<?php /* * This file is part of the PHPASN1 library. * * Copyright © Friedrich Große <friedrich.grosse@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FG\ASN1\Universal; use FG\ASN1\AbstractTime; use FG\ASN1\Parsable; use FG\ASN1\Identifier; use FG\ASN1\Exception\ParserException; /** * This ASN.1 universal type contains the calendar date and time. * * The precision is one minute or one second and optionally a * local time differential from coordinated universal time. * * Decoding of this type will accept the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) * The encoding will comply with the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). */ class UTCTime extends AbstractTime implements Parsable { public function getType() { return Identifier::UTC_TIME; } protected function calculateContentLength() { return 13; // Content is a string o the following format: YYMMDDhhmmssZ (13 octets) } protected function getEncodedValue() { return $this->value->format('ymdHis').'Z'; } public static function fromBinary(&$binaryData, &$offsetIndex = 0) { self::parseIdentifier($binaryData[$offsetIndex], Identifier::UTC_TIME, $offsetIndex++); $contentLength = self::parseContentLength($binaryData, $offsetIndex, 11); $format = 'ymdGi'; $dateTimeString = substr($binaryData, $offsetIndex, 10); $offsetIndex += 10; // extract optional seconds part if ($binaryData[$offsetIndex] != 'Z' && $binaryData[$offsetIndex] != '+' && $binaryData[$offsetIndex] != '-') { $dateTimeString .= substr($binaryData, $offsetIndex, 2); $offsetIndex += 2; $format .= 's'; } $dateTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $dateTimeString, new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); // extract time zone settings if ($binaryData[$offsetIndex] == '+' || $binaryData[$offsetIndex] == '-') { $dateTime = static::extractTimeZoneData($binaryData, $offsetIndex, $dateTime); } elseif ($binaryData[$offsetIndex++] != 'Z') { throw new ParserException('Invalid UTC String', $offsetIndex); } $parsedObject = new self($dateTime); $parsedObject->setContentLength($contentLength); return $parsedObject; } }