. /** * Utility class for browsing of module files. * * @package core_files * @copyright 2008 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Represents a module context in the tree navigated by {@link file_browser}. * * @package core_files * @copyright 2008 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class file_info_context_module extends file_info { /** @var stdClass Course object */ protected $course; /** @var cm_info Course module object */ protected $cm; /** @var string Module name */ protected $modname; /** @var array Available file areas */ protected $areas; /** @var array caches the result of last call to get_non_empty_children() */ protected $nonemptychildren; /** * Constructor * * @param file_browser $browser file browser instance * @param stdClass $context context object * @param stdClass $course course object * @param stdClass $cm course module object * @param string $modname module name */ public function __construct($browser, $context, $course, $cm, $modname) { global $CFG; parent::__construct($browser, $context); $this->course = $course; $this->cm = cm_info::create($cm); $this->modname = $this->cm->modname; $this->nonemptychildren = null; if ($functionname = component_callback_exists('mod_'.$modname, 'get_file_areas')) { $cm = $this->cm->get_course_module_record(); $this->areas = $functionname($course, $cm, $context); } else { $this->areas = array(); } unset($this->areas['intro']); // hardcoded, ignore attempts to override it } /** * Return information about this specific context level * * @param string $component component * @param string $filearea file area * @param int $itemid item ID * @param string $filepath file path * @param string $filename file name * @return file_info|null */ public function get_file_info($component, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename) { // try to emulate require_login() tests here if (!isloggedin()) { return null; } $coursecontext = $this->context->get_course_context(true); if (!$this->course->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $coursecontext)) { return null; } if (!is_viewing($this->context) and !$this->browser->is_enrolled($this->course->id)) { // no peaking here if not enrolled or inspector return null; } if (!$this->cm->uservisible) { // activity hidden sorry return null; } if (empty($component)) { return $this; } if ($component == 'mod_'.$this->modname and $filearea === 'intro') { return $this->get_area_intro($itemid, $filepath, $filename); } else if ($component == 'backup' and $filearea === 'activity') { return $this->get_area_backup($itemid, $filepath, $filename); } if ($functionname = component_callback_exists('mod_'.$this->modname, 'get_file_info')) { $cm = $this->cm->get_course_module_record(); return $functionname($this->browser, $this->areas, $this->course, $cm, $this->context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename); } return null; } /** * Get a file from module intro area * * @param int $itemid item ID * @param string $filepath file path * @param string $filename file name * @return file_info|null */ protected function get_area_intro($itemid, $filepath, $filename) { global $CFG; if (!plugin_supports('mod', $this->modname, FEATURE_MOD_INTRO, true) or !has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $this->context)) { return null; } $fs = get_file_storage(); $filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath; $filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename; if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($this->context->id, 'mod_'.$this->modname, 'intro', 0, $filepath, $filename)) { if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') { $storedfile = new virtual_root_file($this->context->id, 'mod_'.$this->modname, 'intro', 0); } else { // not found return null; } } $urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php'; return new file_info_stored($this->browser, $this->context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('moduleintro'), false, true, true, false); } /** * Get a file from module backup area * * @param int $itemid item ID * @param string $filepath file path * @param string $filename file name * @return file_info|null */ protected function get_area_backup($itemid, $filepath, $filename) { global $CFG; if (!has_capability('moodle/backup:backupactivity', $this->context)) { return null; } $fs = get_file_storage(); $filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath; $filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename; if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($this->context->id, 'backup', 'activity', 0, $filepath, $filename)) { if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') { $storedfile = new virtual_root_file($this->context->id, 'backup', 'activity', 0); } else { // not found return null; } } $downloadable = has_capability('moodle/backup:downloadfile', $this->context); $uploadable = has_capability('moodle/restore:uploadfile', $this->context); $urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php'; return new file_info_stored($this->browser, $this->context, $storedfile, $urlbase, get_string('activitybackup', 'repository'), false, $downloadable, $uploadable, false); } /** * Returns localised visible name. * * @return string */ public function get_visible_name() { return $this->cm->get_formatted_name().' ('.$this->cm->get_module_type_name().')'; } /** * Whether or not files or directories can be added * * @return bool */ public function is_writable() { return false; } /** * Whether or not this is an emtpy area * * @return bool */ public function is_empty_area() { if ($child = $this->get_area_backup(0, '/', '.')) { if (!$child->is_empty_area()) { return false; } } if ($child = $this->get_area_intro(0, '/', '.')) { if (!$child->is_empty_area()) { return false; } } foreach ($this->areas as $area=>$desctiption) { if ($child = $this->get_file_info('mod_'.$this->modname, $area, null, null, null)) { if (!$child->is_empty_area()) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Whether or not this is a directory * * @return bool */ public function is_directory() { return true; } /** * Returns list of children. * * @return array of file_info instances */ public function get_children() { return $this->get_filtered_children('*', false, true); } /** * Help function to return files matching extensions or their count * * @param string|array $extensions, either '*' or array of lowercase extensions, i.e. array('.gif','.jpg') * @param bool|int $countonly if false returns the children, if an int returns just the * count of children but stops counting when $countonly number of children is reached * @param bool $returnemptyfolders if true returns items that don't have matching files inside * @return array|int array of file_info instances or the count */ private function get_filtered_children($extensions = '*', $countonly = false, $returnemptyfolders = false) { global $DB; // prepare list of areas including intro and backup $areas = array( array('mod_'.$this->modname, 'intro'), array('backup', 'activity') ); foreach ($this->areas as $area => $desctiption) { $areas[] = array('mod_'.$this->modname, $area); } $params1 = array('contextid' => $this->context->id, 'emptyfilename' => '.'); list($sql2, $params2) = $this->build_search_files_sql($extensions); $children = array(); foreach ($areas as $area) { if (!$returnemptyfolders) { // fast pre-check if there are any files in the filearea $params1['component'] = $area[0]; $params1['filearea'] = $area[1]; if (!$DB->record_exists_sql('SELECT 1 from {files} WHERE contextid = :contextid AND filename <> :emptyfilename AND component = :component AND filearea = :filearea '.$sql2, array_merge($params1, $params2))) { continue; } } if ($child = $this->get_file_info($area[0], $area[1], null, null, null)) { if ($returnemptyfolders || $child->count_non_empty_children($extensions)) { $children[] = $child; if ($countonly !== false && count($children) >= $countonly) { break; } } } } if ($countonly !== false) { return count($children); } return $children; } /** * Returns list of children which are either files matching the specified extensions * or folders that contain at least one such file. * * @param string|array $extensions either '*' or array of lowercase extensions, i.e. array('.gif','.jpg') * @return array of file_info instances */ public function get_non_empty_children($extensions = '*') { if ($this->nonemptychildren !== null) { return $this->nonemptychildren; } $this->nonemptychildren = $this->get_filtered_children($extensions); return $this->nonemptychildren; } /** * Returns the number of children which are either files matching the specified extensions * or folders containing at least one such file. * * @param string|array $extensions for example '*' or array('.gif','.jpg') * @param int $limit stop counting after at least $limit non-empty children are found * @return int */ public function count_non_empty_children($extensions = '*', $limit = 1) { if ($this->nonemptychildren !== null) { return count($this->nonemptychildren); } return $this->get_filtered_children($extensions, $limit); } /** * Returns parent file_info instance * * @return file_info|null file_info or null for root */ public function get_parent() { $parent = $this->context->get_parent_context(); return $this->browser->get_file_info($parent); } }