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## 1.2.15 Security and sanitizations ## 1.2.14 Breadcrumbs Support For Rank Math Plugin Fix php 8.0 deprecation issue and more ## 1.2.13 Bug fixed issue #271 updated font awesome to 5 Merged with wpChill ## 1.2.12 Improves : Escaping ## 1.2.11 Compatibility with jQuery 3.0 ## 1.2.10 Updated dependacies Tested with WP 5.6 ## 1.2.8 Security Fix ## 1.2.7 Improved accesibility with keyboard navigation. Improved compatibility with Kali Forms plugin. ### 1.2.6 Replace notification design with core design. Removed demo.json Fixed "About Shapely" page. ### 1.2.5 Added Modula to recommended plugins ### 1.2.4 Implemented milestone ### 1.2.2 Implemented milestone ### 1.2.1 Implemented milestone ### 1.1.6 Implemented milestone ### 1.1.0 #119 - changed prefixed #120 - fixed #121 - fixed #122 - fixed #123 - fixed #124 - fixed #125 - fixed #126 - added a notice in readme file about this limitation #128 - fixed #129 - fixed #130 - fixed #131 - fixed #112 - #1 - there's nothing wrong in using abspath, it's a WordPress core define, nothing added by the theme/plugin. Changed it to incorporate MU #2 - removed from global scope #3 - removed custom sanitize for hex #4 - removed shapely_sanitize_strip_slashes #5 - escaped variable #6 - I don't think Colorlib and WordPress are translatable #7 - escaped where needed #8 - removed registration of menu from socialnav.php #9 - removed theme support for post formats #10 - escaped where needed #11 - translated #12 - escaped where needed #79 - restyled <q> a little bit ( added a bg, set font style to italic ) #66 - woo-setup.php was not deleted from the theme files, fixed #63 - escaped echoes #52 - changed esc_html to wp_kses_post to allow some html tags #51 - related to #66, deleted woo-setup.php #47 - added support for Post thumb in page as well #35 - fixed in the first update #46 - reworked script that fixes the navbar top ( listen event, wait for a specific offset, animate it ) #48 - added prev / next for content #29 - this does not happen in the current version of the theme #50 - Content is escaped with wp_kses_post where appropriate #49 - seems to be fixed in the current theme version ( also, added a clearfix after the section - just in case ) #39 - sticky navigation removed for hamburger menus ( larger menus could not be used, you can't scroll in a fixed element ) #30 - archive page did not implement layout styles #45 - added border-bottom checkbox toggle for widget #79 - added epsilon toggles for widgets #95 - changed import demo content to required action #103 - removed margin bottom from the widgets only in the main content #16 - added the first option ### 1.0.7 <a href="">Issues</a> #23 - html was missing a closing tag #85 - sanitized with strip_tags #85 - sanitized dropdown with strip_tags #56 - removed admin styles #66 - moved to plugin #79 - re-added the quotes for q element #82 - this was no longer used, widgets were moved to a plugin #68 - this should be in the plugin repo, fixed #93 #47 - Post thumb is now shown in content ( above the title ) #63 - escapes/sanitizes where needed #60 - Default string is now translatable #58 - removed sanitization function that's no longer used #28 - this should be in the companion plugin, fixed. ### 1.0.6 <a href="">Issues</a> #83 - don't register widgets if jetpack is not installed/activated (testimonials and portfolio) #82 - changed loading files method #69 - changed pagination ### 1.0.5 <a href="">Issues</a> #62 - done #89 - in plugin #87 - removed from theme - ADDED TO COMPANION #86 - widgets are in the plugin #85 - sanitized the dropdown instead of escaping it #84 - found in the plugin #82 - widget files are found in the plugin, this is no longer an issue #81 - removed if condition in the social menu #80 - followed guide #79 - already fixed #78 - removed REM font size declaration, fixed #77 - figure had a margin left/right that was messing up the columns, changed it to padding . works #76 - added tags in single post #75 - seems to be fixed #74 - redone title section ( if yoast seo is not installed/breadcrumbs not used, title will have a 12 column size ) #72 - removed custom css #71 - remooved from extras.php #67 - no longer relevant - widgets are in the companion plugin now #65 - moved to style.css #61 - prefixed #60 - made them translation ready #59 - removed sanitization #58 - added custom logo functionality #57 - moved them in the after theme setup hook #55 - removed one of the enqueues #54 - changed handler names #53 - license changed to gpl v3 #52 - this should definitely be esc_html #51 - changed get_template_directory to get_stylesheet_directory (allowed to be overridden in child themes) - but i don`t think this is quite OK #50 - echo esc_html(). esc_attr is used inside html tags (value=<?php echo esc_attr() ?>, etc) #47 - design? or just throw it in there? #44 - no longer relevant #43 - no longer relevant ? #37 - fixed problems during activation #35 - no longer relevant, widgets moved to plugin #21 - added custom header image #25 - fixed