* Main WordPress Formatting API.
* Handles many functions for formatting output.
* @package WordPress
* Replaces common plain text characters with formatted entities.
* Returns given text with transformations of quotes into smart quotes, apostrophes,
* dashes, ellipses, the trademark symbol, and the multiplication symbol.
* As an example,
* 'cause today's effort makes it worth tomorrow's "holiday" ...
* Becomes:
* ’cause today’s effort makes it worth tomorrow’s “holiday” …
* Code within certain HTML blocks are skipped.
* Do not use this function before the {@see 'init'} action hook; everything will break.
* @since 0.71
* @global array $wp_cockneyreplace Array of formatted entities for certain common phrases.
* @global array $shortcode_tags
* @param string $text The text to be formatted.
* @param bool $reset Set to true for unit testing. Translated patterns will reset.
* @return string The string replaced with HTML entities.
function wptexturize( $text, $reset = false ) {
global $wp_cockneyreplace, $shortcode_tags;
static $static_characters = null,
$static_replacements = null,
$dynamic_characters = null,
$dynamic_replacements = null,
$default_no_texturize_tags = null,
$default_no_texturize_shortcodes = null,
$run_texturize = true,
$apos = null,
$prime = null,
$double_prime = null,
$opening_quote = null,
$closing_quote = null,
$opening_single_quote = null,
$closing_single_quote = null,
$open_q_flag = '<!--oq-->',
$open_sq_flag = '<!--osq-->',
$apos_flag = '<!--apos-->';
// If there's nothing to do, just stop.
if ( empty( $text ) || false === $run_texturize ) {
return $text;
// Set up static variables. Run once only.
if ( $reset || ! isset( $static_characters ) ) {
* Filters whether to skip running wptexturize().
* Returning false from the filter will effectively short-circuit wptexturize()
* and return the original text passed to the function instead.
* The filter runs only once, the first time wptexturize() is called.
* @since 4.0.0
* @see wptexturize()
* @param bool $run_texturize Whether to short-circuit wptexturize().
$run_texturize = apply_filters( 'run_wptexturize', $run_texturize );
if ( false === $run_texturize ) {
return $text;
/* translators: Opening curly double quote. */
$opening_quote = _x( '“', 'opening curly double quote' );
/* translators: Closing curly double quote. */
$closing_quote = _x( '”', 'closing curly double quote' );
/* translators: Apostrophe, for example in 'cause or can't. */
$apos = _x( '’', 'apostrophe' );
/* translators: Prime, for example in 9' (nine feet). */
$prime = _x( '′', 'prime' );
/* translators: Double prime, for example in 9" (nine inches). */
$double_prime = _x( '″', 'double prime' );
/* translators: Opening curly single quote. */
$opening_single_quote = _x( '‘', 'opening curly single quote' );
/* translators: Closing curly single quote. */
$closing_single_quote = _x( '’', 'closing curly single quote' );
/* translators: En dash. */
$en_dash = _x( '–', 'en dash' );
/* translators: Em dash. */
$em_dash = _x( '—', 'em dash' );
$default_no_texturize_tags = array( 'pre', 'code', 'kbd', 'style', 'script', 'tt' );
$default_no_texturize_shortcodes = array( 'code' );
// If a plugin has provided an autocorrect array, use it.
if ( isset( $wp_cockneyreplace ) ) {
$cockney = array_keys( $wp_cockneyreplace );
$cockneyreplace = array_values( $wp_cockneyreplace );
} else {
* translators: This is a comma-separated list of words that defy the syntax of quotations in normal use,
* for example... 'We do not have enough words yet'... is a typical quoted phrase. But when we write
* lines of code 'til we have enough of 'em, then we need to insert apostrophes instead of quotes.
$cockney = explode(
'Comma-separated list of words to texturize in your language'
$cockneyreplace = explode(
'Comma-separated list of replacement words in your language'
$static_characters = array_merge( array( '...', '``', '\'\'', ' (tm)' ), $cockney );
$static_replacements = array_merge( array( '…', $opening_quote, $closing_quote, ' ™' ), $cockneyreplace );
* Pattern-based replacements of characters.
* Sort the remaining patterns into several arrays for performance tuning.
$dynamic_characters = array(
'apos' => array(),
'quote' => array(),
'dash' => array(),
$dynamic_replacements = array(
'apos' => array(),
'quote' => array(),
'dash' => array(),
$dynamic = array();
$spaces = wp_spaces_regexp();
// '99' and '99" are ambiguous among other patterns; assume it's an abbreviated year at the end of a quotation.
if ( "'" !== $apos || "'" !== $closing_single_quote ) {
$dynamic[ '/\'(\d\d)\'(?=\Z|[.,:;!?)}\-\]]|>|' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $apos_flag . '$1' . $closing_single_quote;
if ( "'" !== $apos || '"' !== $closing_quote ) {
$dynamic[ '/\'(\d\d)"(?=\Z|[.,:;!?)}\-\]]|>|' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $apos_flag . '$1' . $closing_quote;
// '99 '99s '99's (apostrophe) But never '9 or '99% or '999 or '99.0.
if ( "'" !== $apos ) {
$dynamic['/\'(?=\d\d(?:\Z|(?![%\d]|[.,]\d)))/'] = $apos_flag;
// Quoted numbers like '0.42'.
if ( "'" !== $opening_single_quote && "'" !== $closing_single_quote ) {
$dynamic[ '/(?<=\A|' . $spaces . ')\'(\d[.,\d]*)\'/' ] = $open_sq_flag . '$1' . $closing_single_quote;
// Single quote at start, or preceded by (, {, <, [, ", -, or spaces.
if ( "'" !== $opening_single_quote ) {
$dynamic[ '/(?<=\A|[([{"\-]|<|' . $spaces . ')\'/' ] = $open_sq_flag;
// Apostrophe in a word. No spaces, double apostrophes, or other punctuation.
