<?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Export; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Import; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Revert; use Elementor\Core\Base\Module as BaseModule; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Ajax\Module as Ajax; use Elementor\Core\Files\Uploads_Manager; use Elementor\Modules\System_Info\Reporters\Server; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\Tools; use Elementor\Utils as ElementorUtils; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } /** * Import Export Module * * Responsible for initializing Elementor App functionality */ class Module extends BaseModule { const FORMAT_VERSION = '2.0'; const EXPORT_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_export_kit'; const UPLOAD_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_upload_kit'; const IMPORT_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_import_kit'; const IMPORT_RUNNER_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_import_kit__runner'; const REFERRER_KIT_LIBRARY = 'kit-library'; const REFERRER_LOCAL = 'local'; const PLUGIN_PERMISSIONS_ERROR_KEY = 'plugin-installation-permissions-error'; const KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY = 'invalid-kit-library-zip-error'; const NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY = 'no-write-permissions'; const THIRD_PARTY_ERROR = 'third-party-error'; const DOMDOCUMENT_MISSING = 'domdocument-missing'; const OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS = 'elementor_import_sessions'; const OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_REVERT_SESSIONS = 'elementor_revert_sessions'; const META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID = '_elementor_import_session_id'; const META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE = '_elementor_edit_mode'; const IMPORT_PLUGINS_ACTION = 'import-plugins'; /** * Assigning the export process to a property, so we can use the process from outside the class. * * @var Export */ public $export; /** * Assigning the import process to a property, so we can use the process from outside the class. * * @var Import */ public $import; /** * Assigning the revert process to a property, so we can use the process from outside the class. * * @var Revert */ public $revert; /** * Get name. * * @access public * * @return string */ public function get_name() { return 'import-export'; } public function __construct() { $this->register_actions(); if ( ElementorUtils::is_wp_cli() ) { \WP_CLI::add_command( 'elementor kit', WP_CLI::class ); } ( new Usage() )->register(); $this->revert = new Revert(); } public function get_init_settings() { if ( ! Plugin::$instance->app->is_current() ) { return []; } return $this->get_config_data(); } /** * Register the import/export tab in elementor tools. */ public function register_settings_tab( Tools $tools ) { $tools->add_tab( 'import-export-kit', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Import / Export Kit', 'elementor' ), 'sections' => [ 'intro' => [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Template Kits', 'elementor' ), 'callback' => function() { $this->render_import_export_tab_content(); }, 'fields' => [], ], ], ] ); } /** * Render the import/export tab content. */ private function render_import_export_tab_content() { $intro_text_link = sprintf( '<a href="https://go.elementor.com/wp-dash-import-export-general/" target="_blank">%s</a>', esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'elementor' ) ); $intro_text = sprintf( /* translators: 1: New line break, 2: Learn more link. */ __( 'Design sites faster with a template kit that contains some or all components of a complete site, like templates, content & site settings.%1$sYou can import a kit and apply it to your site, or export the elements from this site to be used anywhere else. %2$s', 'elementor' ), '<br>', $intro_text_link ); $content_data = [ 'export' => [ 'title' => esc_html__( 'Export a Template Kit', 'elementor' ), 'button' => [ 'url' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/export', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Start Export', 'elementor' ), ], 'description' => esc_html__( 'Bundle your whole site - or just some of its elements - to be used for another website.', 'elementor' ), 'link' => [ 'url' => 'https://go.elementor.com/wp-dash-import-export-export-flow/', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Learn More', 'elementor' ), ], ], 'import' => [ 'title' => esc_html__( 'Import a Template Kit', 'elementor' ), 'button' => [ 'url' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/import', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Start Import', 'elementor' ), ], 