* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Tests; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Cookie; class CookieTest extends TestCase { public function testToString() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', strtotime('Fri, 20-May-2011 15:25:52 GMT'), '/', '.myfoodomain.com', true); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; expires=Fri, 20 May 2011 15:25:52 GMT; domain=.myfoodomain.com; path=/; secure; httponly', (string) $cookie, '->__toString() returns string representation of the cookie'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar with white spaces', strtotime('Fri, 20-May-2011 15:25:52 GMT'), '/', '.myfoodomain.com', true); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar%20with%20white%20spaces; expires=Fri, 20 May 2011 15:25:52 GMT; domain=.myfoodomain.com; path=/; secure; httponly', (string) $cookie, '->__toString() encodes the value of the cookie according to RFC 3986 (white space = %20)'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', null, 1, '/admin/', '.myfoodomain.com'); $this->assertEquals('foo=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; domain=.myfoodomain.com; path=/admin/; httponly', (string) $cookie, '->__toString() returns string representation of a cleared cookie if value is NULL'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0, '/', ''); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; httponly', (string) $cookie); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 2, '/', '', true, true, false, 'lax'); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:02 GMT; path=/; secure; httponly; samesite=lax', (string) $cookie); } /** * @dataProvider getTestsForToFromString */ public function testToFromString($cookie, $url = null) { $this->assertEquals($cookie, (string) Cookie::fromString($cookie, $url)); } public function getTestsForToFromString() { return [ ['foo=bar; path=/'], ['foo=bar; path=/foo'], ['foo=bar; domain=google.com; path=/'], ['foo=bar; domain=example.com; path=/; secure', 'https://example.com/'], ['foo=bar; path=/; httponly'], ['foo=bar; domain=google.com; path=/foo; secure; httponly', 'https://google.com/'], ['foo=bar=baz; path=/'], ['foo=bar%3Dbaz; path=/'], ]; } public function testFromStringIgnoreSecureFlag() { $this->assertFalse(Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; secure')->isSecure()); $this->assertFalse(Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; secure', 'http://example.com/')->isSecure()); } /** * @dataProvider getExpireCookieStrings */ public function testFromStringAcceptsSeveralExpiresDateFormats($cookie) { $this->assertEquals(1596185377, Cookie::fromString($cookie)->getExpiresTime()); } public function getExpireCookieStrings() { return [ ['foo=bar; expires=Fri, 31-Jul-2020 08:49:37 GMT'], ['foo=bar; expires=Fri, 31 Jul 2020 08:49:37 GMT'], ['foo=bar; expires=Fri, 31-07-2020 08:49:37 GMT'], ['foo=bar; expires=Fri, 31-07-20 08:49:37 GMT'], ['foo=bar; expires=Friday, 31-Jul-20 08:49:37 GMT'], ['foo=bar; expires=Fri Jul 31 08:49:37 2020'], ['foo=bar; expires=\'Fri Jul 31 08:49:37 2020\''], ['foo=bar; expires=Friday July 31st 2020, 08:49:37 GMT'], ]; } public function testFromStringWithCapitalization() { $this->assertEquals('Foo=Bar; path=/', (string) Cookie::fromString('Foo=Bar')); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 2010 23:59:59 GMT; path=/', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; Expires=Fri, 31 Dec 2010 23:59:59 GMT')); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; domain=www.example.org; path=/; httponly', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; DOMAIN=www.example.org; HttpOnly')); } public function testFromStringWithUrl() { $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar', 'http://www.example.com/')); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar', 'http://www.example.com')); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar', 'http://www.example.com?foo')); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/foo', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar', 'http://www.example.com/foo/bar')); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; path=/', 'http://www.example.com/foo/bar')); $this->assertEquals('foo=bar; domain=www.myotherexample.com; path=/', (string) Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; domain=www.myotherexample.com', 'http://www.example.com/')); } public function testFromStringThrowsAnExceptionIfCookieIsNotValid() { $this->{method_exists($this, $_ = 'expectException') ? $_ : 'setExpectedException'}('InvalidArgumentException'); Cookie::fromString('foo'); } public function testFromStringIgnoresInvalidExpiresDate() { $cookie = Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; expires=Flursday July 31st 2020, 08:49:37 GMT'); $this->assertFalse($cookie->isExpired()); } public function testFromStringThrowsAnExceptionIfUrlIsNotValid() { $this->{method_exists($this, $_ = 'expectException') ? $_ : 'setExpectedException'}('InvalidArgumentException'); Cookie::fromString('foo=bar', 'foobar'); } public function testGetName() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertEquals('foo', $cookie->getName(), '->getName() returns the cookie name'); } public function testGetValue() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertEquals('bar', $cookie->getValue(), '->getValue() returns the cookie value'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar%3Dbaz', null, '/', '', false, true, true); // raw value $this->assertEquals('bar=baz', $cookie->getValue(), '->getValue() returns the urldecoded cookie value'); } public function testGetRawValue() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar=baz'); // decoded value $this->assertEquals('bar%3Dbaz', $cookie->getRawValue(), '->getRawValue() returns the urlencoded cookie value'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar%3Dbaz', null, '/', '', false, true, true); // raw value $this->assertEquals('bar%3Dbaz', $cookie->getRawValue(), '->getRawValue() returns the non-urldecoded cookie value'); } public function testGetPath() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0); $this->assertEquals('/', $cookie->getPath(), '->getPath() returns / is no path is defined'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0, '/foo'); $this->assertEquals('/foo', $cookie->getPath(), '->getPath() returns the cookie path'); } public function testGetDomain() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0, '/', 'foo.com'); $this->assertEquals('foo.com', $cookie->getDomain(), '->getDomain() returns the cookie domain'); } public function testIsSecure() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertFalse($cookie->isSecure(), '->isSecure() returns false if not defined'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0, '/', 'foo.com', true); $this->assertTrue($cookie->isSecure(), '->isSecure() returns the cookie secure flag'); } public function testIsHttponly() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertTrue($cookie->isHttpOnly(), '->isHttpOnly() returns false if not defined'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0, '/', 'foo.com', false, true); $this->assertTrue($cookie->isHttpOnly(), '->isHttpOnly() returns the cookie httponly flag'); } public function testGetExpiresTime() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertNull($cookie->getExpiresTime(), '->getExpiresTime() returns the expires time'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', $time = time() - 86400); $this->assertEquals($time, $cookie->getExpiresTime(), '->getExpiresTime() returns the expires time'); } public function testIsExpired() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertFalse($cookie->isExpired(), '->isExpired() returns false when the cookie never expires (null as expires time)'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', time() - 86400); $this->assertTrue($cookie->isExpired(), '->isExpired() returns true when the cookie is expired'); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0); $this->assertFalse($cookie->isExpired()); } /** * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException * @expectedExceptionMessage The cookie expiration time "string" is not valid. */ public function testConstructException() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 'string'); } public function testSameSite() { $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertNull($cookie->getSameSite()); $cookie = new Cookie('foo', 'bar', 0, '/', 'foo.com', false, true, false, 'lax'); $this->assertSame('lax', $cookie->getSameSite()); } }