if ( "'" !== $apos ) {
$dynamic[ '/(?<!' . $spaces . ')\'(?!\Z|[.,:;!?"\'(){}[\]\-]|&[lg]t;|' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $apos_flag;
$dynamic_characters['apos'] = array_keys( $dynamic );
$dynamic_replacements['apos'] = array_values( $dynamic );
$dynamic = array();
// Quoted numbers like "42".
if ( '"' !== $opening_quote && '"' !== $closing_quote ) {
$dynamic[ '/(?<=\A|' . $spaces . ')"(\d[.,\d]*)"/' ] = $open_q_flag . '$1' . $closing_quote;
// Double quote at start, or preceded by (, {, <, [, -, or spaces, and not followed by spaces.
if ( '"' !== $opening_quote ) {
$dynamic[ '/(?<=\A|[([{\-]|<|' . $spaces . ')"(?!' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $open_q_flag;
$dynamic_characters['quote'] = array_keys( $dynamic );
$dynamic_replacements['quote'] = array_values( $dynamic );
$dynamic = array();
// Dashes and spaces.
$dynamic['/---/'] = $em_dash;
$dynamic[ '/(?<=^|' . $spaces . ')--(?=$|' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $em_dash;
$dynamic['/(?<!xn)--/'] = $en_dash;
$dynamic[ '/(?<=^|' . $spaces . ')-(?=$|' . $spaces . ')/' ] = $en_dash;
$dynamic_characters['dash'] = array_keys( $dynamic );
$dynamic_replacements['dash'] = array_values( $dynamic );
// Must do this every time in case plugins use these filters in a context sensitive manner.
* Filters the list of HTML elements not to texturize.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param string[] $default_no_texturize_tags An array of HTML element names.
$no_texturize_tags = apply_filters( 'no_texturize_tags', $default_no_texturize_tags );
* Filters the list of shortcodes not to texturize.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param string[] $default_no_texturize_shortcodes An array of shortcode names.
$no_texturize_shortcodes = apply_filters( 'no_texturize_shortcodes', $default_no_texturize_shortcodes );
$no_texturize_tags_stack = array();
$no_texturize_shortcodes_stack = array();
// Look for shortcodes and HTML elements.
preg_match_all( '@\[/?([^<>&/\[\]\x00-\x20=]++)@', $text, $matches );
$tagnames = array_intersect( array_keys( $shortcode_tags ), $matches[1] );
$found_shortcodes = ! empty( $tagnames );
$shortcode_regex = $found_shortcodes ? _get_wptexturize_shortcode_regex( $tagnames ) : '';
$regex = _get_wptexturize_split_regex( $shortcode_regex );
$textarr = preg_split( $regex, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
foreach ( $textarr as &$curl ) {
// Only call _wptexturize_pushpop_element if $curl is a delimiter.
$first = $curl[0];
if ( '<' === $first ) {
if ( str_starts_with( $curl, '<!--' ) ) {
// This is an HTML comment delimiter.
} else {
// This is an HTML element delimiter.
// Replace each & with & unless it already looks like an entity.
$curl = preg_replace( '/&(?!#(?:\d+|x[a-f0-9]+);|[a-z1-4]{1,8};)/i', '&', $curl );
_wptexturize_pushpop_element( $curl, $no_texturize_tags_stack, $no_texturize_tags );
} elseif ( '' === trim( $curl ) ) {
// This is a newline between delimiters. Performance improves when we check this.
} elseif ( '[' === $first && $found_shortcodes && 1 === preg_match( '/^' . $shortcode_regex . '$/', $curl ) ) {
// This is a shortcode delimiter.
if ( ! str_starts_with( $curl, '[[' ) && ! str_ends_with( $curl, ']]' ) ) {
// Looks like a normal shortcode.
_wptexturize_pushpop_element( $curl, $no_texturize_shortcodes_stack, $no_texturize_shortcodes );
} else {
// Looks like an escaped shortcode.
} elseif ( empty( $no_texturize_shortcodes_stack ) && empty( $no_texturize_tags_stack ) ) {
// This is neither a delimiter, nor is this content inside of no_texturize pairs. Do texturize.
$curl = str_replace( $static_characters, $static_replacements, $curl );
if ( str_contains( $curl, "'" ) ) {
$curl = preg_replace( $dynamic_characters['apos'], $dynamic_replacements['apos'], $curl );
$curl = wptexturize_primes( $curl, "'", $prime, $open_sq_flag, $closing_single_quote );
$curl = str_replace( $apos_flag, $apos, $curl );
$curl = str_replace( $open_sq_flag, $opening_single_quote, $curl );
if ( str_contains( $curl, '"' ) ) {
$curl = preg_replace( $dynamic_characters['quote'], $dynamic_replacements['quote'], $curl );
$curl = wptexturize_primes( $curl, '"', $double_prime, $open_q_flag, $closing_quote );
$curl = str_replace( $open_q_flag, $opening_quote, $curl );
if ( str_contains( $curl, '-' ) ) {
$curl = preg_replace( $dynamic_characters['dash'], $dynamic_replacements['dash'], $curl );
// 9x9 (times), but never 0x9999.
if ( 1 === preg_match( '/(?<=\d)x\d/', $curl ) ) {
// Searching for a digit is 10 times more expensive than for the x, so we avoid doing this one!
$curl = preg_replace( '/\b(\d(?(?<=0)[\d\.,]+|[\d\.,]*))x(\d[\d\.,]*)\b/', '$1×$2', $curl );
// Replace each & with & unless it already looks like an entity.
$curl = preg_replace( '/&(?!#(?:\d+|x[a-f0-9]+);|[a-z1-4]{1,8};)/i', '&', $curl );
return implode( '', $textarr );
* Implements a logic tree to determine whether or not "7'." represents seven feet,
* then converts the special char into either a prime char or a closing quote char.
* @since 4.3.0
* @param string $haystack The plain text to be searched.
* @param string $needle The character to search for such as ' or ".
* @param string $prime The prime char to use for replacement.
