* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\Component\Newsfeeds\Administrator\Helper; \defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Helper\ContentHelper; use Joomla\Database\ParameterType; /** * Newsfeeds component helper. * * @since 1.6 */ class NewsfeedsHelper extends ContentHelper { /** * Name of the extension * * @var string */ public static $extension = 'com_newsfeeds'; /** * Adds Count Items for Category Manager. * * @param \stdClass[] &$items The banner category objects * * @return \stdClass[] * * @since 3.5 */ public static function countItems(&$items) { $db = Factory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select( [ $db->quoteName('published', 'state'), 'COUNT(*) AS ' . $db->quoteName('count'), ] ) ->from($db->quoteName('#__newsfeeds')) ->where($db->quoteName('catid') . ' = :id') ->bind(':id', $id, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->group($db->quoteName('state')); $db->setQuery($query); foreach ($items as $item) { $item->count_trashed = 0; $item->count_archived = 0; $item->count_unpublished = 0; $item->count_published = 0; $id = (int) $item->id; $newfeeds = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($newfeeds as $newsfeed) { if ($newsfeed->state == 1) { $item->count_published = $newsfeed->count; } if ($newsfeed->state == 0) { $item->count_unpublished = $newsfeed->count; } if ($newsfeed->state == 2) { $item->count_archived = $newsfeed->count; } if ($newsfeed->state == -2) { $item->count_trashed = $newsfeed->count; } } } return $items; } /** * Adds Count Items for Tag Manager. * * @param \stdClass[] &$items The newsfeed tag objects * @param string $extension The name of the active view. * * @return \stdClass[] * * @since 3.6 */ public static function countTagItems(&$items, $extension) { $db = Factory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $parts = explode('.', $extension); $section = null; if (count($parts) > 1) { $section = $parts[1]; } $query->select( [ $db->quoteName('published', 'state'), 'COUNT(*) AS ' . $db->quoteName('count'), ] ) ->from($db->quoteName('#__contentitem_tag_map', 'ct')); if ($section === 'category') { $query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__categories', 'c'), $db->quoteName('ct.content_item_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('c.id')); } else { $query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__newsfeeds', 'c'), $db->quoteName('ct.content_item_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('c.id')); } $query->where( [ $db->quoteName('ct.tag_id') . ' = :id', $db->quoteName('ct.type_alias') . ' = :extension', ] ) ->bind(':id', $id, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->bind(':extension', $extension) ->group($db->quoteName('state')); $db->setQuery($query); foreach ($items as $item) { $item->count_trashed = 0; $item->count_archived = 0; $item->count_unpublished = 0; $item->count_published = 0; // Update ID used in database query. $id = (int) $item->id; $newsfeeds = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($newsfeeds as $newsfeed) { if ($newsfeed->state == 1) { $item->count_published = $newsfeed->count; } if ($newsfeed->state == 0) { $item->count_unpublished = $newsfeed->count; } if ($newsfeed->state == 2) { $item->count_archived = $newsfeed->count; } if ($newsfeed->state == -2) { $item->count_trashed = $newsfeed->count; } } } return $items; } }