'description' => esc_html__( 'Apply the design and settings of another site to this one.', 'elementor' ), 'link' => [ 'url' => 'https://go.elementor.com/wp-dash-import-export-import-flow/', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Learn More', 'elementor' ), ], ], ]; $last_imported_kit = $this->revert->get_last_import_session(); $penultimate_imported_kit = $this->revert->get_penultimate_import_session(); $user_date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); $user_time_format = get_option( 'time_format' ); $date_format = $user_date_format . ' ' . $user_time_format; $should_show_revert_section = $this->should_show_revert_section( $last_imported_kit ); if ( $should_show_revert_section ) { if ( ! empty( $penultimate_imported_kit ) ) { $revert_text = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Remove all the content and site settings that came with "%1$s" on %2$s %3$s and revert to the site setting that came with "%4$s" on %5$s.', 'elementor' ), ! empty( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ) ? $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] : esc_html__( 'imported kit', 'elementor' ), gmdate( $date_format, $last_imported_kit['start_timestamp'] ), '<br>', ! empty( $penultimate_imported_kit['kit_title'] ) ? $penultimate_imported_kit['kit_title'] : esc_html__( 'imported kit', 'elementor' ), gmdate( $date_format, $penultimate_imported_kit['start_timestamp'] ) ); } else { $revert_text = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Remove all the content and site settings that came with "%1$s" on %2$s.%3$s Your original site settings will be restored.', 'elementor' ), ! empty( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ) ? $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] : esc_html__( 'imported kit', 'elementor' ), gmdate( $date_format, $last_imported_kit['start_timestamp'] ), '<br>' ); } } ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__content"> <p class="tab-import-export-kit__info"><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $intro_text ); ?></p> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__wrapper"> <?php foreach ( $content_data as $data ) { ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__container"> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__box"> <h2><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['title'] ); ?></h2> <a href="<?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['button']['url'] ); ?>" class="elementor-button e-primary"> <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['button']['text'] ); ?> </a> </div> <p><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['description'] ); ?></p> <a href="<?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['link']['url'] ); ?>" target="_blank"><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['link']['text'] ); ?></a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ( $should_show_revert_section ) { $link_attributes = [ 'href' => $this->get_revert_href(), 'id' => 'elementor-import-export__revert_kit', 'class' => 'button', ]; ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__revert"> <h2> <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( esc_html__( 'Remove the most recent Kit', 'elementor' ) ); ?> </h2> <p class="tab-import-export-kit__info"> <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $revert_text ); ?> </p> <?php $this->render_last_kit_thumbnail( $last_imported_kit ); ?> <a <?php ElementorUtils::print_html_attributes( $link_attributes ); ?> > <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( esc_html__( 'Remove Kit', 'elementor' ) ); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } private function get_revert_href(): string { $admin_post_url = admin_url( 'admin-post.php?action=elementor_revert_kit' ); $nonced_admin_post_url = wp_nonce_url( $admin_post_url, 'elementor_revert_kit' ); return $this->maybe_add_referrer_param( $nonced_admin_post_url ); } /** * Checks if referred by a kit and adds the referrer ID to the href * * @param string $href * * @return string */ private function maybe_add_referrer_param( string $href ): string { $param_name = 'referrer_kit'; if ( empty( $_GET[ $param_name ] ) ) { return $href; } return add_query_arg( $param_name, sanitize_key( $_GET[ $param_name ] ), $href ); } /** * Render the last kit thumbnail if exists * * @param $last_imported_kit * * @return void */ private function render_last_kit_thumbnail( $last_imported_kit ) { if ( empty( $last_imported_kit['kit_thumbnail'] ) ) { return; } ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__kit-item-row"> <article class="tab-import-export-kit__kit-item"> <header> <h3> <?php echo esc_html( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ); ?