* @param string $open_quote The opening quote char. Opening quote replacement must be
* accomplished already.
* @param string $close_quote The closing quote char to use for replacement.
* @return string The $haystack value after primes and quotes replacements.
function wptexturize_primes( $haystack, $needle, $prime, $open_quote, $close_quote ) {
$spaces = wp_spaces_regexp();
$flag = '<!--wp-prime-or-quote-->';
$quote_pattern = "/$needle(?=\\Z|[.,:;!?)}\\-\\]]|>|" . $spaces . ')/';
$prime_pattern = "/(?<=\\d)$needle/";
$flag_after_digit = "/(?<=\\d)$flag/";
$flag_no_digit = "/(?<!\\d)$flag/";
$sentences = explode( $open_quote, $haystack );
foreach ( $sentences as $key => &$sentence ) {
if ( ! str_contains( $sentence, $needle ) ) {
} elseif ( 0 !== $key && 0 === substr_count( $sentence, $close_quote ) ) {
$sentence = preg_replace( $quote_pattern, $flag, $sentence, -1, $count );
if ( $count > 1 ) {
// This sentence appears to have multiple closing quotes. Attempt Vulcan logic.
$sentence = preg_replace( $flag_no_digit, $close_quote, $sentence, -1, $count2 );
if ( 0 === $count2 ) {
// Try looking for a quote followed by a period.
$count2 = substr_count( $sentence, "$flag." );
if ( $count2 > 0 ) {
// Assume the rightmost quote-period match is the end of quotation.
$pos = strrpos( $sentence, "$flag." );
} else {
* When all else fails, make the rightmost candidate a closing quote.
* This is most likely to be problematic in the context of bug #18549.
$pos = strrpos( $sentence, $flag );
$sentence = substr_replace( $sentence, $close_quote, $pos, strlen( $flag ) );
// Use conventional replacement on any remaining primes and quotes.
$sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern, $prime, $sentence );
$sentence = preg_replace( $flag_after_digit, $prime, $sentence );
$sentence = str_replace( $flag, $close_quote, $sentence );
} elseif ( 1 === $count ) {
// Found only one closing quote candidate, so give it priority over primes.
$sentence = str_replace( $flag, $close_quote, $sentence );
$sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern, $prime, $sentence );
} else {
// No closing quotes found. Just run primes pattern.
$sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern, $prime, $sentence );
} else {
$sentence = preg_replace( $prime_pattern, $prime, $sentence );
$sentence = preg_replace( $quote_pattern, $close_quote, $sentence );
if ( '"' === $needle && str_contains( $sentence, '"' ) ) {
$sentence = str_replace( '"', $close_quote, $sentence );
return implode( $open_quote, $sentences );
* Searches for disabled element tags. Pushes element to stack on tag open
* and pops on tag close.
* Assumes first char of `$text` is tag opening and last char is tag closing.
* Assumes second char of `$text` is optionally `/` to indicate closing as in `</html>`.
* @since 2.9.0
* @access private
* @param string $text Text to check. Must be a tag like `<html>` or `[shortcode]`.
* @param string[] $stack Array of open tag elements.
* @param string[] $disabled_elements Array of tag names to match against. Spaces are not allowed in tag names.
function _wptexturize_pushpop_element( $text, &$stack, $disabled_elements ) {
// Is it an opening tag or closing tag?
if ( isset( $text[1] ) && '/' !== $text[1] ) {
$opening_tag = true;
$name_offset = 1;
} elseif ( 0 === count( $stack ) ) {
// Stack is empty. Just stop.
} else {
$opening_tag = false;
$name_offset = 2;
// Parse out the tag name.
$space = strpos( $text, ' ' );
if ( false === $space ) {
$space = -1;
} else {
$space -= $name_offset;
$tag = substr( $text, $name_offset, $space );
// Handle disabled tags.
if ( in_array( $tag, $disabled_elements, true ) ) {
if ( $opening_tag ) {
* This disables texturize until we find a closing tag of our type
* (e.g. <pre>) even if there was invalid nesting before that.
* Example: in the case <pre>sadsadasd</code>"baba"</pre>
* "baba" won't be texturized.
array_push( $stack, $tag );
} elseif ( end( $stack ) === $tag ) {
array_pop( $stack );
* Replaces double line breaks with paragraph elements.
* A group of regex replaces used to identify text formatted with newlines and
* replace double line breaks with HTML paragraph tags. The remaining line breaks
* after conversion become `<br />` tags, unless `$br` is set to '0' or 'false'.
* @since 0.71
* @param string $text The text which has to be formatted.
* @param bool $br Optional. If set, this will convert all remaining line breaks
* after paragraphing. Line breaks within `<script>`, `<style>`,
* and `<svg>` tags are not affected. Default true.
* @return string Text which has been converted into correct paragraph tags.
function wpautop( $text, $br = true ) {
$pre_tags = array();
if ( trim( $text ) === '' ) {
return '';
// Just to make things a little easier, pad the end.
$text = $text . "\n";
* Pre tags shouldn't be touched by autop.
* Replace pre tags with placeholders and bring them back after autop.
if ( str_contains( $text, '<pre' ) ) {
$text_parts = explode( '</pre>', $text );
$last_part = array_pop( $text_parts );
$text = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ( $text_parts as $text_part ) {
$start = strpos( $text_part, '<pre' );
// Malformed HTML?
if ( false === $start ) {
$text .= $text_part;
$name = "<pre wp-pre-tag-$i></pre>";
$pre_tags[ $name ] = substr( $text_part, $start ) . '</pre>';
$text .= substr( $text_part, 0, $start ) . $name;
$text .= $last_part;
// Change multiple <br>'s into two line breaks, which will turn into paragraphs.
$text = preg_replace( '|<br\s*/?>\s*<br\s*/?>|', "\n\n", $text );
$allblocks = '(?:table|thead|tfoot|caption|col|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|form|map|area|blockquote|address|style|p|h[1-6]|hr|fieldset|legend|section|article|aside|hgroup|header|footer|nav|figure|figcaption|details|menu|summary)';
// Add a double line break above block-level opening tags.
