<?php /** * Joomla! Content Management System * * @copyright (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\CMS\Workflow; \defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication; use Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractEvent; use Joomla\CMS\Extension\ComponentInterface; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper; use Joomla\CMS\Table\Category; use Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver; use Joomla\Database\ParameterType; use Joomla\Registry\Registry; use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; /** * Workflow Class. * * @since 4.0.0 */ class Workflow { /** * The booted component * * @var ComponentInterface */ protected $component = null; /** * Name of the extension the workflow belong to * * @var string * @since 4.0.0 */ protected $extension = null; /** * Application Object * * @var CMSApplication * @since 4.0.0 */ protected $app; /** * Database Driver * * @var DatabaseDriver * @since 4.0.0 */ protected $db; /** * Condition to names mapping * * @since 4.0.0 */ const CONDITION_NAMES = [ self::CONDITION_PUBLISHED => 'JPUBLISHED', self::CONDITION_UNPUBLISHED => 'JUNPUBLISHED', self::CONDITION_TRASHED => 'JTRASHED', self::CONDITION_ARCHIVED => 'JARCHIVED', ]; /** * Every item with a state which has the condition PUBLISHED is visible/active on the page */ const CONDITION_PUBLISHED = 1; /** * Every item with a state which has the condition UNPUBLISHED is not visible/inactive on the page */ const CONDITION_UNPUBLISHED = 0; /** * Every item with a state which has the condition TRASHED is trashed */ const CONDITION_TRASHED = -2; /** * Every item with a state which has the condition ARCHIVED is archived */ const CONDITION_ARCHIVED = 2; /** * Class constructor * * @param string $extension The extension name * @param ?CMSApplication $app Application Object * @param ?DatabaseDriver $db Database Driver Object * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function __construct(string $extension, ?CMSApplication $app = null, ?DatabaseDriver $db = null) { $this->extension = $extension; // Initialise default objects if none have been provided $this->app = $app ?: Factory::getApplication(); $this->db = $db ?: Factory::getDbo(); } /** * Returns the translated condition name, based on the given number * * @param integer $value The condition ID * * @return string * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function getConditionName(int $value): string { $component = $this->getComponent(); if ($component instanceof WorkflowServiceInterface) { $conditions = $component->getConditions($this->extension); } else { $conditions = self::CONDITION_NAMES; } return ArrayHelper::getValue($conditions, $value, '', 'string'); } /** * Returns the booted component * * @return ComponentInterface * * @since 4.0.0 */ protected function getComponent() { if (\is_null($this->component)) { $parts = explode('.', $this->extension); $this->component = $this->app->bootComponent($parts[0]); } return $this->component; } /** * Try to load a workflow default stage by category ID. * * @param integer $catId The category ID. * * @return boolean|integer An integer, holding the stage ID or false * @since 4.0.0 */ public function getDefaultStageByCategory($catId = 0) { // Let's check if a workflow ID is assigned to a category $category = new Category($this->db); $categories = array_reverse($category->getPath($catId)); $workflow_id = 0; foreach ($categories as $cat) { $cat->params = new Registry($cat->params); $workflow_id = $cat->params->get('workflow_id'); if ($workflow_id == 'inherit') { $workflow_id = 0; continue; } elseif ($workflow_id == 'use_default') { $workflow_id = 0; break; } elseif ($workflow_id > 0) { break; } } // Check if the workflow exists if ($workflow_id = (int) $workflow_id) { $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $query->select( [ $this->db->quoteName('ws.id') ] ) ->from( [ $this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_stages', 'ws'), $this->db->quoteName('#__workflows', 'w'), ] ) ->where( [ $this->db->quoteName('ws.workflow_id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName('w.id'), $this->db->quoteName('ws.default') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('w.published') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('ws.published') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('w.id') . ' = :workflowId', $this->db->quoteName('w.extension') . ' = :extension', ] ) ->bind(':workflowId', $workflow_id, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->bind(':extension', $this->extension); $stage_id = (int) $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadResult(); if (!empty($stage_id)) { return $stage_id; } } // Use default workflow $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $query->select( [ $this->db->quoteName('ws.id') ] ) ->from( [ $this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_stages', 'ws'), $this->db->quoteName('#__workflows', 'w'), ] ) ->where( [ $this->db->quoteName('ws.default') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('ws.workflow_id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName('w.id'), $this->db->quoteName('w.published') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('ws.published') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('w.default') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('w.extension') . ' = :extension' ] ) ->bind(':extension', $this->extension); $stage_id = (int) $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadResult(); // Last check if we have a workflow ID if (!empty($stage_id)) { return $stage_id; } return false; } /** * Check if a transition can be executed * * @param integer[] $pks The item IDs, which should use the transition * @param integer $transitionId The transition which should be executed * * @return object | null */ public function getValidTransition(array $pks, int $transitionId) { $pks = ArrayHelper::toInteger($pks); $pks = array_filter($pks); if (!