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<?php namespace Nextend\SmartSlider3\Slider; use Nextend\Framework\Data\Data; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Application\ApplicationSmartSlider3; use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Application\Model\ModelSlides; class SliderParams extends Data { protected $sliderID; /** * @var string */ protected $sliderType; public function __construct($sliderID, $sliderType, $data = null, $json = false) { $this->sliderID = $sliderID; $this->sliderType = $sliderType; parent::__construct($data, $json); $this->upgradeData(); } private function upgradeData() { $this->upgradeSliderTypeResponsive(); $this->upgradeMaxSliderHeight(); $this->upgradeLimitSlideWidth(); $this->upgradeShowOn(); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-arrow-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-autoplay-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-bar-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-bullet-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-shadow-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-thumbnail-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-fullscreen-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-html-display-'); $this->upgradeShowOn('widget-indicator-display-'); $this->upgradeAdaptiveResponsiveMode(); $this->upgradeCustomSliderSize(); $this->upgradeLoadingType(); $this->upgradeSlideBackgroundOptimize(); $this->upgradeThumbnailsControlSize(); $this->upgradeCarouselSideSpacing(); $this->upgradeShowcaseSideSpacing(); $this->upgradeShowcaseCarouselSideSpacingWithCustomSize(); if ($this->has('optimize-background-image-width')) { /** * This setting was available only before version 3.5 so, if we end up here then it is an old slider. * If there are root absolute layers with disabled adaptive sizing, we enable the legacy font scale. */ $slidesModel = new ModelSlides(ApplicationSmartSlider3::getInstance() ->getApplicationTypeFrontend()); $hasAbsolute = false; $slides = $slidesModel->getAll($this->sliderID); foreach ($slides as $slide) { $layers = json_decode($slide['slide'], true); foreach ($layers as $layer) { if (isset($layer['type']) && $layer['type'] != 'content') { if (isset($layer['adaptivefont']) && $layer['adaptivefont'] == 0 && isset($layer['item']) && in_array($layer['item']['type'], array( 'button', 'heading', 'text', 'animatedHeading', 'caption', 'highlightedHeading', 'html', 'list', 'imagebox', 'input' ))) { $hasAbsolute = true; break; } } } if ($hasAbsolute) { break; } } if ($hasAbsolute) { $this->set('legacy-font-scale', '1'); } } } private function upgradeSliderTypeResponsive() { if ($this->sliderType == 'carousel' || $this->sliderType == 'showcase') { if ($this->get('responsive-mode') == 'fullpage') { $this->set('responsive-mode', 'fullwidth'); } } } private function upgradeMaxSliderHeight() { if ($this->has('responsiveSliderHeightMax')) { $maxSliderHeight = intval($this->get('responsiveSliderHeightMax', 3000)); if ($maxSliderHeight < 1) { $maxSliderHeight = 3000; } $sliderWidth = intval($this->get('width')); $sliderHeight = intval($this->get('height')); $maxSliderWidth = round($sliderWidth * ($maxSliderHeight / $sliderHeight)); $maxSlideWidth = intval($this->get('responsiveSlideWidthMax', 3000)); if ($this->has('responsiveSlideWidth')) { if ($this->get('responsiveSlideWidth', 1)) { if ($maxSliderWidth < $maxSlideWidth) { $this->set('responsiveSlideWidthMax', $maxSliderWidth); } } else { if ($maxSliderWidth > 100) { $this->set('responsiveSlideWidth', 1); $this->set('responsiveSlideWidthMax', $maxSliderWidth); } } } else { $maxWidth = INF; if ($maxSlideWidth > 0) { $maxWidth = min($maxWidth, $maxSlideWidth); } if ($maxSliderWidth > 0) { $maxWidth = min($maxWidth, $maxSliderWidth); } if ($maxWidth != INF) { $this->set('responsiveSlideWidth', 1); $this->set('responsiveSlideWidthMax', $maxWidth); } } $this->un_set('responsiveSliderHeightMax'); } } private function upgradeLimitSlideWidth() { if (!$this->has('responsiveLimitSlideWidth')) { if (!