$text = preg_replace( '!(<' . $allblocks . '[\s/>])!', "\n\n$1", $text );
// Add a double line break below block-level closing tags.
$text = preg_replace( '!(</' . $allblocks . '>)!', "$1\n\n", $text );
// Add a double line break after hr tags, which are self closing.
$text = preg_replace( '!(<hr\s*?/?>)!', "$1\n\n", $text );
// Standardize newline characters to "\n".
$text = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $text );
// Find newlines in all elements and add placeholders.
$text = wp_replace_in_html_tags( $text, array( "\n" => ' <!-- wpnl --> ' ) );
// Collapse line breaks before and after <option> elements so they don't get autop'd.
if ( str_contains( $text, '<option' ) ) {
$text = preg_replace( '|\s*<option|', '<option', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '|</option>\s*|', '</option>', $text );
* Collapse line breaks inside <object> elements, before <param> and <embed> elements
* so they don't get autop'd.
if ( str_contains( $text, '</object>' ) ) {
$text = preg_replace( '|(<object[^>]*>)\s*|', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '|\s*</object>|', '</object>', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '%\s*(</?(?:param|embed)[^>]*>)\s*%', '$1', $text );
* Collapse line breaks inside <audio> and <video> elements,
* before and after <source> and <track> elements.
if ( str_contains( $text, '<source' ) || str_contains( $text, '<track' ) ) {
$text = preg_replace( '%([<\[](?:audio|video)[^>\]]*[>\]])\s*%', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '%\s*([<\[]/(?:audio|video)[>\]])%', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '%\s*(<(?:source|track)[^>]*>)\s*%', '$1', $text );
// Collapse line breaks before and after <figcaption> elements.
if ( str_contains( $text, '<figcaption' ) ) {
$text = preg_replace( '|\s*(<figcaption[^>]*>)|', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '|</figcaption>\s*|', '</figcaption>', $text );
// Remove more than two contiguous line breaks.
$text = preg_replace( "/\n\n+/", "\n\n", $text );
// Split up the contents into an array of strings, separated by double line breaks.
$paragraphs = preg_split( '/\n\s*\n/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
// Reset $text prior to rebuilding.
$text = '';
// Rebuild the content as a string, wrapping every bit with a <p>.
foreach ( $paragraphs as $paragraph ) {
$text .= '<p>' . trim( $paragraph, "\n" ) . "</p>\n";
// Under certain strange conditions it could create a P of entirely whitespace.
$text = preg_replace( '|<p>\s*</p>|', '', $text );
// Add a closing <p> inside <div>, <address>, or <form> tag if missing.
$text = preg_replace( '!<p>([^<]+)</(div|address|form)>!', '<p>$1</p></$2>', $text );
// If an opening or closing block element tag is wrapped in a <p>, unwrap it.
$text = preg_replace( '!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', '$1', $text );
// In some cases <li> may get wrapped in <p>, fix them.
$text = preg_replace( '|<p>(<li.+?)</p>|', '$1', $text );
// If a <blockquote> is wrapped with a <p>, move it inside the <blockquote>.
$text = preg_replace( '|<p><blockquote([^>]*)>|i', '<blockquote$1><p>', $text );
$text = str_replace( '</blockquote></p>', '</p></blockquote>', $text );
// If an opening or closing block element tag is preceded by an opening <p> tag, remove it.
$text = preg_replace( '!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)!', '$1', $text );
// If an opening or closing block element tag is followed by a closing <p> tag, remove it.
$text = preg_replace( '!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', '$1', $text );
// Optionally insert line breaks.
if ( $br ) {
// Replace newlines that shouldn't be touched with a placeholder.
$text = preg_replace_callback( '/<(script|style|svg|math).*?<\/\\1>/s', '_autop_newline_preservation_helper', $text );
// Normalize <br>
$text = str_replace( array( '<br>', '<br/>' ), '<br />', $text );
// Replace any new line characters that aren't preceded by a <br /> with a <br />.
$text = preg_replace( '|(?<!<br />)\s*\n|', "<br />\n", $text );
// Replace newline placeholders with newlines.
$text = str_replace( '<WPPreserveNewline />', "\n", $text );
// If a <br /> tag is after an opening or closing block tag, remove it.
$text = preg_replace( '!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*<br />!', '$1', $text );
// If a <br /> tag is before a subset of opening or closing block tags, remove it.
$text = preg_replace( '!<br />(\s*</?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)[^>]*>)!', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( "|\n</p>$|", '</p>', $text );
// Replace placeholder <pre> tags with their original content.
if ( ! empty( $pre_tags ) ) {
$text = str_replace( array_keys( $pre_tags ), array_values( $pre_tags ), $text );
// Restore newlines in all elements.
if ( str_contains( $text, '<!-- wpnl -->' ) ) {
$text = str_replace( array( ' <!-- wpnl --> ', '<!-- wpnl -->' ), "\n", $text );
return $text;
* Separates HTML elements and comments from the text.
* @since 4.2.4
* @param string $input The text which has to be formatted.
* @return string[] Array of the formatted text.
function wp_html_split( $input ) {
return preg_split( get_html_split_regex(), $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
* Retrieves the regular expression for an HTML element.
* @since 4.4.0
* @return string The regular expression
function get_html_split_regex() {
static $regex;
if ( ! isset( $regex ) ) {
// phpcs:disable Squiz.Strings.ConcatenationSpacing.PaddingFound -- don't remove regex indentation
$comments =
'!' // Start of comment, after the <.
. '(?:' // Unroll the loop: Consume everything until --> is found.
. '-(?!->)' // Dash not followed by end of comment.
. '[^\-]*+' // Consume non-dashes.
. ')*+' // Loop possessively.
. '(?:-->)?'; // End of comment. If not found, match all input.
