<?php /** * Part of the Joomla Framework Database Package * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE */ namespace Joomla\Database\Pgsql; use Joomla\Database\DatabaseImporter; /** * PDO PostgreSQL Database Importer. * * @since 1.5.0 */ class PgsqlImporter extends DatabaseImporter { /** * Checks if all data and options are in order prior to exporting. * * @return $this * * @since 1.5.0 * @throws \RuntimeException if an error is encountered. */ public function check() { // Check if the db connector has been set. if (!($this->db instanceof PgsqlDriver)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Database connection wrong type.'); } // Check if the tables have been specified. if (empty($this->from)) { throw new \RuntimeException('ERROR: No Tables Specified'); } return $this; } /** * Get the SQL syntax to add an index. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $field The XML index definition. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getAddIndexSql(\SimpleXMLElement $field) { return (string) $field['Query']; } /** * Get alters for table if there is a difference. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $structure The XML structure of the table. * * @return array * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getAlterTableSql(\SimpleXMLElement $structure) { $table = $this->getRealTableName($structure['name']); $oldFields = $this->db->getTableColumns($table); $oldKeys = $this->db->getTableKeys($table); $oldSequence = $this->db->getTableSequences($table); $alters = []; // Get the fields and keys from the XML that we are aiming for. $newFields = $structure->xpath('field'); $newKeys = $structure->xpath('key'); $newSequence = $structure->xpath('sequence'); /* * Sequence section */ $oldSeq = $this->getSeqLookup($oldSequence); $newSequenceLook = $this->getSeqLookup($newSequence); foreach ($newSequenceLook as $kSeqName => $vSeq) { if (isset($oldSeq[$kSeqName])) { // The field exists, check it's the same. $column = $oldSeq[$kSeqName][0]; // Test whether there is a change. $change = ((string) $vSeq[0]['Type'] !== $column->Type) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Start_Value'] !== $column->Start_Value) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Min_Value'] !== $column->Min_Value) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Max_Value'] !== $column->Max_Value) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Increment'] !== $column->Increment) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Cycle_option'] !== $column->Cycle_option) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Table'] !== $column->Table) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Column'] !== $column->Column) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Schema'] !== $column->Schema) || ((string) $vSeq[0]['Name'] !== $column->Name); if ($change) { $alters[] = $this->getChangeSequenceSql($kSeqName, $vSeq); $alters[] = $this->getSetvalSequenceSql($kSeqName, $vSeq); } // Unset this field so that what we have left are fields that need to be removed. unset($oldSeq[$kSeqName]); } else { // The sequence is new $alters[] = $this->getAddSequenceSql($newSequenceLook[$kSeqName][0]); $alters[] = $this->getSetvalSequenceSql($newSequenceLook[$kSeqName][0]); } } // Any sequences left are orphans foreach ($oldSeq as $name => $column) { // Delete the sequence. $alters[] = $this->getDropSequenceSql($name); } /* * Field section */ // Loop through each field in the new structure. foreach ($newFields as $field) { $fName = (string) $field['Field']; if (isset($oldFields[$fName])) { // The field exists, check it's the same. $column = $oldFields[$fName]; // Test whether there is a change. $change = ((string) $field['Type'] !== $column->Type) || ((string) $field['Null'] !== $column->Null) || ((string) $field['Default'] !== $column->Default); if ($change) { $alters[] = $this->getChangeColumnSql($table, $field); } // Unset this field so that what we have left are fields that need to be removed. unset($oldFields[$fName]); } else { // The field is new. $alters[] = $this->getAddColumnSql($table, $field); } } // Any columns left are orphans foreach ($oldFields as $name => $column) { // Delete the column. $alters[] = $this->getDropColumnSql($table, $name); } /* * Index section */ // Get the lookups for the old and new keys $oldLookup = $this->getKeyLookup($oldKeys); $newLookup = $this->getKeyLookup($newKeys); // Loop through each key in the new structure. foreach ($newLookup as $name => $keys) { // Check if there are keys on this field in the existing table. if (isset($oldLookup[$name])) { $same = true; $newCount = \count($newLookup[$name]); $oldCount = \count($oldLookup[$name]); // There is a key on this field in the old and new tables. Are they the same? if ($newCount === $oldCount) { for ($i = 0; $i < $newCount; $i++) { // Check only query field -> different query means different index $same = ((string) $newLookup[$name][$i]['Query'] === $oldLookup[$name][$i]->Query); if (!