = null; $this->from = null; $updateElem = $tmpUpdate->getElements(); $updateArray = explode(' ', $updateElem[0]); // Use table alias if exists $this->update(end($updateArray)); $this->from($updateElem[0]); $query .= (string) $this->update; $query .= (string) $this->set; $query .= (string) $this->from; $this->update = $tmpUpdate; $this->from = $tmpFrom; // Special case for joins foreach ($this->join as $join) { $query .= (string) $join; } } else { $query .= (string) $this->update; $query .= (string) $this->set; } if ($this->where) { $query .= (string) $this->where; } if ($this->order) { $query .= (string) $this->order; } break; default: $query = parent::__toString(); break; } return $query; } /** * Casts a value to a char. * * Ensure that the value is properly quoted before passing to the method. * * Usage: * $query->select($query->castAs('CHAR', 'a')); * * @param string $type The type of string to cast as. * @param string $value The value to cast as a char. * @param string $length The value to cast as a char. * * @return string SQL statement to cast the value as a char type. * * @since 1.0 */ public function castAs(string $type, string $value, ?string $length = null) { switch (strtoupper($type)) { case 'CHAR': if (!$length) { $length = '10'; } return 'CAST(' . $value . ' as NVARCHAR(' . $length . '))'; case 'INT': return 'CAST(' . $value . ' AS INT)'; } return parent::castAs($type, $value, $length); } /** * Gets the function to determine the length of a character string. * * @param string $field A value. * @param string|null $operator Comparison operator between charLength integer value and $condition * @param string|null $condition Integer value to compare charLength with. * * @return string The required char length call. * * @since 1.0 */ public function charLength($field, $operator = null, $condition = null) { $statement = 'DATALENGTH(' . $field . ')'; if ($operator !== null && $condition !== null) { $statement .= ' ' . $operator . ' ' . $condition; } return $statement; } /** * Concatenates an array of column names or values. * * @param string[] $values An array of values to concatenate. * @param string|null $separator As separator to place between each value. * * @return string The concatenated values. * * @since 1.0 */ public function concatenate($values, $separator = null) { if ($separator !== null) { return '(' . implode('+' . $this->quote($separator) . '+', $values) . ')'; } return '(' . implode('+', $values) . ')'; } /** * Gets the current date and time. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ public function currentTimestamp() { return 'GETDATE()'; } /** * Get the length of a string in bytes. * * @param string $value The string to measure. * * @return integer * * @since 1.0 */ public function length($value) { return 'LEN(' . $value . ')'; } /** * Add a grouping column to the GROUP clause of the query. * * Usage: * $query->group('id'); * * @param mixed $columns A string or array of ordering columns. * * @return SqlsrvQuery Returns this object to allow chaining. * * @since 1.5.0 */ public function group($columns) { if (!($this->db instanceof DatabaseInterface)) { throw new \RuntimeException('JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_INVALID_DB_OBJECT'); } // Transform $columns into an array for filtering purposes \is_string($columns) && $columns = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $columns)); // Get the _formatted_ FROM string and remove everything except `table AS alias` $fromStr = str_replace(['[', ']'], '', str_replace('#__', $this->db->getPrefix(), str_replace('FROM ', '', (string) $this->from))); // Start setting up an array of alias => table list($table, $alias) = preg_split("/\sAS\s/i", $fromStr); $tmpCols = $this->db->getTableColumns(trim($table)); $cols = []; foreach ($tmpCols as $name => $type) { $cols[] = $alias . '.' . $name; } // Now we need to get all tables from any joins // Go through all joins and add them to the tables array foreach ($this->join as $join) { $joinTbl = str_replace( '#__', $this->db->getPrefix(), str_replace( ']', '', preg_replace("/.*(#.+\sAS\s[^\s]*).