<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Spomky-Labs * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ namespace Cose; use Assert\Assertion; use Cose\Algorithm\Algorithm; use Cose\Algorithm\Mac; use Cose\Algorithm\Signature\ECDSA; use Cose\Algorithm\Signature\EdDSA; use Cose\Algorithm\Signature\RSA; /** * @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/cose/cose.xhtml#algorithms */ abstract class Algorithms { public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_64_128_256 = 33; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_64_128_128 = 32; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_16_128_256 = 31; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_16_128_128 = 30; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_MAC_256_128 = 26; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_MAC_128_128 = 25; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_CHACHA20_POLY1305 = 24; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_MAC_256_64 = 15; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_MAC_128_64 = 14; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_64_64_256 = 13; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_64_64_128 = 12; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_16_64_256 = 11; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_AES_CCM_16_64_128 = 10; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_HS512 = 7; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_HS384 = 6; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_HS256 = 5; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_HS256_64 = 4; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_A256GCM = 3; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_A192GCM = 2; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_A128GCM = 1; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_A128KW = -3; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_A192KW = -4; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_A256KW = -5; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_DIRECT = -6; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ES256 = -7; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_EdDSA = -8; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ED256 = -260; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ED512 = -261; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_DIRECT_HKDF_SHA_256 = -10; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_DIRECT_HKDF_SHA_512 = -11; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_DIRECT_HKDF_AES_128 = -12; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_DIRECT_HKDF_AES_256 = -13; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_ES_HKDF_256 = -25; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_ES_HKDF_512 = -26; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_SS_HKDF_256 = -27; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_SS_HKDF_512 = -28; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_ES_A128KW = -29; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_ES_A192KW = -30; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_ES_A256KW = -31; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_SS_A128KW = -32; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_SS_A192KW = -33; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ECDH_SS_A256KW = -34; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ES384 = -35; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ES512 = -36; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_PS256 = -37; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_PS384 = -38; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_PS512 = -39; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_RSAES_OAEP = -40; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_RSAES_OAEP_256 = -41; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_RSAES_OAEP_512 = -42; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_ES256K = -43; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_RS256 = -257; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_RS384 = -258; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_RS512 = -259; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_RS1 = -65535; public const COSE_ALGORITHM_MAP = [ self::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES256 => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256, self::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES384 => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA384, self::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES512 => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512, self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS256 => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256, self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS384 => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA384, self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS512 => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512, self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS1 => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1, ]; public const COSE_HASH_MAP = [ self::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES256K => 'sha256', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES256 => 'sha256', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES384 => 'sha384', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES512 => 'sha512', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS256 => 'sha256', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS384 => 'sha384', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS512 => 'sha512', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_PS256 => 'sha256', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_PS384 => 'sha384', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_PS512 => 'sha512', self::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS1 => 'sha1', ]; public static function getOpensslAlgorithmFor(int $algorithmIdentifier): int { Assertion::keyExists(self::COSE_ALGORITHM_MAP, $algorithmIdentifier, 'The specified algorithm identifier is not supported'); return self::COSE_ALGORITHM_MAP[$algorithmIdentifier]; } public static function getHashAlgorithmFor(int $algorithmIdentifier): string { Assertion::keyExists(self::COSE_HASH_MAP, $algorithmIdentifier, 'The specified algorithm identifier is not supported'); return self::COSE_HASH_MAP[$algorithmIdentifier]; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v3.0. Please use the Manager or the ManagerFactory */ public static function getAlgorithm(int $identifier): Algorithm { $algs = static::getAlgorithms(); Assertion::keyExists($algs, $identifier, 'The specified algorithm identifier is not supported'); return $algs[$identifier]; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v3.0. Please use the Manager or the ManagerFactory * * @return Algorithm[] */ public static function getAlgorithms(): array { return [ Mac\HS256::identifier() => new Mac\HS256(), Mac\HS384::identifier() => new Mac\HS384(), Mac\HS512::identifier() => new Mac\HS512(), RSA\RS256::identifier() => new RSA\RS256(), RSA\RS384::identifier() => new RSA\RS384(), RSA\RS512::identifier() => new RSA\RS512(), RSA\PS256::identifier() => new RSA\PS256(), RSA\PS384::identifier() => new RSA\PS384(), RSA\PS512::identifier() => new RSA\PS512(), ECDSA\ES256K::identifier() => new ECDSA\ES256K(), ECDSA\ES256::identifier() => new ECDSA\ES256(), ECDSA\ES384::identifier() => new ECDSA\ES384(), ECDSA\ES512::identifier() => new ECDSA\ES512(), EdDSA\ED512::identifier() => new EdDSA\ED512(), ]; } }