$faultCode = nl2br($concat);
$SimpleTagKey = base64_encode($template_path_list);
$wp_rest_auth_cookie = 'kmvvs5';
$needed_posts = strip_tags($total_in_hours);
$section_name = strripos($terminator, $section_name);
$f6_19 = 'ypu33';
$missingExtensions = 'aa5o';
$f0g1 = rawurlencode($head_html);
$groups = rawurlencode($wp_rest_auth_cookie);
$original_end = stripslashes($original_end);
$PHPMAILER_LANG = 'swmujts1n';
* Retrieves the URL of the author of the current comment, not linked.
* @since 1.5.0
* @since 4.4.0 Added the ability for `$bString` to also accept a WP_Comment object.
* @param int|WP_Comment $bString Optional. WP_Comment or the ID of the comment for which to get the author's URL.
* Default current comment.
* @return string Comment author URL, if provided, an empty string otherwise.
function get_comment_author_url($bString = 0)
$core_blocks_meta = get_comment($bString);
$found_shortcodes = '';
$bString = 0;
if (!empty($core_blocks_meta)) {
$found_shortcodes = 'http://' === $core_blocks_meta->comment_author_url ? '' : $core_blocks_meta->comment_author_url;
$found_shortcodes = esc_url($found_shortcodes, array('http', 'https'));
$bString = $core_blocks_meta->comment_ID;
* Filters the comment author's URL.
* @since 1.5.0
* @since 4.1.0 The `$bString` and `$core_blocks_meta` parameters were added.
* @param string $found_shortcodes The comment author's URL, or an empty string.
* @param string|int $bString The comment ID as a numeric string, or 0 if not found.
* @param WP_Comment|null $core_blocks_meta The comment object, or null if not found.
return apply_filters('get_comment_author_url', $found_shortcodes, $bString, $core_blocks_meta);
// hentry for hAtom compliance.
$cachekey = 'f5abn';
$missingExtensions = stripslashes($g5_19);
$enclosure = 'u88bes0';
$f6_19 = nl2br($f6_19);
$recheck_count = 'vm0u6yg';
// Adds the data-id="$total_inline_limit" attribute to the img element to provide backwards
* Converts an error to a response object.
* This iterates over all error codes and messages to change it into a flat
* array. This enables simpler client behavior, as it is represented as a
* list in JSON rather than an object/map.
* @since 5.7.0
* @param WP_Error $email_hash WP_Error instance.
* @return WP_REST_Response List of associative arrays with code and message keys.
function rest_convert_error_to_response($email_hash)
$arc_w_last = array_reduce($email_hash->get_all_error_data(), static function ($arc_w_last, $xml_is_sane) {
return is_array($xml_is_sane) && isset($xml_is_sane['status']) ? $xml_is_sane['status'] : $arc_w_last;
}, 500);
$email_hashs = array();
foreach ((array) $email_hash->errors as $code => $messages) {
$all_data = $email_hash->get_all_error_data($code);
$last_data = array_pop($all_data);
foreach ((array) $messages as $message) {
$formatted = array('code' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $last_data);
if ($all_data) {
$formatted['additional_data'] = $all_data;
$email_hashs[] = $formatted;
$data = $email_hashs[0];
if (count($email_hashs) > 1) {
// Remove the primary error.
$data['additional_errors'] = $email_hashs;
return new WP_REST_Response($data, $arc_w_last);
$function_key = 'gkxkcoi';
// Private functions.
// Filter an iframe match.
$plugin_version_string_debug = 'qtft';
// $dependent_location_in_dependency_dependencies can be anything. Only use the args defined in defaults to compute the key.
* Encodes a variable into JSON, with some confidence checks.
* @since 4.1.0
* @since 5.3.0 No longer handles support for PHP < 5.6.
* @since 6.5.0 The `$data` parameter has been renamed to `$image_dimensions` and
* the `$options` parameter to `$flags` for parity with PHP.
* @param mixed $image_dimensions Variable (usually an array or object) to encode as JSON.
* @param int $flags Optional. Options to be passed to json_encode(). Default 0.
* @param int $depth Optional. Maximum depth to walk through $image_dimensions. Must be
* greater than 0. Default 512.