*/i", '$1', (string) $join) ) ); list($table, $alias) = preg_split("/\sAS\s/i", $joinTbl); $tmpCols = $this->db->getTableColumns(trim($table)); foreach ($tmpCols as $name => $tmpColType) { $cols[] = $alias . '.' . $name; } } $selectStr = str_replace('SELECT ', '', (string) $this->select); // Remove any functions (e.g. COUNT(), SUM(), CONCAT()) $selectCols = preg_replace("/([^,]*\([^\)]*\)[^,]*,?)/", '', $selectStr); // Remove any "as alias" statements $selectCols = preg_replace("/(\sas\s[^,]*)/i", '', $selectCols); // Remove any extra commas $selectCols = preg_replace('/,{2,}/', ',', $selectCols); // Remove any trailing commas and all whitespaces $selectCols = trim(str_replace(' ', '', preg_replace('/,?$/', '', $selectCols))); // Get an array to compare against $selectCols = explode(',', $selectCols); // Find all alias.* and fill with proper table column names foreach ($selectCols as $key => $aliasColName) { if (preg_match("/.+\*/", $aliasColName, $match)) { // Grab the table alias minus the .* $aliasStar = preg_replace("/(.+)\.\*/", '$1', $aliasColName); // Unset the array key unset($selectCols[$key]); // Get the table name $tableColumns = preg_grep("/{$aliasStar}\.+/", $cols); $columns = array_merge($columns, $tableColumns); } } // Finally, get a unique string of all column names that need to be included in the group statement $columns = array_unique(array_merge($columns, $selectCols)); $columns = implode(',', $columns); // Recreate it every time, to ensure we have checked _all_ select statements $this->group = new QueryElement('GROUP BY', $columns); return $this; } /** * Aggregate function to get input values concatenated into a string, separated by delimiter * * Usage: * $query->groupConcat('id', ','); * * @param string $expression The expression to apply concatenation to, this may be a column name or complex SQL statement. * @param string $separator The delimiter of each concatenated value * * @return string Input values concatenated into a string, separated by delimiter * * @since 2.0.0 */ public function groupConcat($expression, $separator = ',') { return 'string_agg(' . $expression . ', ' . $this->quote($separator) . ')'; } /** * Get the function to return a random floating-point value * * Usage: * $query->rand(); * * @return string * * @since 1.5.0 */ public function rand() { return ' NEWID() '; } /** * Find a value in a varchar used like a set. * * Ensure that the value is an integer before passing to the method. * * Usage: * $query->findInSet((int) $parent->id, 'a.assigned_cat_ids') * * @param string $value The value to search for. * @param string $set The set of values. * * @return string A representation of the MySQL find_in_set() function for the driver. * * @since 1.5.0 */ public function findInSet($value, $set) { return "CHARINDEX(',$value,', ',' + $set + ',') > 0"; } /** * Add required aliases to columns for select statement in subquery. * * @return array[] Array of columns with added missing aliases. * * @since 2.0.0 */ protected function fixSelectAliases() { $operators = [ '+' => '', '-' => '', '*' => '', '/' => '', '%' => '', '&' => '', '|' => '', '~' => '', '^' => '', ]; // Split into array and remove comments $columns = $this->splitSqlExpression(implode(',', $this->select->getElements())); foreach ($columns as $i => $column) { $size = \count($column); if ($size == 0) { continue; } if ($size > 2 && strcasecmp($column[$size - 2], 'AS') === 0) { // Alias exists, replace it to uppercase $columns[$i][$size - 2] = 'AS'; continue; } if ($i == 0 && stripos(' DISTINCT ALL ', " $column[0] ") !== false) { // This words are reserved, they are not column names array_shift($column); $size--; } $lastWord = strtoupper($column[$size - 1]); $length = \strlen($lastWord); $lastChar = $lastWord[$length - 1]; if ($lastChar == '*') { // Skip on wildcard continue; } if ($lastChar == ')' || ($size == 1 && $lastChar == "'") || $lastWord[0] == '@' || $lastWord == 'NULL' || $lastWord == 'END' || is_numeric($lastWord)) { /* * Ends with: * - SQL function * - single static value like 'only '+'string' * - @@var * - NULL * - CASE ... END * - Numeric */ $columns[$i][] = 'AS'; $columns[$i][] = $this->quoteName('columnAlias' . $i); continue; } if ($size == 1) { continue; } $lastChar2 = substr($column[$size - 2], -1); // Check if column ends with '- a.x' or '- a. x' if (isset($operators[$lastChar2]) || ($size > 2 && $lastChar2 === '.' && isset($operators[substr($column[$size - 3], -1)]))) { // Ignore plus signs if column start with them if ($size != 2 || ltrim($column[0], '+') !