File "header.php"

Full Path: /home2/sdektunc/
File size: 1.84 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

	 * The header for our theme.
	 * This is the template that displays all of the <head> section and everything up until <div id="content">
	 * @link
	 * @package Theme Palace
	 * @subpackage Edufication
	 * @since Edufication 1.0.0

	 * edufication_doctype hook
	 * @hooked edufication_doctype -  10
	do_action( 'edufication_doctype' );

	 * edufication_before_wp_head hook
	 * @hooked edufication_head -  10
	do_action( 'edufication_before_wp_head' );


<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
<?php do_action( 'wp_body_open' ); ?>
	 * edufication_page_start_action hook
	 * @hooked edufication_page_start -  10
	do_action( 'edufication_page_start_action' ); 

	 * edufication_loader_action hook
	 * @hooked edufication_loader -  10
	do_action( 'edufication_before_header' );

	 * edufication_header_action hook
	 * @hooked edufication_header_start -  10
	 * @hooked edufication_site_branding -  20
	 * @hooked edufication_site_navigation -  30
	 * @hooked edufication_header_end -  50
	do_action( 'edufication_header_action' );

	 * edufication_content_start_action hook
	 * @hooked edufication_content_start -  10
	do_action( 'edufication_content_start_action' );

	 * edufication_header_image_action hook
	 * @hooked edufication_header_image -  10
	do_action( 'edufication_header_image_action' );

    if ( edufication_is_frontpage() ) {

    	$sections = edufication_sortable_sections();
    	$i = 1;
		foreach ( $sections as $section => $value ) {
			add_action( 'edufication_primary_content', 'edufication_add_'. $section .'_section', $i . 0 );
		do_action( 'edufication_primary_content' );