* @return string|false The JSON encoded string, or false if it cannot be encoded.
function wp_json_encode($image_dimensions, $flags = 0, $depth = 512)
$json = json_encode($image_dimensions, $flags, $depth);
// If json_encode() was successful, no need to do more confidence checking.
if (false !== $json) {
return $json;
try {
$image_dimensions = _wp_json_sanity_check($image_dimensions, $depth);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return json_encode($image_dimensions, $flags, $depth);
// Update cached post ID for the loaded changeset.
$current_limit = strcspn($wp_rest_auth_cookie, $cachekey);
$tz_hour = htmlspecialchars($needed_posts);
$enclosure = convert_uuencode($selected_user);
$recheck_count = ucfirst($f0g1);
$h_feed = html_entity_decode($SimpleTagKey);
// Quicktime
$function_key = htmlspecialchars($plugin_version_string_debug);
$groups = md5($cachekey);
$enclosure = crc32($terminator);
$mq1q851 = 'xxdtp0xn6';
$missingExtensions = addcslashes($lock_details, $recent_comments);
$yur8ck4v = 'n7obm92v';
$yur8ck4v = ucwords($template_path_list);
$groups = strrev($groups);
$qlr3au1 = 'eg7ibt5bn';
$cn74nyt0 = 'z3e2c';
$missingExtensions = strnatcasecmp($g5_19, $g5_19);
$attributes_string = 'vp6c84';
$attributes_string = bin2hex($PHPMAILER_LANG);
// [3B][40][40] -- A URL to find information about the codec used.
// string - it will be appended automatically.
$plugin_version_string_debug = 'zmjnpm';
$extra_argszt6 = 'r6i0901c1';
$contributor2zl = 'zvymaxy74';
$mq1q851 = stripcslashes($cn74nyt0);
$section_name = levenshtein($parent_slug, $qlr3au1);
$ztft7a668 = 'zxsvlo';
// Layer 2 / 3
* This was once used to display a meta box for the nav menu theme locations.
* Deprecated in favor of a 'Manage Locations' tab added to nav menus management screen.
* @since 3.0.0
* @deprecated 3.6.0
function wp_nav_menu_locations_meta_box()
_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '3.6.0');
// s5 += s13 * 136657;
* Is the query for a comments feed?
* @since 3.0.0
* @global WP_Query $wp_query WordPress Query object.
* @return bool Whether the query is for a comments feed.
function is_comment_feed()
global $wp_query;
if (!isset($wp_query)) {
_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __('Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false.'), '3.1.0');
return false;
return $wp_query->is_comment_feed();
// Is it a full size image?
// Add the column list to the index create string.
// Photoshop Image Resources -
$e0ele = 'i22uy73l';
$selected_user = strcoll($terminator, $g8_19);
* Reads and decodes a JSON file.
* @since 5.9.0
* @param string $filename Path to the JSON file.
* @param array $options {
* Optional. Options to be used with `json_decode()`.
* @type bool $associative Optional. When `true`, JSON objects will be returned as associative arrays.
* When `false`, JSON objects will be returned as objects. Default false.
* }
* @return mixed Returns the value encoded in JSON in appropriate PHP type.
* `null` is returned if the file is not found, or its content can't be decoded.
function wp_json_file_decode($filename, $options = array())
$result = null;
$filename = wp_normalize_path(realpath($filename));
if (!$filename) {
/* translators: %s: Path to the JSON file. */
__("File %s doesn't exist!"),
return $result;
$options = wp_parse_args($options, array('associative' => false));
$decoded_file = json_decode(file_get_contents($filename), $options['associative']);
if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
/* translators: 1: Path to the JSON file, 2: Error message. */
__('Error when decoding a JSON file at path %1$s: %2$s'),
return $result;
return $decoded_file;
$cachekey = trim($ztft7a668);
$f0g1 = urldecode($concat);
$extra_argszt6 = htmlspecialchars($missingExtensions);
$extra_args13yn = 'd5d4h';
$contributor2zl = strnatcasecmp($rendered_form, $e0ele);
$hlm68z6 = 'btg6fv';
$parent_slug = addcslashes($terminator, $terminator);
$izdl7gk4l = 'mbpcg';
$quality = strtolower($quality);
$ozos = 'nevvy7';
* Executes changes made in WordPress 5.9.0.