> </h3> </header> <img src="<?php echo esc_url( $last_imported_kit['kit_thumbnail'] ); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ); ?>" loading="lazy" > </article> </div> <?php } /** * Upload a kit zip file and get the kit data. * * Assigning the Import process to the 'import' property, * so it will be available to use in different places such as: WP_Cli, Pro, etc. * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @param string $referrer Referrer of the file 'local' or 'kit-library'. * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function upload_kit( $file, $referrer ) { $this->ensure_writing_permissions(); $this->import = new Import( $file, [ 'referrer' => $referrer ] ); return [ 'session' => $this->import->get_session_id(), 'manifest' => $this->import->get_manifest(), 'conflicts' => $this->import->get_settings_conflicts(), ]; } /** * Import a kit by session_id. * Upload and import a kit by kit zip file. * * If the split_to_chunks flag is true, the process won't start * It will initialize the import process and return the session_id and the runners. * * Assigning the Import process to the 'import' property, * so it will be available to use in different places such as: WP_Cli, Pro, etc. * * @param string $path Path to the file or session_id. * @param array $settings Settings the import use to determine which content to import. * (e.g: include, selected_plugins, selected_cpt, selected_override_conditions, etc.) * @param bool $split_to_chunks Determine if the import process should be split into chunks. * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function import_kit( string $path, array $settings, bool $split_to_chunks = false ): array { $this->ensure_writing_permissions(); $this->ensure_DOMDocument_exists(); $this->import = new Import( $path, $settings ); $this->import->register_default_runners(); remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ Plugin::$instance->modules_manager->get_modules( 'content-sanitizer' ), 'sanitize_content' ] ); do_action( 'elementor/import-export/import-kit', $this->import ); if ( $split_to_chunks ) { $this->import->init_import_session( true ); return [ 'session' => $this->import->get_session_id(), 'runners' => $this->import->get_runners_name(), ]; } return $this->import->run(); } /** * Resuming import process by re-creating the import instance and running the specific runner. * * @param string $session_id The id off the import session. * @param string $runner_name The specific runner that we want to run. * * @return array Two types of response. * 1. The status and the runner name. * 2. The imported data. (Only if the runner is the last one in the import process) * @throws \Exception */ public function import_kit_by_runner( string $session_id, string $runner_name ): array { // Check session_id $this->import = Import::from_session( $session_id ); $runners = $this->import->get_runners_name(); $run = $this->import->run_runner( $runner_name ); if ( end( $runners ) === $run['runner'] ) { return $this->import->get_imported_data(); } return $run; } /** * Export a kit. * * Assigning the Export process to the 'export' property, * so it will be available to use in different places such as: WP_Cli, Pro, etc. * * @param array $settings Settings the export use to determine which content to export. * (e.g: include, kit_info, selected_plugins, selected_cpt, etc.) * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function export_kit( array $settings ) { $this->ensure_writing_permissions(); $this->export = new Export( $settings ); $this->export->register_default_runners(); do_action( 'elementor/import-export/export-kit', $this->export ); return $this->export->run(); } /** * Handle revert kit ajax request. */ public function revert_last_imported_kit() { $this->revert = new Revert(); $this->revert->register_default_runners(); do_action( 'elementor/import-export/revert-kit', $this->revert ); $this->revert->run(); } /** * Handle revert last imported kit ajax request. */ public function handle_revert_last_imported_kit() { check_admin_referer( 'elementor_revert_kit' ); $this->revert_last_imported_kit(); wp_safe_redirect( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . Tools::PAGE_ID . '#tab-import-export-kit' ) ); die; } /** * Register appropriate actions. */ private function register_actions() { add_action( 'admin_init', function() { if ( wp_doing_ajax() && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, '_nonce' ), Ajax::NONCE_KEY ) && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $this->maybe_handle_ajax(); } } ); add_action( 'admin_post_elementor_revert_kit', [ $this, 'handle_revert_last_imported_kit' ] ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ] ); $page_id = Tools::PAGE_ID; add_action( "elementor/admin/after_create_settings/{$page_id}", [ $this, 'register_settings_tab' ] ); // TODO 18/04/2023 : This needs to be moved to the runner itself after https://elementor.atlassian.net/browse/HTS-434 is done. if ( self::IMPORT_PLUGINS_ACTION === ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_ELEMENTOR_ACTION' ) ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_create_pages', [ $this, 'empty_pages' ], 10, 0 ); } // TODO ^^^ } /** * Prevent the creation of the default WooCommerce pages (Cart, Checkout, etc.) * * TODO 18/04/2023 : This needs to be moved to the runner itself after https://elementor.atlassian.net/browse/HTS-434 is done. * @return array */ public function empty_pages(): array { return []; } private function ensure_writing_permissions() { $server = new Server(); $paths_to_check = [ Server::KEY_PATH_WP_CONTENT_DIR => $server->get_system_path( Server::KEY_PATH_WP_CONTENT_DIR ), Server::KEY_PATH_UPLOADS_DIR => $server->get_system_path( Server::KEY_PATH_UPLOADS_DIR ), Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR => $server->get_system_path( Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR ), ]; $permissions = $server->get_paths_permissions( $paths_to_check ); // WP Content dir has to be exists and writable. if ( ! $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_WP_CONTENT_DIR ]['write'] ) { throw new \Error( self::NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY ); } // WP Uploads dir has to be exists and writable. if ( ! $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_UPLOADS_DIR ]['write'] ) { throw new \Error( self::NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY ); } // Elementor uploads dir permissions is divided to 2 cases: // 1. If the dir exists, it has to be writable. // 2. If the dir doesn't exist, the parent dir has to be writable (wp uploads dir), so we can create it. if ( $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR ]['exists'] && ! $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR ]['write'] ) { throw new \Error( self::NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY ); } } private function ensure_DOMDocument_exists() { if ( ! class_exists( 'DOMDocument' ) ) { throw new \Error( self::DOMDOCUMENT_MISSING ); } } /** * Enqueue admin scripts */ public function enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-import-export-admin', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'import-export-admin' ), [ 'elementor-common' ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'elementor-import-export-admin', 'elementorImportExport', [ 'lastImportedSession' => $this->revert->get_last_import_session(), 'appUrl' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/kit-library', ] ); } /** * Assign each ajax action to a method. */ private function maybe_handle_ajax() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $action = ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'action' ); try { switch ( $action ) { case static::EXPORT_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_export_kit(); break; case static::UPLOAD_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_upload_kit(); break; case static::IMPORT_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_import_kit(); break; case static::IMPORT_RUNNER_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_import_kit__runner(); break; default: break; } } catch ( \Error $e ) { if ( isset( $this->import ) ) { $this->import->finalize_import_session_option(); } Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( $e->getMessage(), [ 'meta' => [ 'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString(), ], ] ); if ( isset( $this->import ) && $this->is_third_party_class( $e->getTrace()[0]['class'] ) ) { wp_send_json_error( self::THIRD_PARTY_ERROR, 500 ); } wp_send_json_error( $e->getMessage(), 500 ); } } /** * Handle upload kit ajax request. */ private function handle_upload_kit() { // PHPCS - A URL that should contain special chars (auth headers information). $file_url = isset( $_POST['e_import_file'] ) // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized ? wp_unslash( $_POST['e_import_file'] ) : ''; // Import from kit library if ( ! empty( $file_url ) ) { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'e_kit_library_nonce' ), 'kit-library-import' ) ) { throw new \Error( 'Invalid kit library nonce.' ); } if ( ! filter_var( $file_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) || 0 !== strpos( $file_url, 'http' ) ) { throw new \Error( static::KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY ); } $remote_zip_request = wp_remote_get( $file_url ); if ( is_wp_error( $remote_zip_request ) ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( $remote_zip_request->get_error_message() ); throw new \Error( static::KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY ); } if ( 200 !