\count($pks)) { return null; } $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $user = $this->app->getIdentity(); $query->select( [ $this->db->quoteName('t.id'), $this->db->quoteName('t.to_stage_id'), $this->db->quoteName('t.from_stage_id'), $this->db->quoteName('t.options'), $this->db->quoteName('t.workflow_id'), ] ) ->from( [ $this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_transitions', 't'), ] ) ->join('INNER', $this->db->quoteName('#__workflows', 'w')) ->join( 'LEFT', $this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_stages', 's'), $this->db->quoteName('s.id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName('t.to_stage_id') ) ->where( [ $this->db->quoteName('t.id') . ' = :id', $this->db->quoteName('t.workflow_id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName('w.id'), $this->db->quoteName('t.published') . ' = 1', $this->db->quoteName('w.extension') . ' = :extension' ] ) ->bind(':id', $transitionId, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->bind(':extension', $this->extension); $transition = $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadObject(); $parts = explode('.', $this->extension); $option = reset($parts); if (!empty($transition->id) && $user->authorise('core.execute.transition', $option . '.transition.' . (int) $transition->id)) { return $transition; } return null; } /** * Executes a transition to change the current state in the association table * * @param integer[] $pks The item IDs, which should use the transition * @param integer $transitionId The transition which should be executed * * @return boolean */ public function executeTransition(array $pks, int $transitionId): bool { $pks = ArrayHelper::toInteger($pks); $pks = array_filter($pks); if (!\count($pks)) { return true; } $transition = $this->getValidTransition($pks, $transitionId); if (is_null($transition)) { return false; } $transition->options = new Registry($transition->options); // Check if the items can execute this transition foreach ($pks as $pk) { $assoc = $this->getAssociation($pk); // The transition has to be in the same workflow if (!\in_array($transition->from_stage_id, [ $assoc->stage_id, -1 ] ) || $transition->workflow_id !== $assoc->workflow_id) { return false; } } PluginHelper::importPlugin('workflow'); $eventResult = $this->app->getDispatcher()->dispatch( 'onWorkflowBeforeTransition', AbstractEvent::create( 'onWorkflowBeforeTransition', [ 'eventClass' => 'Joomla\CMS\Event\Workflow\WorkflowTransitionEvent', 'subject' => $this, 'extension' => $this->extension, 'pks' => $pks, 'transition' => $transition, 'stopTransition' => false, ] ) ); if ($eventResult->getArgument('stopTransition')) { return false; } $success = $this->updateAssociations($pks, (int) $transition->to_stage_id); if ($success) { $this->app->getDispatcher()->dispatch( 'onWorkflowAfterTransition', AbstractEvent::create( 'onWorkflowAfterTransition', [ 'eventClass' => 'Joomla\CMS\Event\Workflow\WorkflowTransitionEvent', 'subject' => $this, 'extension' => $this->extension, 'pks' => $pks, 'transition' => $transition ] ) ); } return $success; } /** * Creates an association for the workflow_associations table * * @param integer $pk ID of the item * @param integer $state ID of state * * @return boolean * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function createAssociation(int $pk, int $state): bool { try { $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $query->insert($this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_associations')) ->columns( [ $this->db->quoteName('item_id'), $this->db->quoteName('stage_id'), $this->db->quoteName('extension'), ] ) ->values(':pk, :state, :extension') ->bind(':pk', $pk, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->bind(':state', $state, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->bind(':extension', $this->extension); $this->db->setQuery($query)->execute(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Update an existing association with a new state * * @param array $pks An Array of item IDs which should be changed * @param integer $state The new state ID * * @return boolean * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function updateAssociations(array $pks, int $state): bool { $pks = ArrayHelper::toInteger($pks); try { $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $query->update($this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_associations')) ->set($this->db->quoteName('stage_id') . ' = :state') ->whereIn($this->db->quoteName('item_id'), $pks) ->where($this->db->quoteName('extension') . ' = :extension') ->bind(':state', $state, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->bind(':extension', $this->extension); $this->db->setQuery($query)->execute(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Removes associations from the workflow_associations table * * @param integer[] $pks ID of content * * @return boolean * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function deleteAssociation(array $pks): bool { $pks = ArrayHelper::toInteger($pks); try { $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $query ->delete($this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_associations')) ->whereIn($this->db->quoteName('item_id'), $pks) ->where($this->db->quoteName('extension') . ' = :extension') ->bind(':extension', $this->extension); $this->db->setQuery($query)->execute(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Loads an existing association item with state and item ID * * @param integer $itemId The item ID to load * * @return \stdClass|null * * @since 4.0.0 */ public function getAssociation(int $itemId): ?\stdClass { $query = $this->db->getQuery(true); $query->select( [ $this->db->quoteName('a.item_id'), $this->db->quoteName('a.stage_id'), $this->db->quoteName('s.workflow_id'), ] ) ->from($this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_associations', 'a')) ->innerJoin( $this->db->quoteName('#__workflow_stages', 's'), $this->db->quoteName('a.stage_id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName('s.id') ) ->where( [ $this->db->quoteName('item_id') . ' = :id', $this->db->quoteName('extension') . ' = :extension', ] ) ->bind(':id', $itemId, ParameterType::INTEGER) ->bind(':extension', $this->extension); return $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadObject(); } }