$cdata =
'!\[CDATA\[' // Start of comment, after the <.
. '[^\]]*+' // Consume non-].
. '(?:' // Unroll the loop: Consume everything until ]]> is found.
. '](?!]>)' // One ] not followed by end of comment.
. '[^\]]*+' // Consume non-].
. ')*+' // Loop possessively.
. '(?:]]>)?'; // End of comment. If not found, match all input.
$escaped =
'(?=' // Is the element escaped?
. '!--'
. '|'
. '!\[CDATA\['
. ')'
. '(?(?=!-)' // If yes, which type?
. $comments
. '|'
. $cdata
. ')';
$regex =
'/(' // Capture the entire match.
. '<' // Find start of element.
. '(?' // Conditional expression follows.
. $escaped // Find end of escaped element.
. '|' // ...else...
. '[^>]*>?' // Find end of normal element.
. ')'
. ')/';
// phpcs:enable
return $regex;
* Retrieves the combined regular expression for HTML and shortcodes.
* @access private
* @ignore
* @internal This function will be removed in 4.5.0 per Shortcode API Roadmap.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param string $shortcode_regex Optional. The result from _get_wptexturize_shortcode_regex().
* @return string The regular expression
function _get_wptexturize_split_regex( $shortcode_regex = '' ) {
static $html_regex;
if ( ! isset( $html_regex ) ) {
// phpcs:disable Squiz.Strings.ConcatenationSpacing.PaddingFound -- don't remove regex indentation
$comment_regex =
'!' // Start of comment, after the <.
. '(?:' // Unroll the loop: Consume everything until --> is found.
. '-(?!->)' // Dash not followed by end of comment.
. '[^\-]*+' // Consume non-dashes.
. ')*+' // Loop possessively.
. '(?:-->)?'; // End of comment. If not found, match all input.
$html_regex = // Needs replaced with wp_html_split() per Shortcode API Roadmap.
'<' // Find start of element.
. '(?(?=!--)' // Is this a comment?
. $comment_regex // Find end of comment.
. '|'
. '[^>]*>?' // Find end of element. If not found, match all input.
. ')';
// phpcs:enable
if ( empty( $shortcode_regex ) ) {
$regex = '/(' . $html_regex . ')/';
} else {
$regex = '/(' . $html_regex . '|' . $shortcode_regex . ')/';
return $regex;
* Retrieves the regular expression for shortcodes.
* @access private
* @ignore
* @since 4.4.0
* @param string[] $tagnames Array of shortcodes to find.
* @return string The regular expression
function _get_wptexturize_shortcode_regex( $tagnames ) {
$tagregexp = implode( '|', array_map( 'preg_quote', $tagnames ) );
$tagregexp = "(?:$tagregexp)(?=[\\s\\]\\/])"; // Excerpt of get_shortcode_regex().
// phpcs:disable Squiz.Strings.ConcatenationSpacing.PaddingFound -- don't remove regex indentation
$regex =
'\[' // Find start of shortcode.
. '[\/\[]?' // Shortcodes may begin with [/ or [[.
. $tagregexp // Only match registered shortcodes, because performance.
. '(?:'
. '[^\[\]<>]+' // Shortcodes do not contain other shortcodes. Quantifier critical.
. '|'
. '<[^\[\]>]*>' // HTML elements permitted. Prevents matching ] before >.
. ')*+' // Possessive critical.
. '\]' // Find end of shortcode.
. '\]?'; // Shortcodes may end with ]].
// phpcs:enable
return $regex;
* Replaces characters or phrases within HTML elements only.
* @since 4.2.3
* @param string $haystack The text which has to be formatted.
* @param array $replace_pairs In the form array('from' => 'to', ...).
* @return string The formatted text.
function wp_replace_in_html_tags( $haystack, $replace_pairs ) {
// Find all elements.
$textarr = wp_html_split( $haystack );
$changed = false;
// Optimize when searching for one item.
if ( 1 === count( $replace_pairs ) ) {
// Extract $needle and $replace.
foreach ( $replace_pairs as $needle => $replace ) {
// Loop through delimiters (elements) only.
for ( $i = 1, $c = count( $textarr ); $i < $c; $i += 2 ) {
if ( str_contains( $textarr[ $i ], $needle ) ) {
$textarr[ $i ] = str_replace( $needle, $replace, $textarr[ $i ] );
$changed = true;
} else {
// Extract all $needles.
$needles = array_keys( $replace_pairs );
// Loop through delimiters (elements) only.
for ( $i = 1, $c = count( $textarr ); $i < $c; $i += 2 ) {
foreach ( $needles as $needle ) {
if ( str_contains( $textarr[ $i ], $needle ) ) {
$textarr[ $i ] = strtr( $textarr[ $i ], $replace_pairs );
$changed = true;
// After one strtr() break out of the foreach loop and look at next element.
if ( $changed ) {
$haystack = implode( $textarr );
return $haystack;
* Newline preservation help function for wpautop().
* @since 3.1.0
* @access private
* @param array $matches preg_replace_callback matches array
* @return string
function _autop_newline_preservation_helper( $matches ) {
return str_replace( "\n", '<WPPreserveNewline />', $matches[0] );
* Don't auto-p wrap shortcodes that stand alone.
* Ensures that shortcodes are not wrapped in `<p>...</p>`.
* @since 2.9.0
* @global array $shortcode_tags
* @param string $text The content.
* @return string The filtered content.
function shortcode_unautop( $text ) {
global $shortcode_tags;
if ( empty( $shortcode_tags ) || ! is_array( $shortcode_tags ) ) {
return $text;
$tagregexp = implode( '|', array_map( 'preg_quote', array_keys( $shortcode_tags ) ) );
$spaces = wp_spaces_regexp();
// phpcs:disable Squiz.Strings.ConcatenationSpacing.PaddingFound,Universal.WhiteSpace.PrecisionAlignment.Found -- don't remove regex indentation
$pattern =
. '<p>' // Opening paragraph.