$this->has('responsiveSlideWidth')) { /** * Layout: Auto, fullpage */ if ($this->get('responsiveSlideWidthMax') > 0) { $this->set('responsiveLimitSlideWidth', 1); $this->set('responsiveSlideWidth', 1); } else { $this->set('responsiveLimitSlideWidth', 0); $this->set('responsiveSlideWidth', 0); } } else { /** * Layout: full width */ if (!$this->get('responsiveSlideWidth') && !$this->get('responsiveSlideWidthDesktopLandscape') && !$this->get('responsiveSlideWidthTablet') && !$this->get('responsiveSlideWidthTabletLandscape') && !$this->get('responsiveSlideWidthMobile') && !$this->get('responsiveSlideWidthMobileLandscape')) { $this->set('responsiveLimitSlideWidth', 0); } else { $this->set('responsiveLimitSlideWidth', 1); } } } } private function upgradeShowOn($pre = '') { $this->upgradeShowOnDevice($pre . 'desktop'); $this->upgradeShowOnDevice($pre . 'tablet'); $this->upgradeShowOnDevice($pre . 'mobile'); } private function upgradeShowOnDevice($device, $pre = '') { if ($this->has($pre . $device)) { $value = $this->get($pre . $device); $this->un_set($pre . $device); $this->set($device . 'portrait', $value); $this->set($device . 'landscape', $value); } } private function upgradeAdaptiveResponsiveMode() { $responsiveMode = $this->get('responsive-mode'); if ($responsiveMode === 'adaptive') { $this->set('responsiveScaleUp', 0); } } private function upgradeCustomSliderSize() { $deviceModes = array( 'desktop-landscape', 'tablet-portrait', 'tablet-landscape', 'mobile-portrait', 'mobile-landscape' ); foreach ($deviceModes as $deviceMode) { if (intval($this->get($deviceMode)) === 1) { if (intval($this->get('slider-size-override')) === 0) { $this->set('slider-size-override', 1); } $this->set('slider-size-override-' . $deviceMode, 1); $this->set('responsive-breakpoint-' . $deviceMode . '-enabled', 1); } } } private function upgradeLoadingType() { if (!empty($this->get('dependency'))) { $this->set('loading-type', 'afterOnLoad'); } else { if (!$this->has('loading-type') && $this->get('delay') > 0) { $this->set('loading-type', 'afterDelay'); } } } private function upgradeSlideBackgroundOptimize() { $optimize = $this->get('optimize'); //Slide Background Resize $isResizeBackgroundEnabled = $this->get('optimize-background-image-custom'); $resizeBackgroundWidth = $this->get('optimize-background-image-width'); if (!empty($optimize) && $optimize) { $this->set('optimize-thumbnail-scale', 1); $this->set('optimize-thumbnail-quality', intval($this->get('optimize-quality', 70))); if (!empty($isResizeBackgroundEnabled) && $isResizeBackgroundEnabled && !empty($resizeBackgroundWidth)) { $this->set('optimize-scale', 1); $this->set('optimize-slide-width-normal', (int)$resizeBackgroundWidth); } } } private function upgradeThumbnailsControlSize() { $isThumbnailEnabled = $this->get('widget-thumbnail-enabled'); if ($isThumbnailEnabled) { if (!$this->has('widget-thumbnail-tablet-width') && !$this->has('widget-thumbnail-mobile-width')) { $defaultThumbnailWidth = intval($this->get('widget-thumbnail-width', 100)); $this->set('widget-thumbnail-tablet-width', $defaultThumbnailWidth); $this->set('widget-thumbnail-mobile-width', $defaultThumbnailWidth); } if (!$this->has('widget-thumbnail-tablet-height') && !$this->has('widget-thumbnail-mobile-height')) { $defaultThumbnailHeight = intval($this->get('widget-thumbnail-height', 60)); $this->set('widget-thumbnail-tablet-height', $defaultThumbnailHeight); $this->set('widget-thumbnail-mobile-height', $defaultThumbnailHeight); } } } private function upgradeCarouselSideSpacing() { if ($this->sliderType == 'carousel') { if ($this->has('optimize-background-image-width')) { /** * This setting was available only before version 3.5 so, if we end up here then it is an old slider. * Earlier we automatically created top and bottom side spacing: (Slider Height - Slide Height) / 2 * so for old sliders we need to set those values for Side Spacing top and bottom. */ $sliderHeight = intval($this->get('height')); $slideHeight = intval($this->get('slide-height')); if ($sliderHeight > $slideHeight) { $heightDifference = $sliderHeight - $slideHeight; $spacingValue = intval($heightDifference / 2); if (!