* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\Component\Messages\Administrator\Controller; \defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController; use Joomla\CMS\Router\Route; /** * Messages Component Message Model * * @since 1.6 */ class ConfigController extends BaseController { /** * Method to save a record. * * @return boolean * * @since 1.6 */ public function save() { // Check for request forgeries. $this->checkToken(); $model = $this->getModel('Config'); $data = $this->input->post->get('jform', array(), 'array'); // Validate the posted data. $form = $model->getForm(); if (!$form) { throw new \Exception($model->getError(), 500); } $data = $model->validate($form, $data); // Check for validation errors. if ($data === false) { // Get the validation messages. $errors = $model->getErrors(); // Push up to three validation messages out to the user. for ($i = 0, $n = count($errors); $i < $n && $i < 3; $i++) { if ($errors[$i] instanceof \Exception) { $this->app->enqueueMessage($errors[$i]->getMessage(), 'warning'); } else { $this->app->enqueueMessage($errors[$i], 'warning'); } } // Redirect back to the main list. $this->setRedirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_messages&view=messages', false)); return false; } // Attempt to save the data. if (!$model->save($data)) { // Redirect back to the main list. $this->setMessage(Text::sprintf('JERROR_SAVE_FAILED', $model->getError()), 'warning'); $this->setRedirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_messages&view=messages', false)); return false; } // Redirect to the list screen. $this->setMessage(Text::_('COM_MESSAGES_CONFIG_SAVED')); $this->setRedirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_messages&view=messages', false)); return true; } /** * Cancel operation. * * @return void * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function cancel() { $this->setRedirect(Route::_('index.php?option=com_messages&view=messages', false)); } }