. '(?:' . $spaces . ')*+' // Optional leading whitespace.
. '(' // 1: The shortcode.
. '\\[' // Opening bracket.
. "($tagregexp)" // 2: Shortcode name.
. '(?![\\w-])' // Not followed by word character or hyphen.
// Unroll the loop: Inside the opening shortcode tag.
. '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash.
. '(?:'
. '\\/(?!\\])' // A forward slash not followed by a closing bracket.
. '[^\\]\\/]*' // Not a closing bracket or forward slash.
. ')*?'
. '(?:'
. '\\/\\]' // Self closing tag and closing bracket.
. '|'
. '\\]' // Closing bracket.
. '(?:' // Unroll the loop: Optionally, anything between the opening and closing shortcode tags.
. '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket.
. '(?:'
. '\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])' // An opening bracket not followed by the closing shortcode tag.
. '[^\\[]*+' // Not an opening bracket.
. ')*+'
. '\\[\\/\\2\\]' // Closing shortcode tag.
. ')?'
. ')'
. ')'
. '(?:' . $spaces . ')*+' // Optional trailing whitespace.
. '<\\/p>' // Closing paragraph.
. '/';
// phpcs:enable
return preg_replace( $pattern, '$1', $text );
* Checks to see if a string is utf8 encoded.
* NOTE: This function checks for 5-Byte sequences, UTF8
* has Bytes Sequences with a maximum length of 4.
* @author bmorel at ssi dot fr (modified)
* @since 1.2.1
* @param string $str The string to be checked
* @return bool True if $str fits a UTF-8 model, false otherwise.
function seems_utf8( $str ) {
$length = strlen( $str );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
$c = ord( $str[ $i ] );
if ( $c < 0x80 ) {
$n = 0; // 0bbbbbbb
} elseif ( ( $c & 0xE0 ) === 0xC0 ) {
$n = 1; // 110bbbbb
} elseif ( ( $c & 0xF0 ) === 0xE0 ) {
$n = 2; // 1110bbbb
} elseif ( ( $c & 0xF8 ) === 0xF0 ) {
$n = 3; // 11110bbb
} elseif ( ( $c & 0xFC ) === 0xF8 ) {
$n = 4; // 111110bb
} elseif ( ( $c & 0xFE ) === 0xFC ) {
$n = 5; // 1111110b
} else {
return false; // Does not match any model.
for ( $j = 0; $j < $n; $j++ ) { // n bytes matching 10bbbbbb follow ?
if ( ( ++$i === $length ) || ( ( ord( $str[ $i ] ) & 0xC0 ) !== 0x80 ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Converts a number of special characters into their HTML entities.
* Specifically deals with: `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'`.
* `$quote_style` can be set to ENT_COMPAT to encode `"` to
* `"`, or ENT_QUOTES to do both. Default is ENT_NOQUOTES where no quotes are encoded.
* @since 1.2.2
* @since 5.5.0 `$quote_style` also accepts `ENT_XML1`.
* @access private
* @param string $text The text which is to be encoded.
* @param int|string $quote_style Optional. Converts double quotes if set to ENT_COMPAT,
* both single and double if set to ENT_QUOTES or none if set to ENT_NOQUOTES.
* Converts single and double quotes, as well as converting HTML
* named entities (that are not also XML named entities) to their
* code points if set to ENT_XML1. Also compatible with old values;
* converting single quotes if set to 'single',
* double if set to 'double' or both if otherwise set.
* Default is ENT_NOQUOTES.
* @param false|string $charset Optional. The character encoding of the string. Default false.
* @param bool $double_encode Optional. Whether to encode existing HTML entities. Default false.
* @return string The encoded text with HTML entities.
function _wp_specialchars( $text, $quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES, $charset = false, $double_encode = false ) {
$text = (string) $text;
if ( 0 === strlen( $text ) ) {
return '';
// Don't bother if there are no specialchars - saves some processing.
if ( ! preg_match( '/[&<>"\']/', $text ) ) {
return $text;
// Account for the previous behavior of the function when the $quote_style is not an accepted value.
if ( empty( $quote_style ) ) {
$quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES;
} elseif ( ENT_XML1 === $quote_style ) {
$quote_style = ENT_QUOTES | ENT_XML1;
} elseif ( ! in_array( $quote_style, array( ENT_NOQUOTES, ENT_COMPAT, ENT_QUOTES, 'single', 'double' ), true ) ) {
$quote_style = ENT_QUOTES;
// Store the site charset as a static to avoid multiple calls to wp_load_alloptions().
if ( ! $charset ) {
static $_charset = null;
if ( ! isset( $_charset ) ) {
$alloptions = wp_load_alloptions();
$_charset = isset( $alloptions['blog_charset'] ) ? $alloptions['blog_charset'] : '';
$charset = $_charset;
if ( in_array( $charset, array( 'utf8', 'utf-8', 'UTF8' ), true ) ) {
$charset = 'UTF-8';
$_quote_style = $quote_style;
if ( 'double' === $quote_style ) {
$quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
$_quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
} elseif ( 'single' === $quote_style ) {
$quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES;
if ( ! $double_encode ) {
* Guarantee every &entity; is valid, convert &garbage; into &garbage;
* This is required for PHP < 5.4.0 because ENT_HTML401 flag is unavailable.
$text = wp_kses_normalize_entities( $text, ( $quote_style & ENT_XML1 ) ? 'xml' : 'html' );
$text = htmlspecialchars( $text, $quote_style, $charset, $double_encode );
// Back-compat.
if ( 'single' === $_quote_style ) {
$text = str_replace( "'", ''', $text );
return $text;
* Converts a number of HTML entities into their special characters.
* Specifically deals with: `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'`.
* `$quote_style` can be set to ENT_COMPAT to decode `"` entities,
* or ENT_QUOTES to do both `"` and `'`. Default is ENT_NOQUOTES where no quotes are decoded.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param string $text The text which is to be decoded.
