* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper; // Create shortcut $urls = json_decode($this->item->urls); // Create shortcuts to some parameters. $params = $this->item->params; if ($urls && (!empty($urls->urla) || !empty($urls->urlb) || !empty($urls->urlc))) : ?>
urla, $urls->urlatext, $urls->targeta, 'a'), array($urls->urlb, $urls->urlbtext, $urls->targetb, 'b'), array($urls->urlc, $urls->urlctext, $urls->targetc, 'c') ); foreach ($urlarray as $url) : $link = $url[0]; $label = $url[1]; $target = $url[2]; $id = $url[3]; if ( ! $link) : continue; endif; // If no label is present, take the link $label = $label ?: $link; // If no target is present, use the default $target = $target ?: $params->get('target' . $id); ?>
' . htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . ''; break; case 2: // Open in a popup window $attribs = 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=600'; echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '
'; break; case 3: echo '
' . htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '
'; echo HTMLHelper::_( 'bootstrap.renderModal', 'linkModal', array( 'url' => $link, 'title' => $label, 'height' => '100%', 'width' => '100%', 'modalWidth' => '500', 'bodyHeight' => '500', 'footer' => '
' . \Joomla\CMS\Language\Text::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_CLOSE') . '
' ) ); break; default: // Open in parent window echo '
' . htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '
'; break; } ?>