<?php /** * Base WordPress Filesystem * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Filesystem */ /** * Base WordPress Filesystem class which Filesystem implementations extend. * * @since 2.5.0 */ #[AllowDynamicProperties] class WP_Filesystem_Base { /** * Whether to display debug data for the connection. * * @since 2.5.0 * @var bool */ public $verbose = false; /** * Cached list of local filepaths to mapped remote filepaths. * * @since 2.7.0 * @var array */ public $cache = array(); /** * The Access method of the current connection, Set automatically. * * @since 2.5.0 * @var string */ public $method = ''; /** * @var WP_Error */ public $errors = null; /** */ public $options = array(); /** * Returns the path on the remote filesystem of ABSPATH. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @return string The location of the remote path. */ public function abspath() { $folder = $this->find_folder( ABSPATH ); /* * Perhaps the FTP folder is rooted at the WordPress install. * Check for wp-includes folder in root. Could have some false positives, but rare. */ if ( ! $folder && $this->is_dir( '/' . WPINC ) ) { $folder = '/'; } return $folder; } /** * Returns the path on the remote filesystem of WP_CONTENT_DIR. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @return string The location of the remote path. */ public function wp_content_dir() { return $this->find_folder( WP_CONTENT_DIR ); } /** * Returns the path on the remote filesystem of WP_PLUGIN_DIR. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @return string The location of the remote path. */ public function wp_plugins_dir() { return $this->find_folder( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ); } /** * Returns the path on the remote filesystem of the Themes Directory. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string|false $theme Optional. The theme stylesheet or template for the directory. * Default false. * @return string The location of the remote path. */ public function wp_themes_dir( $theme = false ) { $theme_root = get_theme_root( $theme ); // Account for relative theme roots. if ( '/themes' === $theme_root || ! is_dir( $theme_root ) ) { $theme_root = WP_CONTENT_DIR . $theme_root; } return $this->find_folder( $theme_root ); } /** * Returns the path on the remote filesystem of WP_LANG_DIR. * * @since 3.2.0 * * @return string The location of the remote path. */ public function wp_lang_dir() { return $this->find_folder( WP_LANG_DIR ); } /** * Locates a folder on the remote filesystem. * * @since 2.5.0 * @deprecated 2.7.0 use WP_Filesystem_Base::abspath() or WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_*_dir() instead. * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::abspath() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_content_dir() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_plugins_dir() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_themes_dir() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_lang_dir() * * @param string $base Optional. The folder to start searching from. Default '.'. * @param bool $verbose Optional. True to display debug information. Default false. * @return string The location of the remote path. */ public function find_base_dir( $base = '.', $verbose = false ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.7.0', 'WP_Filesystem_Base::abspath() or WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_*_dir()' ); $this->verbose = $verbose; return $this->abspath(); } /** * Locates a folder on the remote filesystem. * * @since 2.5.0 * @deprecated 2.7.0 use WP_Filesystem_Base::abspath() or WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_*_dir() methods instead. * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::abspath() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_content_dir() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_plugins_dir() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_themes_dir() * @see WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_lang_dir() * * @param string $base Optional. The folder to start searching from. Default '.'. * @param bool $verbose Optional. True to display debug information. Default false. * @return string The location of the remote path. */ public function get_base_dir( $base = '.', $verbose = false ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.7.0', 'WP_Filesystem_Base::abspath() or WP_Filesystem_Base::wp_*_dir()' ); $this->verbose = $verbose; return $this->abspath(); } /** * Locates a folder on the remote filesystem. * * Assumes that on Windows systems, Stripping off the Drive * letter is OK Sanitizes \\ to / in Windows filepaths. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $folder the folder to locate. * @return string|false The location of the remote path, false on failure. */ public function find_folder( $folder ) { if ( isset( $this->cache[ $folder ] ) ) { return $this->cache[ $folder ]; } if ( stripos( $this->method, 'ftp' ) !