// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Module to add/remove contact using ajax. * * @module core_message/toggle_contact_button * @class toggle_contact_button * @package message * @copyright 2016 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'core/custom_interaction_events'], function($, Ajax, Templates, Notification, CustomEvents) { /** * Check the state of the element, if the current user is a contact or not. * * @method isContact * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button * @return {bool} */ var isContact = function(element) { return element.attr('data-is-contact') == '1'; }; /** * Record that the user is a contact. * * @method setContact * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button */ var setContact = function(element) { element.attr('data-is-contact', '1'); }; /** * Record that the user is not a contact. * * @method setNotContact * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button */ var setNotContact = function(element) { element.attr('data-is-contact', '0'); }; /** * Get the id for the user being viewed. * * @method getUserId * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button * @return {int} */ var getUserId = function(element) { return element.attr('data-userid'); }; /** * Check if this element is currently loading. * * @method isLoading * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button * @return {bool} */ var isLoading = function(element) { return element.hasClass('loading') || element.attr('disabled'); }; /** * Sends an ajax request to the server and handles the element state * while the request is being performed. * * @method sendRequest * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button * @param {object} request Request hash to send * @return {object} jQuery promise */ var sendRequest = function(element, request) { if (isLoading(element)) { return $.Deferred(); } element.addClass('loading'); element.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); return Ajax.call([request])[0] .fail(Notification.exception) .always(function() { element.removeClass('loading'); element.removeAttr('disabled'); }); }; /** * Send a request to the server to add the current user as * a contact. The contents of the button are changed to the * remove contact button upon success. * * @method addContact * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button */ var addContact = function(element) { if (isLoading(element)) { return; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_create_contacts', args: { userids: [getUserId(element)], } }; sendRequest(element, request).done(function() { setContact(element); Templates.render('message/remove_contact_button', {}).done(function(html, js) { Templates.replaceNodeContents(element, html, js); }); }); }; /** * Send a request to the server to remove the current user as * a contact. The contents of the button are changed to the * add contact button upon success. * * @method removeContact * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button */ var removeContact = function(element) { if (isLoading(element)) { return; } var request = { methodname: 'core_message_delete_contacts', args: { userids: [getUserId(element)], } }; sendRequest(element, request).done(function() { setNotContact(element); Templates.render('message/add_contact_button', {}).done(function(html, js) { Templates.replaceNodeContents(element, html, js); }); }); }; /** * Enhances the given element with a loading gif and event handles to make * ajax requests to add or remove a contact where appropriate. * * @method enhance * @param {object} element jQuery object for the button */ var enhance = function(element) { element = $(element); if (!element.children('.loading-icon').length) { // Add the loading gif if it isn't already there. Templates.render('core/loading', {}).done(function(html, js) { element.append(html, js); }); } CustomEvents.define(element, [CustomEvents.events.activate]); element.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, function(e, data) { if (isContact(element)) { removeContact(element); } else { addContact(element); } e.preventDefault(); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }); }; return /** @alias module:message/toggle_contact_button */ { enhance: enhance }; });