$this->get('side-spacing-desktop-enable')) { $this->set('side-spacing-desktop-enable', 1); $this->set('side-spacing-desktop', $spacingValue . '|*|0|*|' . $spacingValue . '|*|0'); $this->set('height', ($sliderHeight - $heightDifference)); } } } } } private function upgradeShowcaseSideSpacing() { if ($this->sliderType == 'showcase') { if ($this->has('optimize-background-image-width')) { /** * This setting was available only before version 3.5 so, if we end up here then it is an old slider. * Earlier we automatically created top and bottom side spacing: (Slider Height - Slide Height) / 2 * so for old sliders we need to set those values for Side Spacing top and bottom. */ $sliderHeight = intval($this->get('height')); $slideHeight = intval($this->get('slide-height')); if ($sliderHeight > $slideHeight) { $heightDifference = $sliderHeight - $slideHeight; $spacingValue = intval($heightDifference / 2); $this->set('side-spacing-desktop-enable', 1); $this->set('side-spacing-desktop', $spacingValue . '|*|20|*|' . $spacingValue . '|*|20'); $this->set('height', ($sliderHeight - $heightDifference)); } } } } private function upgradeShowcaseCarouselSideSpacingWithCustomSize() { if ($this->sliderType == 'showcase' || $this->sliderType == 'carousel') { /** * Showcase and Carousel slider types no longer have Custom size option. * If earlier there was a custom slider size set, then we need to add top and bottom side spacings */ $customSliderSizeEnabled = intval($this->get('slider-size-override')); if ($customSliderSizeEnabled) { $sliderHeight = intval($this->get('height')); $slideHeight = intval($this->get('slide-height')); $customTabletSizeEnabled = intval($this->get('slider-size-override-tablet-portrait')); if ($customTabletSizeEnabled) { $customTabletSliderHeight = intval($this->get('tablet-portrait-height')); $tabletSideSpacingDifference = 0; if ($customTabletSliderHeight > 0) { if (($slideHeight >= $sliderHeight && $slideHeight < $customTabletSliderHeight) || ($slideHeight < $sliderHeight && $sliderHeight >= $customTabletSliderHeight)) { $tabletSideSpacingDifference = round(($customTabletSliderHeight - $slideHeight) / 2); } if ($slideHeight < $sliderHeight && $sliderHeight < $customTabletSliderHeight) { $tabletSideSpacingDifference = round((($customTabletSliderHeight - $sliderHeight) / 2) + (($sliderHeight - $slideHeight) / 2)); } if ($slideHeight >= $customTabletSliderHeight) { $tabletSideSpacingDifference = 0; } } if ($tabletSideSpacingDifference > 0) { if ($this->get('side-spacing-tablet-enable', 0)) { $tabletSideSpacing = array_pad(array_map('intval', explode('|*|', $this->get('side-spacing-tablet'))), 4, 0); $this->set('side-spacing-tablet', ($tabletSideSpacing[0] + $tabletSideSpacingDifference) . '|*|' . $tabletSideSpacing[1] . '|*|' . ($tabletSideSpacing[2] + $tabletSideSpacingDifference) . '|*|' . $tabletSideSpacing[3]); } else { $this->set('side-spacing-tablet-enable', 1); $this->set('side-spacing-tablet', $tabletSideSpacingDifference . '|*|0|*|' . $tabletSideSpacingDifference . '|*|0'); } } } $customMobileSizeEnabled = intval($this->get('slider-size-override-mobile-portrait')); if ($customMobileSizeEnabled) { $customMobileSliderHeight = intval($this->get('mobile-portrait-height')); $mobileSideSpacingDifference = 0; if ($customMobileSliderHeight > 0) { if (($slideHeight >= $sliderHeight && $slideHeight < $customMobileSliderHeight) || ($slideHeight < $sliderHeight && $sliderHeight >= $customMobileSliderHeight)) { $mobileSideSpacingDifference = round(($customMobileSliderHeight - $slideHeight) / 2); } if ($slideHeight < $sliderHeight && $sliderHeight < $customMobileSliderHeight) { $mobileSideSpacingDifference = round((($customMobileSliderHeight - $sliderHeight) / 2) + (($sliderHeight - $slideHeight) / 2)); } if ($slideHeight >= $customMobileSliderHeight) { $mobileSideSpacingDifference = 0; } } if ($mobileSideSpacingDifference > 0) { if ($this->get('side-spacing-mobile-enable', 0)) { $mobileSideSpacing = array_pad(array_map('intval', explode('|*|', $this->get('side-spacing-mobile'))), 4, 0); $this->set('side-spacing-mobile', ($mobileSideSpacing[0] + $mobileSideSpacingDifference) . '|*|' . $mobileSideSpacing[1] . '|*|' . ($mobileSideSpacing[2] + $mobileSideSpacingDifference) . '|*|' . $mobileSideSpacing[3]); } else { $this->set('side-spacing-mobile-enable', 1); $this->set('side-spacing-mobile', $mobileSideSpacingDifference . '|*|0|*|' . $mobileSideSpacingDifference . '|*|0'); } } } } } } }