== false ) { $constant_overrides = array( 'FTP_BASE' => ABSPATH, 'FTP_CONTENT_DIR' => WP_CONTENT_DIR, 'FTP_PLUGIN_DIR' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'FTP_LANG_DIR' => WP_LANG_DIR, ); // Direct matches ( folder = CONSTANT/ ). foreach ( $constant_overrides as $constant => $dir ) { if ( ! defined( $constant ) ) { continue; } if ( $folder === $dir ) { return trailingslashit( constant( $constant ) ); } } // Prefix matches ( folder = CONSTANT/subdir ), foreach ( $constant_overrides as $constant => $dir ) { if ( ! defined( $constant ) ) { continue; } if ( 0 === stripos( $folder, $dir ) ) { // $folder starts with $dir. $potential_folder = preg_replace( '#^' . preg_quote( $dir, '#' ) . '/#i', trailingslashit( constant( $constant ) ), $folder ); $potential_folder = trailingslashit( $potential_folder ); if ( $this->is_dir( $potential_folder ) ) { $this->cache[ $folder ] = $potential_folder; return $potential_folder; } } } } elseif ( 'direct' === $this->method ) { $folder = str_replace( '\\', '/', $folder ); // Windows path sanitization. return trailingslashit( $folder ); } $folder = preg_replace( '|^([a-z]{1}):|i', '', $folder ); // Strip out Windows drive letter if it's there. $folder = str_replace( '\\', '/', $folder ); // Windows path sanitization. if ( isset( $this->cache[ $folder ] ) ) { return $this->cache[ $folder ]; } if ( $this->exists( $folder ) ) { // Folder exists at that absolute path. $folder = trailingslashit( $folder ); $this->cache[ $folder ] = $folder; return $folder; } $return = $this->search_for_folder( $folder ); if ( $return ) { $this->cache[ $folder ] = $return; } return $return; } /** * Locates a folder on the remote filesystem. * * Expects Windows sanitized path. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $folder The folder to locate. * @param string $base The folder to start searching from. * @param bool $loop If the function has recursed. Internal use only. * @return string|false The location of the remote path, false to cease looping. */ public function search_for_folder( $folder, $base = '.', $loop = false ) { if ( empty( $base ) || '.' === $base ) { $base = trailingslashit( $this->cwd() ); } $folder = untrailingslashit( $folder ); if ( $this->verbose ) { /* translators: 1: Folder to locate, 2: Folder to start searching from. */ printf( "\n" . __( 'Looking for %1$s in %2$s' ) . "<br />\n", $folder, $base ); } $folder_parts = explode( '/', $folder ); $folder_part_keys = array_keys( $folder_parts ); $last_index = array_pop( $folder_part_keys ); $last_path = $folder_parts[ $last_index ]; $files = $this->dirlist( $base ); foreach ( $folder_parts as $index => $key ) { if ( $index === $last_index ) { continue; // We want this to be caught by the next code block. } /* * Working from /home/ to /user/ to /wordpress/ see if that file exists within * the current folder, If it's found, change into it and follow through looking * for it. If it can't find WordPress down that route, it'll continue onto the next * folder level, and see if that matches, and so on. If it reaches the end, and still * can't find it, it'll return false for the entire function. */ if ( isset( $files[ $key ] ) ) { // Let's try that folder: $newdir = trailingslashit( path_join( $base, $key ) ); if ( $this->verbose ) { /* translators: %s: Directory name. */ printf( "\n" . __( 'Changing to %s' ) . "<br />\n", $newdir ); } // Only search for the remaining path tokens in the directory, not the full path again. $newfolder = implode( '/', array_slice( $folder_parts, $index + 1 ) ); $ret = $this->search_for_folder( $newfolder, $newdir, $loop ); if ( $ret ) { return $ret; } } } /* * Only check this as a last resort, to prevent locating the incorrect install. * All above procedures will fail quickly if this is the right branch to take. */ if ( isset( $files[ $last_path ] ) ) { if ( $this->verbose ) { /* translators: %s: Directory name. */ printf( "\n" . __( 'Found %s' ) . "<br />\n", $base . $last_path ); } return trailingslashit( $base . $last_path ); } /* * Prevent this function from looping again. * No need to proceed if we've just searched in `/`. */ if ( $loop || '/' === $base ) { return false; } /* * As an extra last resort, Change back to / if the folder wasn't found. * This comes into effect when the CWD is /home/user/ but WP is at /var/www/.... */ return $this->search_for_folder( $folder, '/', true ); } /** * Returns the *nix-style file permissions for a file. * * From the PHP documentation page for fileperms(). * * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fileperms.php * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $file String filename. * @return string The *nix-style representation of permissions. */ public function gethchmod( $file ) { $perms = intval( $this->getchmod( $file ), 8 ); if ( ( $perms & 0xC000 ) === 0xC000 ) { // Socket. $info = 's'; } elseif ( ( $perms & 0xA000 ) === 0xA000 ) { // Symbolic Link. $info = 'l'; } elseif ( ( $perms & 0x8000 ) === 0x8000 ) { // Regular. $info = '-'; } elseif ( ( $perms & 0x6000 ) === 0x6000 ) { // Block special. $info = 'b'; } elseif ( ( $perms & 0x4000 ) === 0x4000 ) { // Directory. $info = 'd'; } elseif ( ( $perms & 0x2000 ) === 0x2000 ) { // Character special. $info = 'c'; } elseif ( ( $perms & 0x1000 ) === 0x1000 ) { // FIFO pipe. $info = 'p'; } else { // Unknown. $info = 'u'; } // Owner. $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0100 ) ? 'r' : '-' ); $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0080 ) ? 'w' : '-' ); $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0040 ) ? ( ( $perms & 0x0800 ) ? 's' : 'x' ) : ( ( $perms & 0x0800 ) ? 'S' : '-' ) ); // Group. $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0020 ) ? 'r' : '-' ); $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0010 ) ? 'w' : '-' ); $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0008 ) ? ( ( $perms & 0x0400 ) ? 's' : 'x' ) : ( ( $perms & 0x0400 ) ? 'S' : '-' ) ); // World. $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0004 ) ? 'r' : '-' ); $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0002 ) ? 