== $remote_zip_request['response']['code'] ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( $remote_zip_request['response']['message'] ); throw new \Error( static::KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY ); } $file_name = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->create_temp_file( $remote_zip_request['body'], 'kit.zip' ); $referrer = static::REFERRER_KIT_LIBRARY; } else { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function. $file_name = ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_FILES, 'e_import_file' )['tmp_name']; $referrer = static::REFERRER_LOCAL; } Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->info( 'Uploading Kit: ', [ 'meta' => [ 'kit_id' => ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'kit_id' ), 'referrer' => $referrer, ], ] ); $uploaded_kit = $this->upload_kit( $file_name, $referrer ); $session_dir = $uploaded_kit['session']; $manifest = $uploaded_kit['manifest']; $conflicts = $uploaded_kit['conflicts']; if ( ! empty( $file_url ) ) { Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( dirname( $file_name ) ); } if ( isset( $manifest['plugins'] ) && ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { throw new \Error( static::PLUGIN_PERMISSIONS_ERROR_KEY ); } $result = [ 'session' => $session_dir, 'manifest' => $manifest, ]; if ( ! empty( $conflicts ) ) { $result['conflicts'] = $conflicts; } else { // Moved into the IE process \Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Import::get_default_settings_conflicts // TODO: remove in 3.10.0 $result = apply_filters( 'elementor/import/stage_1/result', $result ); } wp_send_json_success( $result ); } /** * Handle import kit ajax request. */ private function handle_import_kit() { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function $settings = json_decode( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $tmp_folder_id = $settings['session']; $import = $this->import_kit( $tmp_folder_id, $settings, true ); // get_settings_config() added manually because the frontend Ajax request doesn't trigger the get_init_settings(). $import['configData'] = $this->get_config_data(); Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->info( sprintf( 'Selected import runners: %1$s', implode( ', ', $import['runners'] ) ) ); wp_send_json_success( $import ); } /** * Handle ajax request for running specific runner in the import kit process. */ private function handle_import_kit__runner() { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function $settings = json_decode( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $session_id = $settings['session']; $runner = $settings['runner']; $import = $this->import_kit_by_runner( $session_id, $runner ); // get_settings_config() added manually because the frontend Ajax request doesn't trigger the get_init_settings(). $import['configData'] = $this->get_config_data(); if ( ! empty( $import['status'] ) ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->info( sprintf( 'Import runner completed: %1$s %2$s', $import['runner'], ( 'success' === $import['status'] ? '✓' : '✗' ) ) ); } wp_send_json_success( $import ); } /** * Handle export kit ajax request. */ private function handle_export_kit() { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function $settings = json_decode( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $export = $this->export_kit( $settings ); $file_name = $export['file_name']; $file = ElementorUtils::file_get_contents( $file_name ); if ( ! $file ) { throw new \Error( 'Could not read the exported file.' ); } Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( dirname( $file_name ) ); $result = [ 'manifest' => $export['manifest'], 'file' => base64_encode( $file ), ]; wp_send_json_success( $result ); } /** * Get config data that will be exposed to the frontend. */ private function get_config_data() { $export_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'elementor_export' ); $export_url = add_query_arg( [ '_nonce' => $export_nonce ], Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() ); return [ 'exportURL' => $export_url, 'summaryTitles' => $this->get_summary_titles(), 'builtinWpPostTypes' => ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(), 'elementorPostTypes' => ImportExportUtils::get_elementor_post_types(), 'isUnfilteredFilesEnabled' => Uploads_Manager::are_unfiltered_uploads_enabled(), 'elementorHomePageUrl' => $this->get_elementor_home_page_url(), 'recentlyEditedElementorPageUrl' => $this->get_recently_edited_elementor_page_url(), 'tools_url' => Tools::get_url(), 