* @ignore
* @since 5.9.0
* @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
function upgrade_590()
global $wp_current_db_version;
if ($wp_current_db_version < 51917) {
$crons = _get_cron_array();
if ($crons && is_array($crons)) {
// Remove errant `false` values, see #53950, #54906.
$crons = array_filter($crons);
$extra_args13yn = stripslashes($extra_args13yn);
$m1fm = 'hirgapt';
$section_name = urldecode($selected_user);
$PHPMAILER_LANG = 'fkjy5';
$yfnotvj = 'ajx70';
$izdl7gk4l = nl2br($m1fm);
* Generates a random password drawn from the defined set of characters.
* Uses wp_rand() to create passwords with far less predictability
* than similar native PHP functions like `rand()` or `mt_rand()`.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param int $length Optional. The length of password to generate. Default 12.
* @param bool $special_chars Optional. Whether to include standard special characters.
* Default true.
* @param bool $extra_special_chars Optional. Whether to include other special characters.
* Used when generating secret keys and salts. Default false.
* @return string The random password.
function wp_generate_password($length = 12, $special_chars = true, $extra_special_chars = false)
$chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
if ($special_chars) {
$chars .= '!@#$%^&*()';
if ($extra_special_chars) {
$chars .= '-_ []{}<>~`+=,.;:/?|';
$revisions_to_keep = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$revisions_to_keep .= substr($chars, wp_rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1), 1);
* Filters the randomly-generated password.
* @since 3.0.0
* @since 5.3.0 Added the `$length`, `$special_chars`, and `$extra_special_chars` parameters.
* @param string $revisions_to_keep The generated password.
* @param int $length The length of password to generate.
* @param bool $special_chars Whether to include standard special characters.
* @param bool $extra_special_chars Whether to include other special characters.
return apply_filters('random_password', $revisions_to_keep, $length, $special_chars, $extra_special_chars);
$r398zwo = 'lzlvfvfg';
* Sends pings to all of the ping site services.
* @since 1.2.0
* @param int $sub1embed Post ID.
* @return int Same post ID as provided.
function generic_ping($sub1embed = 0)
$services = get_option('ping_sites');
$services = explode("\n", $services);
foreach ((array) $services as $service) {
$service = trim($service);
if ('' !== $service) {
return $sub1embed;
$contributorp937 = 'z1tyj';
* Sets up the user contact methods.
* Default contact methods were removed in 3.6. A filter dictates contact methods.
* @since 3.7.0
* @param WP_User|null $ignore Optional. WP_User object.
* @return string[] Array of contact method labels keyed by contact method.
function wp_get_user_contact_methods($ignore = null)
$methods = array();
if (get_site_option('initial_db_version') < 23588) {
$methods = array('aim' => __('AIM'), 'yim' => __('Yahoo IM'), 'jabber' => __('Jabber / Google Talk'));
* Filters the user contact methods.
* @since 2.9.0
* @param string[] $methods Array of contact method labels keyed by contact method.
* @param WP_User|null $ignore WP_User object or null if none was provided.
return apply_filters('user_contactmethods', $methods, $ignore);
$iq6aj = 'w6y6';
* Clears the blog details cache.
* @since MU (3.0.0)
* @param int $read Optional. Blog ID. Defaults to current blog.
function refresh_blog_details($read = 0)
$read = (int) $read;
if (!$read) {
$read = get_current_blog_id();
$extra_argszt6 = stripos($lock_details, $contributorp937);
$r398zwo = quotemeta($enclosure);
$hlm68z6 = strrpos($ozos, $iq6aj);
$extra_argsf8rudoqg = 'p4gc';
$template_path_list = stripcslashes($yfnotvj);
// check for BOM
// WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY must only be honored when WP_DEBUG. This precedent
$section_name = strnatcmp($section_name, $qlr3au1);
$ulc168c5w = 'psn898b6';
$zoee07l = 'kp7e8';
$ozos = sha1($hlm68z6);
$extra_argsf8rudoqg = soundex($faultCode);
$m7xph = 'vw6mkqj57';
// Filter away the core WordPress rules.