* @param string|int $quote_style Optional. Converts double quotes if set to ENT_COMPAT,
* both single and double if set to ENT_QUOTES or
* none if set to ENT_NOQUOTES.
* Also compatible with old _wp_specialchars() values;
* converting single quotes if set to 'single',
* double if set to 'double' or both if otherwise set.
* Default is ENT_NOQUOTES.
* @return string The decoded text without HTML entities.
function wp_specialchars_decode( $text, $quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES ) {
$text = (string) $text;
if ( 0 === strlen( $text ) ) {
return '';
// Don't bother if there are no entities - saves a lot of processing.
if ( ! str_contains( $text, '&' ) ) {
return $text;
// Match the previous behavior of _wp_specialchars() when the $quote_style is not an accepted value.
if ( empty( $quote_style ) ) {
$quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES;
} elseif ( ! in_array( $quote_style, array( 0, 2, 3, 'single', 'double' ), true ) ) {
$quote_style = ENT_QUOTES;
// More complete than get_html_translation_table( HTML_SPECIALCHARS ).
$single = array(
''' => '\'',
''' => '\'',
$single_preg = array(
'/�*39;/' => ''',
'/�*27;/i' => ''',
$double = array(
'"' => '"',
'"' => '"',
'"' => '"',
$double_preg = array(
'/�*34;/' => '"',
'/�*22;/i' => '"',
$others = array(
'<' => '<',
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
'>' => '>',
'&' => '&',
'&' => '&',
'&' => '&',
$others_preg = array(
'/�*60;/' => '<',
'/�*62;/' => '>',
'/�*38;/' => '&',
'/�*26;/i' => '&',
if ( ENT_QUOTES === $quote_style ) {
$translation = array_merge( $single, $double, $others );
$translation_preg = array_merge( $single_preg, $double_preg, $others_preg );
} elseif ( ENT_COMPAT === $quote_style || 'double' === $quote_style ) {
$translation = array_merge( $double, $others );
$translation_preg = array_merge( $double_preg, $others_preg );
} elseif ( 'single' === $quote_style ) {
$translation = array_merge( $single, $others );
$translation_preg = array_merge( $single_preg, $others_preg );
} elseif ( ENT_NOQUOTES === $quote_style ) {
$translation = $others;
$translation_preg = $others_preg;
// Remove zero padding on numeric entities.
$text = preg_replace( array_keys( $translation_preg ), array_values( $translation_preg ), $text );
// Replace characters according to translation table.
return strtr( $text, $translation );
* Checks for invalid UTF8 in a string.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param string $text The text which is to be checked.
* @param bool $strip Optional. Whether to attempt to strip out invalid UTF8. Default false.
* @return string The checked text.
function wp_check_invalid_utf8( $text, $strip = false ) {
$text = (string) $text;
if ( 0 === strlen( $text ) ) {
return '';
// Store the site charset as a static to avoid multiple calls to get_option().
static $is_utf8 = null;
if ( ! isset( $is_utf8 ) ) {
$is_utf8 = in_array( get_option( 'blog_charset' ), array( 'utf8', 'utf-8', 'UTF8', 'UTF-8' ), true );
if ( ! $is_utf8 ) {
return $text;
// Check for support for utf8 in the installed PCRE library once and store the result in a static.
static $utf8_pcre = null;
if ( ! isset( $utf8_pcre ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
$utf8_pcre = @preg_match( '/^./u', 'a' );
// We can't demand utf8 in the PCRE installation, so just return the string in those cases.
if ( ! $utf8_pcre ) {
return $text;
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- preg_match fails when it encounters invalid UTF8 in $text.
if ( 1 === @preg_match( '/^./us', $text ) ) {
return $text;
// Attempt to strip the bad chars if requested (not recommended).
if ( $strip && function_exists( 'iconv' ) ) {
return iconv( 'utf-8', 'utf-8', $text );
return '';
* Encodes the Unicode values to be used in the URI.
* @since 1.5.0
* @since 5.8.3 Added the `encode_ascii_characters` parameter.
* @param string $utf8_string String to encode.
* @param int $length Max length of the string
* @param bool $encode_ascii_characters Whether to encode ascii characters such as < " '
* @return string String with Unicode encoded for URI.
function utf8_uri_encode( $utf8_string, $length = 0, $encode_ascii_characters = false ) {
$unicode = '';
$values = array();
$num_octets = 1;
$unicode_length = 0;
$string_length = strlen( $utf8_string );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++ ) {
$value = ord( $utf8_string[ $i ] );
if ( $value < 128 ) {
$char = chr( $value );
$encoded_char = $encode_ascii_characters ? rawurlencode( $char ) : $char;
$encoded_char_length = strlen( $encoded_char );
if ( $length && ( $unicode_length + $encoded_char_length ) > $length ) {
$unicode .= $encoded_char;
$unicode_length += $encoded_char_length;
} else {
if ( count( $values ) === 0 ) {
if ( $value < 224 ) {
$num_octets = 2;
} elseif ( $value < 240 ) {
$num_octets = 3;
} else {
$num_octets = 4;
$values[] = $value;
if ( $length && ( $unicode_length + ( $num_octets * 3 ) ) > $length ) {
if ( count( $values ) === $num_octets ) {
for ( $j = 0; $j < $num_octets; $j++ ) {
$unicode .= '%' . dechex( $values[ $j ] );
$unicode_length += $num_octets * 3;
$values = array();
$num_octets = 1;
return $unicode;
* Converts all accent characters to ASCII characters.
* If there are no accent characters, then the string given is just returned.