$same) { // Break out of the loop. No need to check further. break; } } } else { // Count is different, just drop and add. $same = false; } if (!$same) { $alters[] = $this->getDropIndexSql($name); $alters[] = (string) $newLookup[$name][0]['Query']; } // Unset this field so that what we have left are fields that need to be removed. unset($oldLookup[$name]); } else { // This is a new key. $alters[] = (string) $newLookup[$name][0]['Query']; } } // Any keys left are orphans. foreach ($oldLookup as $name => $keys) { if ($oldLookup[$name][0]->is_primary === 'TRUE') { $alters[] = $this->getDropPrimaryKeySql($table, $oldLookup[$name][0]->Index); } else { $alters[] = $this->getDropIndexSql($name); } } return $alters; } /** * Get the SQL syntax to drop a sequence. * * @param string $name The name of the sequence to drop. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getDropSequenceSql($name) { return 'DROP SEQUENCE ' . $this->db->quoteName($name); } /** * Get the syntax to add a sequence. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $field The XML definition for the sequence. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getAddSequenceSql(\SimpleXMLElement $field) { $sql = 'CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS ' . (string) $field['Name'] . ' INCREMENT BY ' . (string) $field['Increment'] . ' MINVALUE ' . $field['Min_Value'] . ' MAXVALUE ' . (string) $field['Max_Value'] . ' START ' . (string) $field['Start_Value'] . (((string) $field['Cycle_option'] === 'NO') ? ' NO' : '') . ' CYCLE' . ' OWNED BY ' . $this->db->quoteName((string) $field['Schema'] . '.' . (string) $field['Table'] . '.' . (string) $field['Column']); return $sql; } /** * Get the syntax to alter a sequence. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $field The XML definition for the sequence. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getChangeSequenceSql(\SimpleXMLElement $field) { $sql = 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' . (string) $field['Name'] . ' INCREMENT BY ' . (string) $field['Increment'] . ' MINVALUE ' . (string) $field['Min_Value'] . ' MAXVALUE ' . (string) $field['Max_Value'] . ' START ' . (string) $field['Start_Value'] . ' OWNED BY ' . $this->db->quoteName((string) $field['Schema'] . '.' . (string) $field['Table'] . '.' . (string) $field['Column']); return $sql; } /** * Get the syntax to setval a sequence. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $field The XML definition for the sequence. * * @return string * * @since 2.0.0 */ protected function getSetvalSequenceSql($field) { $is_called = $field['Is_called'] == 't' || $field['Is_called'] == '1' ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; return 'SELECT setval(\'' . (string) $field['Name'] . '\', ' . (string) $field['Last_Value'] . ', ' . $is_called . ')'; } /** * Get the syntax to alter a column. * * @param string $table The name of the database table to alter. * @param \SimpleXMLElement $field The XML definition for the field. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getChangeColumnSql($table, \SimpleXMLElement $field) { return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteName($table) . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $this->db->quoteName((string) $field['Field']) . ' ' . $this->getAlterColumnSql($table, $field); } /** * Get the SQL syntax for a single column that would be included in a table create statement. * * @param string $table The name of the database table to alter. * @param \SimpleXMLElement $field The XML field definition. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getAlterColumnSql($table, \SimpleXMLElement $field) { // TODO Incorporate into parent class and use $this. $blobs = ['text', 'smalltext', 'mediumtext', 'largetext']; $fName = (string) $field['Field']; $fType = (string) $field['Type']; $fNull = (string) $field['Null']; $fDefault = (isset($field['Default']) && $field['Default'] != 'NULL') ? preg_match('/^[0-9]$/', $field['Default']) ? $field['Default'] : $this->db->quote((string) $field['Default']) : null; $sql = ' TYPE ' . $fType; if ($fNull === 'NO') { if ($fDefault === null || \in_array($fType, $blobs, true)) { $sql .= ",\nALTER COLUMN " . $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' SET NOT NULL' . ",\nALTER COLUMN " . $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' DROP DEFAULT'; } else { $sql .= ",\nALTER COLUMN " . $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' SET NOT NULL' . ",\nALTER COLUMN " . $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' SET DEFAULT ' . $fDefault; } } else { if ($fDefault !== null) { $sql .= ",\nALTER COLUMN " . $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' DROP NOT NULL' . ",\nALTER COLUMN " . $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' SET DEFAULT ' . $fDefault; } } // Sequence was created in other function, here is associated a default value but not yet owner if (strpos($fDefault, 'nextval') !== false) { $sequence = $table . '_' . $fName . '_seq'; $owner = $table . '.' . $fName; $sql .