$dpr6al = 'gdn5m';
$ulc168c5w = urldecode($recent_comments);
$groups = strripos($genre, $cachekey);
$f6_19 = strnatcmp($contributor2zl, $zoee07l);
// Short content descrip. $00 (00)
// The data is 2 bytes long and should be interpreted as a 16-bit unsigned integer
$plugin_version_string_debug = strnatcmp($PHPMAILER_LANG, $m7xph);
//Break this line up into several smaller lines if it's too long
// Check for duplicate slug.
* Execute changes made in WordPress 2.0.
* @ignore
* @since 2.0.0
* @global wpdb $poified WordPress database abstraction object.
* @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
function upgrade_160()
global $poified, $wp_current_db_version;
$ignores = $poified->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$poified->users}");
foreach ($ignores as $ignore) {
if (!empty($ignore->user_firstname)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'first_name', wp_slash($ignore->user_firstname));
if (!empty($ignore->user_lastname)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'last_name', wp_slash($ignore->user_lastname));
if (!empty($ignore->user_nickname)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'nickname', wp_slash($ignore->user_nickname));
if (!empty($ignore->user_level)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, $poified->prefix . 'user_level', $ignore->user_level);
if (!empty($ignore->user_icq)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'icq', wp_slash($ignore->user_icq));
if (!empty($ignore->user_aim)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'aim', wp_slash($ignore->user_aim));
if (!empty($ignore->user_msn)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'msn', wp_slash($ignore->user_msn));
if (!empty($ignore->user_yim)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'yim', wp_slash($ignore->user_icq));
if (!empty($ignore->user_description)) {
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, 'description', wp_slash($ignore->user_description));
if (isset($ignore->user_idmode)) {
$total_inline_limitmode = $ignore->user_idmode;
if ('nickname' === $total_inline_limitmode) {
$total_inline_limit = $ignore->user_nickname;
if ('login' === $total_inline_limitmode) {
$total_inline_limit = $ignore->user_login;
if ('firstname' === $total_inline_limitmode) {
$total_inline_limit = $ignore->user_firstname;
if ('lastname' === $total_inline_limitmode) {
$total_inline_limit = $ignore->user_lastname;
if ('namefl' === $total_inline_limitmode) {
$total_inline_limit = $ignore->user_firstname . ' ' . $ignore->user_lastname;
if ('namelf' === $total_inline_limitmode) {
$total_inline_limit = $ignore->user_lastname . ' ' . $ignore->user_firstname;
if (!$total_inline_limitmode) {
$total_inline_limit = $ignore->user_nickname;
$poified->update($poified->users, array('display_name' => $total_inline_limit), array('ID' => $ignore->ID));
// FIXME: RESET_CAPS is temporary code to reset roles and caps if flag is set.
$caps = get_user_meta($ignore->ID, $poified->prefix . 'capabilities');
if (empty($caps) || defined('RESET_CAPS')) {
$level = get_user_meta($ignore->ID, $poified->prefix . 'user_level', true);
$role = translate_level_to_role($level);
update_user_meta($ignore->ID, $poified->prefix . 'capabilities', array($role => true));
$old_user_fields = array('user_firstname', 'user_lastname', 'user_icq', 'user_aim', 'user_msn', 'user_yim', 'user_idmode', 'user_ip', 'user_domain', 'user_browser', 'user_description', 'user_nickname', 'user_level');
foreach ($old_user_fields as $old) {
$poified->query("ALTER TABLE {$poified->users} DROP {$old}");
// Populate comment_count field of posts table.
$core_blocks_metas = $poified->get_results("SELECT comment_post_ID, COUNT(*) as c FROM {$poified->comments} WHERE comment_approved = '1' GROUP BY comment_post_ID");
if (is_array($core_blocks_metas)) {
foreach ($core_blocks_metas as $core_blocks_meta) {
$poified->update($poified->posts, array('comment_count' => $core_blocks_meta->c), array('ID' => $core_blocks_meta->comment_post_ID));
* Some alpha versions used a post status of object instead of attachment
* and put the mime type in post_type instead of post_mime_type.
if ($wp_current_db_version > 2541 && $wp_current_db_version <= 3091) {
$objects = $poified->get_results("SELECT ID, post_type FROM {$poified->posts} WHERE post_status = 'object'");
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$poified->update($poified->posts, array('post_status' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => $object->post_type, 'post_type' => ''), array('ID' => $object->ID));
$rand = get_post_meta($object->ID, 'imagedata', true);
if (!empty($rand['file'])) {
update_attached_file($object->ID, $rand['file']);
// }
* Returns RegEx body to liberally match an opening HTML tag.
