. /** * This script displays one thumbnail of the image in current user's dropbox. * If {@link repository_dropbox::send_thumbnail()} can not display image * the default 64x64 filetype icon is returned * * @package repository_dropbox * @copyright 2012 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require(__DIR__.'/../../config.php'); require_once(__DIR__.'/lib.php'); $repoid = optional_param('repo_id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Repository ID $contextid = optional_param('ctx_id', SYSCONTEXTID, PARAM_INT); // Context ID $source = optional_param('source', '', PARAM_TEXT); // File path in current user's dropbox $thumbnailavailable = isloggedin(); $thumbnailavailable = $thumbnailavailable && $repoid; $thumbnailavailable = $thumbnailavailable && $source; $thumbnailavailable = $thumbnailavailable && ($repo = repository::get_repository_by_id($repoid, $contextid)); $thumbnailavailable = $thumbnailavailable && method_exists($repo, 'send_thumbnail'); if ($thumbnailavailable) { // Try requesting thumbnail and outputting it. // This function exits if thumbnail was retrieved. $repo->send_thumbnail($source); } // Send default icon for the file type. $fileicon = file_extension_icon($source, 64); send_file($CFG->dirroot . '/pix/' . $fileicon . '.png', basename($fileicon) . '.png');