== '' || $column[1][0] === "'") { // If operator exists before last word then alias is required for subquery $columns[$i][] = 'AS'; $columns[$i][] = $this->quoteName('columnAlias' . $i); continue; } } elseif ($column[$size - 1][0] !== '.' && $lastChar2 !== '.') { // If columns is like name name2 then second word is alias. // Add missing AS before the alias, exception for 'a. x' and 'a .x' array_splice($columns[$i], -1, 0, 'AS'); } } $selectColumns = []; foreach ($columns as $i => $column) { $selectColumns[$i] = implode(' ', $column); } $this->select = new QueryElement('SELECT', $selectColumns); return $columns; } /** * Add missing columns names to GROUP BY clause. * * @param array[] $selectColumns Array of columns from splitSqlExpression method. * * @return $this * * @since 2.0.0 */ protected function fixGroupColumns($selectColumns) { // Cache tables columns static $cacheCols = []; // Known columns of all included tables $knownColumnsByAlias = []; $iquotes = ['"' => '', '[' => '', "'" => '']; $nquotes = ['"', '[', ']']; // Aggregate functions $aFuncs = [ 'AVG(', 'CHECKSUM_AGG(', 'COUNT(', 'COUNT_BIG(', 'GROUPING(', 'GROUPING_ID(', 'MIN(', 'MAX(', 'SUM(', 'STDEV(', 'STDEVP(', 'VAR(', 'VARP(', ]; // Aggregated columns $filteredColumns = []; // Aliases found in SELECT statement $knownAliases = []; $wildcardTables = []; foreach ($selectColumns as $i => $column) { $size = \count($column); if ($size === 0) { continue; } if ($i == 0 && stripos(' DISTINCT ALL ', " $column[0] ") !== false) { // These words are reserved, they are not column names array_shift($selectColumns[0]); array_shift($column); $size--; } if ($size > 2 && $column[$size - 2] === 'AS') { // Save and remove AS alias $alias = $column[$size - 1]; if (isset($iquotes[$alias[0]])) { $alias = substr($alias, 1, -1); } // Remove alias $selectColumns[$i] = $column = \array_slice($column, 0, -2); if ($size === 3 || ($size === 4 && strpos('+-*/%&|~^', $column[0][0]) !== false)) { $lastWord = $column[$size - 3]; if ($lastWord[0] === "'" || $lastWord === 'NULL' || is_numeric($lastWord)) { unset($selectColumns[$i]); continue; } } // Remember pair alias => column expression $knownAliases[$alias] = implode(' ', $column); } $aggregated = false; foreach ($column as $j => $block) { if (substr($block, -2) === '.*') { // Found column ends with .* if (isset($iquotes[$block[0]])) { // Quoted table $wildcardTables[] = substr($block, 1, -3); } else { $wildcardTables[] = substr($block, 0, -2); } } elseif (str_ireplace($aFuncs, '', $block) != $block) { $aggregated = true; } if ($block[0] === "'") { // Shrink static strings which could contain column name $column[$j] = "''"; } } if (!$aggregated) { // Without aggregated columns and aliases $filteredColumns[] = implode(' ', $selectColumns[$i]); } // Without aliases and static strings $selectColumns[$i] = implode(' ', $column); } // If select statement use table.* expression if ($wildcardTables) { // Split FROM statement into list of tables $tables = $this->splitSqlExpression(implode(',', $this->from->getElements())); foreach ($tables as $i => $table) { $table = implode(' ', $table); // Exclude subquery from the FROM clause if (strpos($table, '(') === false) { // Unquote $table = str_replace($nquotes, '', $table); $table = str_replace('#__', $this->db->getPrefix(), $table); $table = explode(' ', $table); $alias = end($table); $table = $table[0]; // Chek if exists a wildcard with current alias table? if (\in_array($alias, $wildcardTables, true)) { if (!isset($cacheCols[$table])) { $cacheCols[$table] = $this->db->getTableColumns($table); } if ($this->join || $table != $alias) { foreach ($cacheCols[$table] as $name => $type) { $knownColumnsByAlias[$alias][] = $alias . '.' . $name; } } else { foreach ($cacheCols[$table] as $name => $type) { $knownColumnsByAlias[$alias][] = $name; } } } } } // Now we need to get all tables from any joins // Go through all joins and add them to the tables array if ($this->join) { foreach ($this->join as $join) { // Unquote and replace prefix $joinTbl = str_replace($nquotes, '', (string) $join); $joinTbl = str_replace('#__', $this->db->getPrefix(), $joinTbl); // Exclude subquery if (preg_match('/JOIN\s+(\w+)(?:\s+AS)?