; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2020 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN="System - WebAuthn Passwordless Login" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_CANNOT_ADD_FOR_A_USER="You cannot add or remove authenticators on behalf of users. Users must login, and set up their own devices." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_DESCRIPTION="Enables passwordless authentication using the W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) API. Please note that the WebAuthn tab in the user profile editor and the WebAuthn login buttons will only be displayed if the user is accessing the site over HTTPS. Furthermore, registering WebAuthn authenticators and using them to log into your site will only work when your site is using a valid certificate, signed by a Certificate Authority the user's browser trusts." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CANNOT_FIND_USERNAME="Cannot find the username field in the login module. Sorry, Passwordless authentication will not work on this site unless you use a different login module." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CANT_STORE_FOR_GUEST="Cannot possibly store credentials for Guest user!" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CORRUPT_STORED_CREDENTIAL="The stored credentials are corrupt for your user account. Log in using another method, then remove and add again your login authenticator." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CREATE_INVALID_LOGIN_REQUEST="Invalid passwordless login request. Something is broken or this is an attempt to hack the site." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CREATE_INVALID_PK="The authenticator registration has failed. The authenticator response received from the browser does not match the Public Key issued by the server. This means that someone tried to hack you or something is broken." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CREATE_INVALID_USER="For security reasons you are not allowed to register passwordless authentication tokens on behalf of another user." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CREATE_NO_ATTESTED_DATA="Something went wrong but no further information about the error is available at this time. Please retry registering your authenticator." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CREATE_NO_PK="The server has not issued a Public Key for authenticator registration but somehow received an authenticator registration request from the browser. This means that someone tried to hack you or something is broken." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_CREDENTIAL_ID_ALREADY_IN_USE="Cannot save credentials. These credentials are already being used by a different user." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_EMPTY_USERNAME="You need to enter your username (but NOT your password) before selecting the Web Authentication login button." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_INVALID_USERNAME="The specified username does not correspond to a user account that has enabled passwordless login on this site." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_LABEL_NOT_SAVED="Could not save the new label" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_NO_BROWSER_SUPPORT="Sorry, your browser does not support the W3C Web Authentication standard for passwordless logins or your site is not being served over HTTPS with a valid certificate, signed by a Certificate Authority your browser trusts. You will need to log into this site using your username and password." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_NO_STORED_CREDENTIAL="Cannot find the stored credentials for your login authenticator." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_NOT_DELETED="Could not remove the authenticator" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_ERR_USER_REMOVED="The user for this authenticator seems to no longer exist on this site." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_FIELD_DESC="Lets you manage passwordless login methods using the W3C Web Authentication standard. You need a supported browser and authenticator (eg Google Chrome or Firefox with a FIDO2 certified security key)." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_FIELD_LABEL="W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) Login" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_FIELD_N_AUTHENTICATORS_REGISTERED="%d WebAuthn authenticators already set up: %s" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_FIELD_N_AUTHENTICATORS_REGISTERED_0="No WebAuthn authenticator has been set up yet" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_FIELD_N_AUTHENTICATORS_REGISTERED_1="One WebAuthn authenticator already set up: %2$s" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_HEADER="W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) Login" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_LBL_DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATOR_LABEL="Authenticator added on %s" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_LOGIN_DESC="Login without a password using the W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) standard in compatible browsers. You need to have already set up WebAuthn authentication in your user profile." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_LOGIN_LABEL="Web Authentication" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_BTN_ADD_LABEL="Add New Authenticator" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_BTN_CANCEL_LABEL="Cancel" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_BTN_DELETE_LABEL="Remove" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_BTN_EDIT_LABEL="Edit Name" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_BTN_SAVE_LABEL="Save" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_FIELD_KEYLABEL_DESC="A short name for the authenticator used with this passwordless login method." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_FIELD_KEYLABEL_LABEL="Authenticator Name" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_HEADER_ACTIONS_LABEL="Actions" PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MANAGE_HEADER_NOMETHODS_LABEL="No authenticators have been set up yet." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MSG_DELETED="The authenticator has been removed." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_MSG_SAVED_LABEL="The label has been saved." PLG_SYSTEM_WEBAUTHN_REQUIRES_GMP="Either of the PHP extensions GMP or BCmath must be loaded to add authenticators."