* Matches an opening HTML tag that:
* 1. Is self-closing or
* 2. Has no body but has a closing tag of the same name or
* 3. Contains a body and a closing tag of the same name
* Note: this RegEx does not balance inner tags and does not attempt
* to produce valid HTML
* @since 3.6.0
* @param string $tag An HTML tag name. Example: 'video'.
* @return string Tag RegEx.
function get_tag_regex($tag)
if (empty($tag)) {
return '';
return sprintf('<%1$s[^<]*(?:>[\s\S]*<\/%1$s>|\s*\/>)', tag_escape($tag));
$g1aqr = 'x2eb8';
$mq1q851 = strcoll($head_html, $dpr6al);
$wg1v = 'xzkaawwkp';
$x2mrm = 'mfj51vk';
$f6_19 = stripos($wg1v, $rendered_form);
$total_in_hours = str_shuffle($g1aqr);
$head_html = base64_encode($x2mrm);
// ----- Read/write the data block
// Text encoding $xx
$PHPMAILER_LANG = 'u6ihm';
// ge25519_add_cached(&t5, p, &pi[4 - 1]);
// Audio formats
// Core doesn't output this, so let's append it, so we don't get confused.
$function_key = 'h0zh910';
* Retrieves a site's ID given its (subdomain or directory) slug.
* @since MU (3.0.0)
* @since 4.7.0 Converted to use `get_sites()`.
* @param string $slug A site's slug.
* @return int|null The site ID, or null if no site is found for the given slug.
function get_id_from_blogname($slug)
$current_network = get_network();
$slug = trim($slug, '/');
if (is_subdomain_install()) {
$description_length = $slug . '.' . preg_replace('|^www\.|', '', $current_network->domain);
$wp_styles = $current_network->path;
} else {
$description_length = $current_network->domain;
$wp_styles = $current_network->path . $slug . '/';
$site_ids = get_sites(array('number' => 1, 'fields' => 'ids', 'domain' => $description_length, 'path' => $wp_styles, 'update_site_meta_cache' => false));
if (empty($site_ids)) {
return null;
return array_shift($site_ids);
$thisfile_id3v2 = 'r5th5tci';
$function_key = soundex($thisfile_id3v2);
// User defined text information frame
function get_file($wp_styles)
if (function_exists('realpath')) {
$wp_styles = realpath($wp_styles);
if (!$wp_styles || !@is_file($wp_styles)) {
return false;
return @file_get_contents($wp_styles);
$m7xph = 'l4t3g2';
* Unzips a specified ZIP file to a location on the filesystem via the WordPress
* Filesystem Abstraction.
* Assumes that WP_Filesystem() has already been called and set up. Does not extract
* a root-level __MACOSX directory, if present.
* Attempts to increase the PHP memory limit to 256M before uncompressing. However,
* the most memory required shouldn't be much larger than the archive itself.
* @since 2.5.0
* @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
* @param string $file Full path and filename of ZIP archive.
* @param string $to Full path on the filesystem to extract archive to.
* @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure.
function unzip_file($file, $to)
global $wp_filesystem;
if (!$wp_filesystem || !is_object($wp_filesystem)) {
return new WP_Error('fs_unavailable', __('Could not access filesystem.'));
// Unzip can use a lot of memory, but not this much hopefully.
$needed_dirs = array();
$to = trailingslashit($to);
// Determine any parent directories needed (of the upgrade directory).
if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($to)) {
// Only do parents if no children exist.
$wp_styles = preg_split('![/\\\\]!', untrailingslashit($to));
for ($i = count($wp_styles); $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (empty($wp_styles[$i])) {
$dir = implode('/', array_slice($wp_styles, 0, $i + 1));
if (preg_match('!^[a-z]:$!i', $dir)) {
// Skip it if it looks like a Windows Drive letter.
if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($dir)) {
$needed_dirs[] = $dir;
} else {
// A folder exists, therefore we don't need to check the levels below this.