= ";\nALTER SEQUENCE " . $this->db->quoteName($sequence) . ' OWNED BY ' . $this->db->quoteName($owner); } return $sql; } /** * Get the SQL syntax for a single column that would be included in a table create statement. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $field The XML field definition. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getColumnSql(\SimpleXMLElement $field) { $fName = (string) $field['Field']; $fType = (string) $field['Type']; $fNull = (string) $field['Null']; if (strpos($field['Default'], '::') != false) { $fDefault = strstr($field['Default'], '::', true); } else { $fDefault = isset($field['Default']) && strlen($field['Default']) > 0 ? preg_match('/^[0-9]$/', $field['Default']) ? $field['Default'] : $this->db->quote((string) $field['Default']) : null; } // Note, nextval() as default value means that type field is serial. if (strpos($fDefault, 'nextval') !== false) { $sql = $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' SERIAL'; } else { $sql = $this->db->quoteName($fName) . ' ' . $fType; if ($fNull == 'NO') { if ($fDefault === null) { $sql .= ' NOT NULL'; } else { $sql .= ' NOT NULL DEFAULT ' . $fDefault; } } else { if ($fDefault !== null) { $sql .= ' DEFAULT ' . $fDefault; } } } return $sql; } /** * Get the SQL syntax to drop an index. * * @param string $name The name of the key to drop. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getDropIndexSql($name) { return 'DROP INDEX ' . $this->db->quoteName($name); } /** * Get the SQL syntax to drop a key. * * @param string $table The table name. * @param string $name The constraint name. * * @return string * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getDropPrimaryKeySql($table, $name) { return 'ALTER TABLE ONLY ' . $this->db->quoteName($table) . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $this->db->quoteName($name); } /** * Get the details list of keys for a table. * * @param array $keys An array of objects that comprise the keys for the table. * * @return array The lookup array. array({key name} => array(object, ...)) * * @since 1.2.0 */ protected function getKeyLookup($keys) { // First pass, create a lookup of the keys. $lookup = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($key instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) { $kName = (string) $key['Index']; } else { $kName = $key->Index; } if (empty($lookup[$kName])) { $lookup[$kName] = []; } $lookup[$kName][] = $key; } return $lookup; } /** * Get the SQL syntax to add a unique constraint for a table key. * * @param string $table The table name. * @param array $key The key. * * @return string * * @since 2.0.0 */ protected function getAddUniqueSql($table, $key) { if ($key instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) { $kName = (string) $key['Key_name']; $kIndex = (string) $key['Index']; } else { $kName = $key->Key_name; $kIndex = $key->Index; } $unique = $kIndex . ' UNIQUE (' . $kName . ')'; return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteName($table) . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $unique; } /** * Get the details list of sequences for a table. * * @param array $sequences An array of objects that comprise the sequences for the table. * * @return array The lookup array. array({key name} => array(object, ...)) * * @since 1.0 */ protected function getSeqLookup($sequences) { // First pass, create a lookup of the keys. $lookup = []; foreach ($sequences as $seq) { if ($seq instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) { $sName = (string) $seq['Name']; } else { $sName = $seq->Name; } if (empty($lookup[$sName])) { $lookup[$sName] = []; } $lookup[$sName][] = $seq; } return $lookup; } /** * Get the SQL syntax to add a table. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $table The table information. * * @return string * * @since 2.0.0 * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function xmlToCreate(\SimpleXMLElement $table) { $existingTables = $this->db->getTableList(); $tableName = (string) $table['name']; if (in_array($tableName, $existingTables)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The table you are trying to create already exists'); } $createTableStatement = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteName($tableName) . ' ('; foreach ($table->xpath('field') as $field) { $createTableStatement .= $this->getColumnSql($field) . ', '; } $createTableStatement = rtrim($createTableStatement, ', '); $createTableStatement .= ');'; foreach ($table->xpath('sequence') as $seq) { $createTableStatement .= $this->getAddSequenceSql($seq) . ';'; $createTableStatement .= $this->getSetvalSequenceSql($seq) . ';'; } foreach ($table->xpath('key') as $key) { if ((($key['is_primary'] == 'f') || ($key['is_primary'] == '')) && (($key['is_unique'] == 't') || ($key['is_unique'] == '1'))) { $createTableStatement .= $this->getAddUniqueSql($tableName, $key) . ';'; } else { $createTableStatement .= $this->getAddIndexSql($key) . ';'; } } return $createTableStatement; } }