'importSessions' => Revert::get_import_sessions(), 'lastImportedSession' => $this->revert->get_last_import_session(), ]; } /** * Get labels of Elementor document types, Elementor Post types, WordPress Post types and Custom Post types. */ private function get_summary_titles() { $summary_titles = []; $document_types = Plugin::$instance->documents->get_document_types(); foreach ( $document_types as $name => $document_type ) { $summary_titles['templates'][ $name ] = [ 'single' => $document_type::get_title(), 'plural' => $document_type::get_plural_title(), ]; } $elementor_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_elementor_post_types(); $wp_builtin_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(); $post_types = array_merge( $elementor_post_types, $wp_builtin_post_types ); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $summary_titles['content'][ $post_type ] = [ 'single' => $post_type_object->labels->singular_name ?? '', 'plural' => $post_type_object->label ?? '', ]; } $custom_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_registered_cpt_names(); if ( ! empty( $custom_post_types ) ) { foreach ( $custom_post_types as $custom_post_type ) { $custom_post_types_object = get_post_type_object( $custom_post_type ); // CPT data appears in two arrays: // 1. content object: in order to show the export summary when completed in getLabel function $summary_titles['content'][ $custom_post_type ] = [ 'single' => $custom_post_types_object->labels->singular_name ?? '', 'plural' => $custom_post_types_object->label ?? '', ]; // 2. customPostTypes object: in order to actually export the data $summary_titles['content']['customPostTypes'][ $custom_post_type ] = [ 'single' => $custom_post_types_object->labels->singular_name ?? '', 'plural' => $custom_post_types_object->label ?? '', ]; } } $active_kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit(); foreach ( $active_kit->get_tabs() as $key => $tab ) { $summary_titles['site-settings'][ $key ] = $tab->get_title(); } return $summary_titles; } public function should_show_revert_section( $last_imported_kit ) { if ( empty( $last_imported_kit ) ) { return false; } // TODO: BC - remove in the future // The 'templates' runner was in core and moved to the Pro plugin. (Part of it still exits in the Core for BC) // The runner that is in the core version is missing the revert functionality, // therefore we shouldn't display the revert section if the import process done with the core version. $is_import_templates_ran = isset( $last_imported_kit['runners']['templates'] ); if ( $this->has_pro() && $is_import_templates_ran ) { $has_imported_templates = ! empty( $last_imported_kit['runners']['templates'] ); return $has_imported_templates; } return true; } public function has_pro(): bool { return ElementorUtils::has_pro(); } private function get_elementor_editor_home_page_url() { if ( 'page' !== get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) { return ''; } $frontpage_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); return $this->get_elementor_editor_page_url( $frontpage_id ); } private function get_elementor_home_page_url() { if ( 'page' !== get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) { return ''; } $frontpage_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); return $this->get_elementor_page_url( $frontpage_id ); } private function get_recently_edited_elementor_page_url() { $query = ElementorUtils::get_recently_edited_posts_query( [ 'posts_per_page' => 1 ] ); if ( ! isset( $query->post ) ) { return ''; } return $this->get_elementor_page_url( $query->post->ID ); } private function get_recently_edited_elementor_editor_page_url() { $query = ElementorUtils::get_recently_edited_posts_query( [ 'posts_per_page' => 1 ] ); if ( ! isset( $query->post ) ) { return ''; } return $this->get_elementor_editor_page_url( $query->post->ID ); } private function get_elementor_document( $page_id ) { $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $page_id ); if ( ! $document || ! $document->is_built_with_elementor() ) { return false; } return $document; } private function get_elementor_page_url( $page_id ) { $document = $this->get_elementor_document( $page_id ); return $document ? $document->get_preview_url() : ''; } private function get_elementor_editor_page_url( $page_id ) { $document = $this->get_elementor_document( $page_id ); return $document ? $document->get_edit_url() : ''; } /** * @param string $class * * @return bool */ public function is_third_party_class( $class ) { $allowed_classes = [ 'Elementor\\', 'ElementorPro\\', 'WP_', 'wp_', ]; foreach ( $allowed_classes as $allowed_class ) { if ( str_starts_with( $class, $allowed_class ) ) { return false; } } return true; } }