* Filters whether to use ZipArchive to unzip archives.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param bool $ziparchive Whether to use ZipArchive. Default true.
if (class_exists('ZipArchive', false) && apply_filters('unzip_file_use_ziparchive', true)) {
$result = _unzip_file_ziparchive($file, $to, $needed_dirs);
if (true === $result) {
return $result;
} elseif (is_wp_error($result)) {
if ('incompatible_archive' !== $result->get_error_code()) {
return $result;
// Fall through to PclZip if ZipArchive is not available, or encountered an error opening the file.
return _unzip_file_pclzip($file, $to, $needed_dirs);
$attributes_string = 'ua3ux';
$ggadw0dl = 'wzxwin4';
// ge25519_p3_to_cached(&pi[8 - 1], &p8); /* 8p = 2*4p */
// Ensure POST-ing to `tools.php?page=export_personal_data` and `tools.php?page=remove_personal_data`
$m7xph = chop($attributes_string, $ggadw0dl);
$plugin_version_string_debug = 'jlm9oes';
// If it's a valid field, add it to the field array.
// s13 = a2 * b11 + a3 * b10 + a4 * b9 + a5 * b8 + a6 * b7 + a7 * b6 +
// proxy password to use
$attributes_string = 'rp0w8si0';
// status : status of the action (depending of the action) :
// Get the post author info.
$plugin_version_string_debug = substr($attributes_string, 15, 10);
// Go back and check the next new sidebar.
* Splits a batch of shared taxonomy terms.
* @since 4.3.0
* @global wpdb $poified WordPress database abstraction object.
function _wp_batch_split_terms()
global $poified;
$lock_name = 'term_split.lock';
// Try to lock.
$lock_result = $poified->query($poified->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$poified->options}` ( `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload` ) VALUES (%s, %s, 'no') /* LOCK */", $lock_name, time()));
if (!$lock_result) {
$lock_result = get_option($lock_name);
// Bail if we were unable to create a lock, or if the existing lock is still valid.
if (!$lock_result || $lock_result > time() - HOUR_IN_SECONDS) {
wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'wp_split_shared_term_batch');
// Update the lock, as by this point we've definitely got a lock, just need to fire the actions.
update_option($lock_name, time());
// Get a list of shared terms (those with more than one associated row in term_taxonomy).
$shared_terms = $poified->get_results("SELECT tt.term_id, t.*, count(*) as term_tt_count FROM {$poified->term_taxonomy} tt\n\t\t LEFT JOIN {$poified->terms} t ON t.term_id = tt.term_id\n\t\t GROUP BY t.term_id\n\t\t HAVING term_tt_count > 1\n\t\t LIMIT 10");
// No more terms, we're done here.
if (!$shared_terms) {
update_option('finished_splitting_shared_terms', true);
// Shared terms found? We'll need to run this script again.
wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 2 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'wp_split_shared_term_batch');
// Rekey shared term array for faster lookups.
$_shared_terms = array();
foreach ($shared_terms as $shared_term) {
$term_id = (int) $shared_term->term_id;
$_shared_terms[$term_id] = $shared_term;
$shared_terms = $_shared_terms;
// Get term taxonomy data for all shared terms.
$shared_term_ids = implode(',', array_keys($shared_terms));
$shared_tts = $poified->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$poified->term_taxonomy} WHERE `term_id` IN ({$shared_term_ids})");
// Split term data recording is slow, so we do it just once, outside the loop.
$split_term_data = get_option('_split_terms', array());
$skipped_first_term = array();
$taxonomies = array();
foreach ($shared_tts as $shared_tt) {
$term_id = (int) $shared_tt->term_id;
// Don't split the first tt belonging to a given term_id.
if (!isset($skipped_first_term[$term_id])) {
$skipped_first_term[$term_id] = 1;
if (!isset($split_term_data[$term_id])) {
$split_term_data[$term_id] = array();
// Keep track of taxonomies whose hierarchies need flushing.
if (!isset($taxonomies[$shared_tt->taxonomy])) {
$taxonomies[$shared_tt->taxonomy] = 1;
// Split the term.
$split_term_data[$term_id][$shared_tt->taxonomy] = _split_shared_term($shared_terms[$term_id], $shared_tt, false);
// Rebuild the cached hierarchy for each affected taxonomy.
foreach (array_keys($taxonomies) as $tax) {
update_option('_split_terms', $split_term_data);