(?:\s+(\w+))?/i', $joinTbl, $matches)) { $table = $matches[1]; $alias = $matches[2] ?? $table; // Chek if exists a wildcard with current alias table? if (\in_array($alias, $wildcardTables, true)) { if (!isset($cacheCols[$table])) { $cacheCols[$table] = $this->db->getTableColumns($table); } foreach ($cacheCols[$table] as $name => $type) { $knownColumnsByAlias[$alias][] = $alias . '.' . $name; } } } } } } $selectExpression = implode(',', $selectColumns); // Split into the right columns $groupColumns = $this->splitSqlExpression(implode(',', $this->group->getElements())); // Remove column aliases from GROUP statement - SQLSRV does not support it foreach ($groupColumns as $i => $column) { $groupColumns[$i] = implode(' ', $column); $column = str_replace($nquotes, '', $groupColumns[$i]); if (isset($knownAliases[$column])) { // Be sure that this is not a valid column name if (!preg_match('/\b' . preg_quote($column, '/') . '\b/', $selectExpression)) { // Replace column alias by column expression $groupColumns[$i] = $knownAliases[$column]; } } } // Find all alias.* and fill with proper table column names foreach ($filteredColumns as $i => $column) { if (substr($column, -2) === '.*') { unset($filteredColumns[$i]); // Extract alias.* columns into GROUP BY statement $groupColumns = array_merge($groupColumns, $knownColumnsByAlias[substr($column, 0, -2)]); } } $groupColumns = array_merge($groupColumns, $filteredColumns); if ($this->order) { // Remove direction suffixes $dir = [" DESC\v", " ASC\v"]; $orderColumns = $this->splitSqlExpression(implode(',', $this->order->getElements())); foreach ($orderColumns as $i => $column) { $column = implode(' ', $column); $orderColumns[$i] = $column = trim(str_ireplace($dir, '', "$column\v"), "\v"); if (isset($knownAliases[str_replace($nquotes, '', $column)])) { unset($orderColumns[$i]); } if (str_ireplace($aFuncs, '', $column) != $column) { // Do not add aggregate expression unset($orderColumns[$i]); } } $groupColumns = array_merge($groupColumns, $orderColumns); } // Get a unique string of all column names that need to be included in the group statement $this->group = new QueryElement('GROUP BY', array_unique($groupColumns)); return $this; } /** * Split a string of sql expression into an array of individual columns. * Single line or line end comments and multi line comments are stripped off. * Always return at least one column. * * @param string $string Input string of sql expression like select expression. * * @return array[] The columns from the input string separated into an array. * * @since 2.0.0 */ protected function splitSqlExpression($string) { // Append whitespace as equivalent to the last comma $string .= ' '; $colIdx = 0; $start = 0; $open = false; $openC = 0; $comment = false; $endString = ''; $length = \strlen($string); $columns = []; $column = []; $current = ''; $previous = null; $operators = [ '+' => '', '-' => '', '*' => '', '/' => '', '%' => '', '&' => '', '|' => '', '~' => '', '^' => '', ]; $addBlock = function ($block) use (&$column, &$colIdx) { if (isset($column[$colIdx])) { $column[$colIdx] .= $block; } else { $column[$colIdx] = $block; } }; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $current = substr($string, $i, 1); $current2 = substr($string, $i, 2); $current3 = substr($string, $i, 3); $lenEndString = \strlen($endString); $testEnd = substr($string, $i, $lenEndString); if ($current == '[' || $current == '"' || $current == "'" || $current2 == '--' || ($current2 == '/*') || ($current == '#' && $current3 != '#__') || ($lenEndString && $testEnd == $endString)) { if ($open) { if ($testEnd === $endString) { if ($comment) { if ($lenEndString > 1) { $i += ($lenEndString - 1); } // Move cursor after close tag of comment $start = $i + 1; $comment = false; } elseif ($current == "'" || $current == ']' || $current == '"') { // Check for escaped quote like '', ]] or "" $n = 1; while ($i + $n < $length && $string[$i + $n] == $current) { $n++; } // Jump to the last quote $i += $n - 1; if ($n % 2 === 0) { // There is only escaped quote continue; } if ($n > 2) { // The last right close quote is not escaped $current = $string[$i]; } } $open = false; $endString = ''; } } else { $open = true; if ($current == '#' || $current2 == '--') { $endString = "\n"; $comment = true; } elseif ($current2 == '/*') { $endString = '*/'; $comment = true; } elseif ($current == '[') { $endString = ']'; } else { $endString = $current; } if ($comment && $start < $i) { // Add string exists before comment $addBlock(substr($string, $start, $i - $start)); $previous = $string[$i - 1]; $start = $i; } } } elseif (!$open) { if ($current == '(') { $openC++; $previous = $current; } elseif ($current == ')') { $openC--; $previous = $current; } elseif ($current == '.') { if ($i === $start && $colIdx > 0 && !isset($column[$colIdx])) { // Remove whitespace placed before dot $colIdx--; } $previous = $current; } elseif ($openC === 0) { if (ctype_space($current)) { // Normalize whitespace $string[$i] = ' '; if ($start < $i) { // Add text placed before whitespace $addBlock(substr($string, $start, $i - $start)); $colIdx++; $previous = $string[$i - 1]; } elseif (isset($column[$colIdx])) { if ($colIdx > 1 || !isset($operators[$previous])) { // There was whitespace after comment $colIdx++; } } // Move cursor forward $start = $i + 1; } elseif (isset($operators[$current]) && ($current !== '*' || $previous !== '.')) { if ($start < $i) { // Add text before operator $addBlock(substr($string, $start, $i - $start)); $colIdx++; } elseif (!isset($column[$colIdx]) && isset($operators[$previous])) { // Do not create whitespace between operators $colIdx--; } // Add operator $addBlock($current); $previous = $current; $colIdx++; // Move cursor forward $start = $i + 1; } else { $previous = $current; } } } if (($current == ',' && !$open && $openC == 0) || $i == $length - 1) { if ($start < $i && !$comment) { // Save remaining text $addBlock(substr($string, $start, $i - $start)); } $columns[] = $column; // Reset values $column = []; $colIdx = 0; $previous = null; // Column saved, move cursor forward after comma $start = $i + 1; } } return $columns; } /** * Method to modify a query already in string format with the needed additions to make the query limited to a particular number of * results, or start at a particular offset. * * @param string $query The query in string format * @param integer $limit The limit for the result set * @param integer $offset The offset for the result set * * @return string * * @since 2.0.0 */ public function processLimit($query, $limit, $offset = 0) { if ($offset > 0) { // Find a position of the last comment $commentPos = strrpos($query, '/*ORDER BY (SELECT 0)*/'); // If the last comment belongs to this query, not previous subquery if ($commentPos !== false && $commentPos + 2 === strripos($query, 'ORDER BY', $commentPos + 2)) { // We can not use OFFSET without ORDER BY $query = substr_replace($query, 'ORDER BY (SELECT 0)', $commentPos, 23); } $query .= PHP_EOL . 'OFFSET ' . (int) $offset . ' ROWS'; if ($limit > 0) { $query .= PHP_EOL . 'FETCH NEXT ' . (int) $limit . ' ROWS ONLY'; } } elseif ($limit > 0) { $position = stripos($query, 'SELECT'); $distinct = stripos($query, 'SELECT DISTINCT'); if ($position === $distinct) { $query = substr_replace($query, 'SELECT DISTINCT TOP ' . (int) $limit, $position, 15); } else { $query = substr_replace($query, 'SELECT TOP ' . (int) $limit, $position, 6); } } return $query; } /** * Add a query to UNION with the current query. * * Usage: * $query->union('SELECT name FROM #__foo') * $query->union('SELECT name FROM #__foo', true) * * @param DatabaseQuery|string $query The DatabaseQuery object or string to union. * @param boolean $distinct True to only return distinct rows from the union. * * @return $this * * @since 1.0 */ public function union($query, $distinct = true) { // Set up the name with parentheses, the DISTINCT flag is redundant return $this->merge($distinct ? 'UNION SELECT * FROM ()' : 'UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ()', $query); } }