'w' : '-' ); $info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0001 ) ? ( ( $perms & 0x0200 ) ? 't' : 'x' ) : ( ( $perms & 0x0200 ) ? 'T' : '-' ) ); return $info; } /** * Gets the permissions of the specified file or filepath in their octal format. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @return string Mode of the file (the last 3 digits). */ public function getchmod( $file ) { return '777'; } /** * Converts *nix-style file permissions to an octal number. * * Converts '-rw-r--r--' to 0644 * From "info at rvgate dot nl"'s comment on the PHP documentation for chmod() * * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.chmod.php#49614 * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $mode string The *nix-style file permissions. * @return string Octal representation of permissions. */ public function getnumchmodfromh( $mode ) { $realmode = ''; $legal = array( '', 'w', 'r', 'x', '-' ); $attarray = preg_split( '//', $mode ); for ( $i = 0, $c = count( $attarray ); $i < $c; $i++ ) { $key = array_search( $attarray[ $i ], $legal, true ); if ( $key ) { $realmode .= $legal[ $key ]; } } $mode = str_pad( $realmode, 10, '-', STR_PAD_LEFT ); $trans = array( '-' => '0', 'r' => '4', 'w' => '2', 'x' => '1', ); $mode = strtr( $mode, $trans ); $newmode = $mode[0]; $newmode .= $mode[1] + $mode[2] + $mode[3]; $newmode .= $mode[4] + $mode[5] + $mode[6]; $newmode .= $mode[7] + $mode[8] + $mode[9]; return $newmode; } /** * Determines if the string provided contains binary characters. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $text String to test against. * @return bool True if string is binary, false otherwise. */ public function is_binary( $text ) { return (bool) preg_match( '|[^\x20-\x7E]|', $text ); // chr(32)..chr(127) } /** * Changes the owner of a file or directory. * * Default behavior is to do nothing, override this in your subclass, if desired. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string $file Path to the file or directory. * @param string|int $owner A user name or number. * @param bool $recursive Optional. If set to true, changes file owner recursively. * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function chown( $file, $owner, $recursive = false ) { return false; } /** * Connects filesystem. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @return bool True on success, false on failure (always true for WP_Filesystem_Direct). */ public function connect() { return true; } /** * Reads entire file into a string. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Name of the file to read. * @return string|false Read data on success, false on failure. */ public function get_contents( $file ) { return false; } /** * Reads entire file into an array. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @return array|false File contents in an array on success, false on failure. */ public function get_contents_array( $file ) { return false; } /** * Writes a string to a file. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Remote path to the file where to write the data. * @param string $contents The data to write. * @param int|false $mode Optional. The file permissions as octal number, usually 0644. * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function put_contents( $file, $contents, $mode = false ) { return false; } /** * Gets the current working directory. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @return string|false The current working directory on success, false on failure. */ public function cwd() { return false; } /** * Changes current directory. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $dir The new current directory. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function chdir( $dir ) { return false; } /** * Changes the file group. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @param string|int $group A group name or number. * @param bool $recursive Optional. If set to true, changes file group recursively. * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function chgrp( $file, $group, $recursive = false ) { return false; } /** * Changes filesystem permissions. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @param int|false $mode Optional. The permissions as octal number, usually 0644 for files, * 0755 for directories. Default false. * @param bool $recursive Optional. If set to true, changes file permissions recursively. * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function chmod( $file, $mode = false, $recursive = false ) { return false; } /** * Gets the file owner. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @return string|false Username of the owner on success, false on failure. */ public function owner( $file ) { return false; } /** * Gets the file's group. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @return string|false The group on success, false on failure. */ public function group( $file ) { return false; } /** * Copies a file. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $source Path to the source file. * @param string $destination Path to the destination file. * @param bool $overwrite Optional. Whether to overwrite the destination file if it exists. * Default false. * @param int|false $mode Optional. The permissions as octal number, usually 0644 for files, * 0755 for dirs. Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function copy( $source, $destination, $overwrite = false, $mode = false ) { return false; } /** * Moves a file. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $source Path to the source file. * @param string $destination Path to the destination file. * @param bool $overwrite Optional. Whether to overwrite the destination file if it exists. * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function move( $source, $destination, $overwrite = false ) { return false; } /** * Deletes a file or directory. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to the file or directory. * @param bool $recursive Optional. If set to true, deletes files and folders recursively. * Default false. * @param string|false $type Type of resource. 'f' for file, 'd' for directory. * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function delete( $file, $recursive = false, $type = false ) { return false; } /** * Checks if a file or directory exists. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $path Path to file or directory. * @return bool Whether $path exists or not. */ public function exists( $path ) { return false; } /** * Checks if resource is a file. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file File path. * @return bool Whether $file is a file. */ public function is_file( $file ) { return false; } /** * Checks if resource is a directory. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $path Directory path. * @return bool Whether $path is a directory. */ public function is_dir( $path ) { return false; } /** * Checks if a file is readable. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to file. * @return bool Whether $file is readable. */ public function is_readable( $file ) { return false; } /** * Checks if a file or directory is writable. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $path Path to file or directory. * @return bool Whether $path is writable. */ public function is_writable( $path ) { return false; } /** * Gets the file's last access time. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to file. * @return int|false Unix timestamp representing last access time, false on failure. */ public function atime( $file ) { return false; } /** * Gets the file modification time. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to file. * @return int|false Unix timestamp representing modification time, false on failure. */ public function mtime( $file ) { return false; } /** * Gets the file size (in bytes). * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to file. * @return int|false Size of the file in bytes on success, false on failure. */ public function size( $file ) { return false; } /** * Sets the access and modification times of a file. * * Note: If $file doesn't exist, it will be created. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $file Path to file. * @param int $time Optional. Modified time to set for file. * Default 0. * @param int $atime Optional. Access time to set for file. * Default 0. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function touch( $file, $time = 0, $atime = 0 ) { return false; } /** * Creates a directory. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $path Path for new directory. * @param int|false $chmod Optional. The permissions as octal number (or false to skip chmod). * Default false. * @param string|int|false $chown Optional. A user name or number (or false to skip chown). * Default false. * @param string|int|false $chgrp Optional. A group name or number (or false to skip chgrp). * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function mkdir( $path, $chmod = false, $chown = false, $chgrp = false ) { return false; } /** * Deletes a directory. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $path Path to directory. * @param bool $recursive Optional. Whether to recursively remove files/directories. * Default false. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ public function rmdir( $path, $recursive = false ) { return false; } /** * Gets details for files in a directory or a specific file. * * @since 2.5.0 * @abstract * * @param string $path Path to directory or file. * @param bool $include_hidden Optional. Whether to include details of hidden ("." prefixed) files. * Default true. * @param bool $recursive Optional. Whether to recursively include file details in nested directories. * Default false. * @return array|false { * Array of arrays containing file information. False if unable to list directory contents. * * @type array ...$0 { * Array of file information. Note that some elements may not be available on all filesystems. * * @type string $name Name of the file or directory. * @type string $perms *nix representation of permissions. * @type string $permsn Octal representation of permissions. * @type int|string|false $number File number. May be a numeric string. False if not available. * @type string|false $owner Owner name or ID, or false if not available. * @type string|false $group File permissions group, or false if not available. * @type int|string|false $size Size of file in bytes. May be a numeric string. * False if not available. * @type int|string|false $lastmodunix Last modified unix timestamp. May be a numeric string. * False if not available. * @type string|false $lastmod Last modified month (3 letters) and day (without leading 0), or * false if not available. * @type string|false $time Last modified time, or false if not available. * @type string $type Type of resource. 'f' for file, 'd' for directory, 'l' for link. * @type array|false $files If a directory and `$recursive` is true, contains another array of * files. False if unable to list directory contents. * } * } */ public function dirlist( $path, $include_hidden = true, $recursive = false ) { return false; } }