* @author Michael Slusarz
* @category Horde * @copyright 1999-2017 Horde LLC * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @package Mime */ class Horde_Mime { /** * The RFC defined EOL string. * * @var string */ const EOL = "\r\n"; /** * Use windows-1252 charset when decoding ISO-8859-1 data? * HTML 5 requires this behavior, so it is the default. * * @var boolean */ public static $decodeWindows1252 = true; /** * Determines if a string contains 8-bit (non US-ASCII) characters. * * @param string $string The string to check. * @param string $charset The charset of the string. Defaults to * US-ASCII. (@deprecated) * * @return boolean True if string contains non 7-bit characters. */ public static function is8bit($string, $charset = null) { $string = strval($string); for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($string); $i < $len; ++$i) { if (ord($string[$i]) > 127) { return true; } } return false; } /** * MIME encodes a string (RFC 2047). * * @param string $text The text to encode (UTF-8). * @param string $charset The character set to encode to. * * @return string The MIME encoded string (US-ASCII). */ public static function encode($text, $charset = 'UTF-8') { $charset = Horde_String::lower($charset); $text = Horde_String::convertCharset($text, 'UTF-8', $charset); $encoded = $is_encoded = false; $lwsp = $word = null; $out = ''; /* 0 = word unencoded * 1 = word encoded * 2 = spaces */ $parts = array(); /* Tokenize string. */ for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($text); $i < $len; ++$i) { switch ($text[$i]) { case "\t": case "\r": case "\n": if (!is_null($word)) { $parts[] = array(intval($encoded), $word, $i - $word); $word = null; } elseif (!is_null($lwsp)) { $parts[] = array(2, $lwsp, $i - $lwsp); $lwsp = null; } $parts[] = array(0, $i, 1); break; case ' ': if (!is_null($word)) { $parts[] = array(intval($encoded), $word, $i - $word); $word = null; } if (is_null($lwsp)) { $lwsp = $i; } break; default: if (is_null($word)) { $encoded = false; $word = $i; if (!is_null($lwsp)) { $parts[] = array(2, $lwsp, $i - $lwsp); $lwsp = null; } /* Check for MIME encoding delimiter. Encode it if * found. */ if (($text[$i] === '=') && (($i + 1) < $len) && ($text[$i +1] === '?')) { ++$i; $encoded = $is_encoded = true; } } /* Check for 8-bit characters or control characters. */ if (!$encoded) { $c = ord($text[$i]); if ($encoded = (($c & 0x80) || ($c < 32))) { $is_encoded = true; } } break; } } if (!$is_encoded) { return $text; } if (is_null($lwsp)) { $parts[] = array(intval($encoded), $word, $len); } else { $parts[] = array(2, $lwsp, $len); } /* Combine parts into MIME encoded string. */ for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($parts); $i < $cnt; ++$i) { $val = $parts[$i]; switch ($val[0]) { case 0: case 2: $out .= substr($text, $val[1], $val[2]); break; case 1: $j = $i; for ($k = $i + 1; $k < $cnt; ++$k) { switch ($parts[$k][0]) { case 0: break 2; case 1: $i = $k; break; } } $encode = ''; for (; $j <= $i; ++$j) { $encode .= substr($text, $parts[$j][1], $parts[$j][2]); } $delim = '=?' . $charset . '?b?'; $e_parts = explode( self::EOL, rtrim( chunk_split( base64_encode($encode), /* strlen($delim) + 2 = space taken by MIME * delimiter */ intval((75 - strlen($delim) + 2) / 4) * 4 ) ) ); $tmp = array(); foreach ($e_parts as $val) { $tmp[] = $delim . $val . '?='; } $out .= implode(' ', $tmp); break; } } return rtrim($out); } /** * Decodes a MIME encoded (RFC 2047) string. * * @param string $string The MIME encoded text. * * @return string The decoded text. */ public static function decode($string) { $old_pos = 0; $out = ''; while (($pos = strpos($string, '=?', $old_pos)) !== false) { /* Save any preceding text, if it is not LWSP between two * encoded words. */ $pre = substr($string, $old_pos, $pos - $old_pos); if (!$old_pos || (strspn($pre, " \t\n\r") != strlen($pre))) { $out .= $pre; } /* Search for first delimiting question mark (charset). */ if (($d1 = strpos($string, '?', $pos + 2)) === false) { break; } $orig_charset = substr($string, $pos + 2, $d1 - $pos - 2); if (self::$decodeWindows1252 && (Horde_String::lower($orig_charset) == 'iso-8859-1')) { $orig_charset = 'windows-1252'; } /* Search for second delimiting question mark (encoding). */ if (($d2 = strpos($string, '?', $d1 + 1)) === false) { break; } $encoding = substr($string, $d1 + 1, $d2 - $d1 - 1); /* Search for end of encoded data. */ if (($end = strpos($string, '?=', $d2 + 1)) === false) { break; } $encoded_text = substr($string, $d2 + 1, $end - $d2 - 1); switch ($encoding) { case 'Q': case 'q': $out .= Horde_String::convertCharset( quoted_printable_decode( str_replace('_', ' ', $encoded_text) ), $orig_charset, 'UTF-8' ); break; case 'B': case 'b': $out .= Horde_String::convertCharset( base64_decode($encoded_text), $orig_charset, 'UTF-8' ); break; default: // Ignore unknown encoding. break; } $old_pos = $end + 2; } return $out . substr($string, $old_pos); } /* Deprecated methods. */ /** * @deprecated Use Horde_Mime_Headers_MessageId::create() instead. */ public static function generateMessageId() { return Horde_Mime_Headers_MessageId::create()->value; } /** * @deprecated Use Horde_Mime_Uudecode instead. */ public static function uudecode($input) { $uudecode = new Horde_Mime_Uudecode($input); return iterator_to_array($uudecode); } /** * @deprecated */ public static $brokenRFC2231 = false; /** * @deprecated */ const MIME_PARAM_QUOTED = '/[\x01-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x5d]/'; /** * @deprecated Use Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam#encode() instead. */ public static function encodeParam($name, $val, array $opts = array()) { $cp = new Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam( 'UNUSED', array($name => $val) ); return $cp->encode(array_merge(array( 'broken_rfc2231' => self::$brokenRFC2231 ), $opts)); } /** * @deprecated Use Horde_Mime_Headers_ELement_ContentParam instead. */ public static function decodeParam($type, $data) { $cp = new Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam( 'UNUSED', $data ); if (strlen($cp->value)) { $val = $cp->value; } else { $val = (Horde_String::lower($type) == 'content-type') ? 'text/plain' : 'attachment'; } return array( 'params' => $cp->params, 'val' => $val ); } /** * @deprecated Use Horde_Mime_Id instead. */ public static function mimeIdArithmetic($id, $action, $options = array()) { $id_ob = new Horde_Mime_Id($id); switch ($action) { case 'down': $action = $id_ob::ID_DOWN; break; case 'next': $action = $id_ob::ID_NEXT; break; case 'prev': $action = $id_ob::ID_PREV; break; case 'up': $action = $id_ob::ID_UP; break; } return $id_ob->idArithmetic($action, $options); } /** * @deprecated Use Horde_Mime_Id instead. */ public static function isChild($base, $id) { $id_ob = new Horde_Mime_Id($base); return $id_ob->isChild($id); } /** * @deprecated Use Horde_Mime_QuotedPrintable instead. */ public static function quotedPrintableEncode($text, $eol = self::EOL, $wrap = 76) { return Horde_Mime_QuotedPrintable::encode($text, $eol, $wrap); } }