. /** * Defines backup_course_task * * @package core_backup * @subpackage moodle2 * @category backup * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * course task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed * when one course is being backup * * TODO: Finish phpdocs */ class backup_course_task extends backup_task { protected $courseid; protected $contextid; /** * Constructor - instantiates one object of this class */ public function __construct($name, $courseid, $plan = null) { $this->courseid = $courseid; $this->contextid = context_course::instance($this->courseid)->id; parent::__construct($name, $plan); } public function get_contextid() { return $this->contextid; } /** * Course tasks have their own directory to write files */ public function get_taskbasepath() { return $this->get_basepath() . '/course'; } /** * Create all the steps that will be part of this task */ public function build() { // Add some extra settings that related processors are going to need $this->add_setting(new backup_activity_generic_setting(backup::VAR_COURSEID, base_setting::IS_INTEGER, $this->get_courseid())); $this->add_setting(new backup_activity_generic_setting(backup::VAR_CONTEXTID, base_setting::IS_INTEGER, $this->contextid)); // Create the course directory $this->add_step(new create_taskbasepath_directory('create_course_directory')); // Create the course.xml file with course & category information // annotating some bits, tags and module restrictions $this->add_step(new backup_course_structure_step('course_info', 'course.xml')); // Generate the enrolment file (conditionally, prevent it in any IMPORT/HUB operation) if ($this->plan->get_mode() != backup::MODE_IMPORT && $this->plan->get_mode() != backup::MODE_HUB) { $this->add_step(new backup_enrolments_structure_step('course_enrolments', 'enrolments.xml')); } // Annotate enrolment custom fields. $this->add_step(new backup_enrolments_execution_step('annotate_enrol_custom_fields')); // Annotate all the groups and groupings belonging to the course. This can be optional. if ($this->get_setting_value('groups')) { $this->add_step(new backup_annotate_course_groups_and_groupings('annotate_course_groups')); } // Annotate the groups used in already annotated groupings (note this may be // unnecessary now that we are annotating all the course groups and groupings in the // step above). This is here to support course->defaultgroupingid. // This may not be required to annotate if groups are not being backed up. if ($this->get_setting_value('groups')) { $this->add_step(new backup_annotate_groups_from_groupings('annotate_groups_from_groupings')); } // Annotate the question_categories belonging to the course context (conditionally). if ($this->get_setting_value('questionbank')) { $this->add_step(new backup_calculate_question_categories('course_question_categories')); } // Generate the roles file (optionally role assignments and always role overrides) $this->add_step(new backup_roles_structure_step('course_roles', 'roles.xml')); // Generate the filter file (conditionally) if ($this->get_setting_value('filters')) { $this->add_step(new backup_filters_structure_step('course_filters', 'filters.xml')); } // Generate the comments file (conditionally) if ($this->get_setting_value('comments')) { $this->add_step(new backup_comments_structure_step('course_comments', 'comments.xml')); } // Generate the calender events file (conditionally) if ($this->get_setting_value('calendarevents')) { $this->add_step(new backup_calendarevents_structure_step('course_calendar', 'calendar.xml')); } // Generate the logs file (conditionally) if ($this->get_setting_value('logs')) { // Legacy logs. $this->add_step(new backup_course_logs_structure_step('course_logs', 'logs.xml')); // New log stores. $this->add_step(new backup_course_logstores_structure_step('course_logstores', 'logstores.xml')); } // Generate the course competencies. $this->add_step(new backup_course_competencies_structure_step('course_competencies', 'competencies.xml')); // Annotate activity completion defaults. $this->add_step(new backup_completion_defaults_structure_step('course_completion_defaults', 'completiondefaults.xml')); // Generate the inforef file (must be after ALL steps gathering annotations of ANY type) $this->add_step(new backup_inforef_structure_step('course', 'inforef.xml')); // Migrate the already exported inforef entries to final ones $this->add_step(new move_inforef_annotations_to_final('migrate_inforef')); // At the end, mark it as built $this->built = true; } /** * Code the transformations to perform in the course in * order to get transportable (encoded) links * @param string $content content in which to encode links. * @return string content with links encoded. */ static public function encode_content_links($content) { // Link to the course main page (it also covers "&topic=xx" and "&week=xx" // because they don't become transformed (section number) in backup/restore. $content = self::encode_links_helper($content, 'COURSEVIEWBYID', '/course/view.php?id='); // A few other key course links. $content = self::encode_links_helper($content, 'GRADEINDEXBYID', '/grade/index.php?id='); $content = self::encode_links_helper($content, 'GRADEREPORTINDEXBYID', '/grade/report/index.php?id='); $content = self::encode_links_helper($content, 'BADGESVIEWBYID', '/badges/view.php?type=2&id='); $content = self::encode_links_helper($content, 'USERINDEXVIEWBYID', '/user/index.php?id='); return $content; } /** * Helper method, used by encode_content_links. * @param string $content content in which to encode links. * @param string $name the name of this type of encoded link. * @param string $path the path that identifies this type of link, up * to the ?paramname= bit. * @return string content with one type of link encoded. */ static private function encode_links_helper($content, $name, $path) { global $CFG; // We want to convert both http and https links. $root = $CFG->wwwroot; $httpsroot = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $root); $httproot = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $root); $httpsbase = preg_quote($httpsroot . $path, '/'); $httpbase = preg_quote($httproot . $path, '/'); $return = preg_replace('/(' . $httpsbase . ')([0-9]+)/', '$@' . $name . '*$2@$', $content); $return = preg_replace('/(' . $httpbase . ')([0-9]+)/', '$@' . $name . '*$2@$', $return); return $return; } // Protected API starts here /** * Define the common setting that any backup section will have */ protected function define_settings() { // Nothing to add, sections doesn't have common settings (for now) } }