(function () { 'use strict'; /** * @copyright (C) 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ (function (document) { var checkPrivacy = function checkPrivacy() { var variables = Joomla.getOptions('js-privacy-check'); var ajaxUrl = variables.plg_quickicon_privacycheck_ajax_url; var url = variables.plg_quickicon_privacycheck_url; var text = variables.plg_quickicon_privacycheck_text; var quickicon = document.getElementById('plg_quickicon_privacycheck'); var link = quickicon.querySelector('span.j-links-link'); Joomla.request({ url: ajaxUrl, method: 'GET', data: '', perform: true, onSuccess: function onSuccess(response) { try { var request = JSON.parse(response); if (request.data.number_urgent_requests) { // Quickicon on dashboard shows message var countBadge = document.createElement('span'); countBadge.classList.add('badge', 'text-dark', 'bg-light'); countBadge.textContent = request.data.number_urgent_requests; link.textContent = text.REQUESTFOUND + " "; link.appendChild(countBadge); // Quickicon becomes red quickicon.classList.add('danger'); // Span in alert var countSpan = document.createElement('span'); countSpan.classList.add('label', 'label-important'); countSpan.textContent = text.REQUESTFOUND_MESSAGE.replace('%s', request.data.number_urgent_requests) + " "; // Button in alert to 'view requests' var requestButton = document.createElement('button'); requestButton.classList.add('btn', 'btn-primary', 'btn-sm'); requestButton.setAttribute('onclick', "document.location='" + url + "'"); requestButton.textContent = text.REQUESTFOUND_BUTTON; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('alert', 'alert-error', 'alert-joomlaupdate'); div.appendChild(countSpan); div.appendChild(requestButton); // Add elements to container for alert messages var container = document.querySelector('#system-message-container'); container.insertBefore(div, container.firstChild); } else { quickicon.classList.add('success'); link.textContent = text.NOREQUEST; } } catch (e) { quickicon.classList.add('danger'); link.textContent = text.ERROR; } }, onError: function onError() { quickicon.classList.add('danger'); link.textContent = text.ERROR; } }); }; // Give some times to the layout and other scripts to settle their stuff window.addEventListener('load', function () { setTimeout(checkPrivacy, 360); }); })(document); }());