<?php namespace Codeception; use Codeception\Event\DispatcherWrapper; use Codeception\Event\StepEvent; use Codeception\Exception\ConditionalAssertionFailed; use Codeception\Test\Metadata; class Scenario { use DispatcherWrapper; /** * @var TestInterface */ protected $test; /** * @var Metadata */ protected $metadata; /** * @var array */ protected $steps = []; /** * @var string */ protected $feature; protected $metaStep; /** * Constructor * * @param TestInterface $test */ public function __construct(TestInterface $test) { $this->metadata = $test->getMetadata(); $this->test = $test; } public function setFeature($feature) { $this->metadata->setFeature($feature); } public function getFeature() { return $this->metadata->getFeature(); } public function getGroups() { return $this->metadata->getGroups(); } public function current($key) { return $this->metadata->getCurrent($key); } public function runStep(Step $step) { $step->saveTrace(); if ($this->metaStep instanceof Step\Meta) { $step->setMetaStep($this->metaStep); } $this->steps[] = $step; $result = null; $dispatcher = $this->metadata->getService('dispatcher'); $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::STEP_BEFORE, new StepEvent($this->test, $step)); try { $result = $step->run($this->metadata->getService('modules')); } catch (ConditionalAssertionFailed $f) { $result = $this->test->getTestResultObject(); if (is_null($result)) { $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::STEP_AFTER, new StepEvent($this->test, $step)); throw $f; } else { $result->addFailure(clone($this->test), $f, $result->time()); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::STEP_AFTER, new StepEvent($this->test, $step)); throw $e; } $this->dispatch($dispatcher, Events::STEP_AFTER, new StepEvent($this->test, $step)); $step->executed = true; return $result; } public function addStep(Step $step) { $this->steps[] = $step; } /** * Returns the steps of this scenario. * * @return array */ public function getSteps() { return $this->steps; } public function getHtml() { $text = ''; foreach ($this->getSteps() as $step) { /** @var Step $step */ if ($step->getName() !== 'Comment') { $text .= $step->getHtml() . '<br/>'; } else { $text .= trim($step->getHumanizedArguments(), '"') . '<br/>'; } } $text = str_replace(['"\'', '\'"'], ["'", "'"], $text); $text = "<h3>" . mb_strtoupper('I want to ' . $this->getFeature(), 'utf-8') . "</h3>" . $text; return $text; } public function getText() { $text = ''; foreach ($this->getSteps() as $step) { $text .= $step->getPrefix() . "$step \r\n"; } $text = trim(str_replace(['"\'', '\'"'], ["'", "'"], $text)); $text = mb_strtoupper('I want to ' . $this->getFeature(), 'utf-8') . "\r\n\r\n" . $text . "\r\n\r\n"; return $text; } public function comment($comment) { $this->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Comment($comment, [])); } public function skip($message = '') { throw new \PHPUnit\Framework\SkippedTestError($message); } public function incomplete($message = '') { throw new \PHPUnit\Framework\IncompleteTestError($message); } public function __call($method, $args) { // all methods were deprecated and removed from here trigger_error("Codeception: \$scenario->$method() has been deprecated and removed. Use annotations to pass scenario params", E_USER_DEPRECATED); } /** * @param Step\Meta $metaStep */ public function setMetaStep($metaStep) { $this->metaStep = $metaStep; } /** * @return Step\Meta */ public function getMetaStep() { return $this->metaStep; } }