* **Accent characters converted:**
* Currency signs:
* | Code | Glyph | Replacement | Description |
* | -------- | ----- | ----------- | ------------------- |
* | U+00A3 | £ | (empty) | British Pound sign |
* | U+20AC | € | E | Euro sign |
* Decompositions for Latin-1 Supplement:
* | Code | Glyph | Replacement | Description |
* | ------- | ----- | ----------- | -------------------------------------- |
* | U+00AA | ª | a | Feminine ordinal indicator |
* | U+00BA | º | o | Masculine ordinal indicator |
* | U+00C0 | À | A | Latin capital letter A with grave |
* | U+00C1 | Á | A | Latin capital letter A with acute |
* | U+00C2 | Â | A | Latin capital letter A with circumflex |
* | U+00C3 | Ã | A | Latin capital letter A with tilde |
* | U+00C4 | Ä | A | Latin capital letter A with diaeresis |
* | U+00C5 | Å | A | Latin capital letter A with ring above |
* | U+00C6 | Æ | AE | Latin capital letter AE |
* | U+00C7 | Ç | C | Latin capital letter C with cedilla |
* | U+00C8 | È | E | Latin capital letter E with grave |
* | U+00C9 | É | E | Latin capital letter E with acute |
* | U+00CA | Ê | E | Latin capital letter E with circumflex |
* | U+00CB | Ë | E | Latin capital letter E with diaeresis |
* | U+00CC | Ì | I | Latin capital letter I with grave |
* | U+00CD | Í | I | Latin capital letter I with acute |
* | U+00CE | Î | I | Latin capital letter I with circumflex |
* | U+00CF | Ï | I | Latin capital letter I with diaeresis |
* | U+00D0 | Ð | D | Latin capital letter Eth |
* | U+00D1 | Ñ | N | Latin capital letter N with tilde |
* | U+00D2 | Ò | O | Latin capital letter O with grave |
* | U+00D3 | Ó | O | Latin capital letter O with acute |
* | U+00D4 | Ô | O | Latin capital letter O with circumflex |
* | U+00D5 | Õ | O | Latin capital letter O with tilde |
* | U+00D6 | Ö | O | Latin capital letter O with diaeresis |
* | U+00D8 | Ø | O | Latin capital letter O with stroke |
* | U+00D9 | Ù | U | Latin capital letter U with grave |
* | U+00DA | Ú | U | Latin capital letter U with acute |
* | U+00DB | Û | U | Latin capital letter U with circumflex |
* | U+00DC | Ü | U | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis |
* | U+00DD | Ý | Y | Latin capital letter Y with acute |
* | U+00DE | Þ | TH | Latin capital letter Thorn |
* | U+00DF | ß | s | Latin small letter sharp s |
* | U+00E0 | à | a | Latin small letter a with grave |
* | U+00E1 | á | a | Latin small letter a with acute |
* | U+00E2 | â | a | Latin small letter a with circumflex |
* | U+00E3 | ã | a | Latin small letter a with tilde |
* | U+00E4 | ä | a | Latin small letter a with diaeresis |
* | U+00E5 | å | a | Latin small letter a with ring above |
* | U+00E6 | æ | ae | Latin small letter ae |
* | U+00E7 | ç | c | Latin small letter c with cedilla |
* | U+00E8 | è | e | Latin small letter e with grave |
* | U+00E9 | é | e | Latin small letter e with acute |
* | U+00EA | ê | e | Latin small letter e with circumflex |
* | U+00EB | ë | e | Latin small letter e with diaeresis |
* | U+00EC | ì | i | Latin small letter i with grave |
* | U+00ED | í | i | Latin small letter i with acute |
* | U+00EE | î | i | Latin small letter i with circumflex |
* | U+00EF | ï | i | Latin small letter i with diaeresis |
* | U+00F0 | ð | d | Latin small letter Eth |
* | U+00F1 | ñ | n | Latin small letter n with tilde |
* | U+00F2 | ò | o | Latin small letter o with grave |
* | U+00F3 | ó | o | Latin small letter o with acute |
* | U+00F4 | ô | o | Latin small letter o with circumflex |
* | U+00F5 | õ | o | Latin small letter o with tilde |
* | U+00F6 | ö | o | Latin small letter o with diaeresis |
* | U+00F8 | ø | o | Latin small letter o with stroke |
* | U+00F9 | ù | u | Latin small letter u with grave |
* | U+00FA | ú | u | Latin small letter u with acute |
* | U+00FB | û | u | Latin small letter u with circumflex |
* | U+00FC | ü | u | Latin small letter u with diaeresis |
* | U+00FD | ý | y | Latin small letter y with acute |
* | U+00FE | þ | th | Latin small letter Thorn |
* | U+00FF | ÿ | y | Latin small letter y with diaeresis |
* Decompositions for Latin Extended-A:
* | Code | Glyph | Replacement | Description |
* | ------- | ----- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
* | U+0100 | Ā | A | Latin capital letter A with macron |
* | U+0101 | ā | a | Latin small letter a with macron |
* | U+0102 | Ă | A | Latin capital letter A with breve |
* | U+0103 | ă | a | Latin small letter a with breve |
* | U+0104 | Ą | A | Latin capital letter A with ogonek |
* | U+0105 | ą | a | Latin small letter a with ogonek |
* | U+01006 | Ć | C | Latin capital letter C with acute |
* | U+0107 | ć | c | Latin small letter c with acute |
* | U+0108 | Ĉ | C | Latin capital letter C with circumflex |
* | U+0109 | ĉ | c | Latin small letter c with circumflex |
* | U+010A | Ċ | C | Latin capital letter C with dot above |
* | U+010B | ċ | c | Latin small letter c with dot above |
* | U+010C | Č | C | Latin capital letter C with caron |
* | U+010D | č | c | Latin small letter c with caron |
* | U+010E | Ď | D | Latin capital letter D with caron |
* | U+010F | ď | d | Latin small letter d with caron |
* | U+0110 | Đ | D | Latin capital letter D with stroke |
* | U+0111 | đ | d | Latin small letter d with stroke |
* | U+0112 | Ē | E | Latin capital letter E with macron |
* | U+0113 | ē | e | Latin small letter e with macron |
* | U+0114 | Ĕ | E | Latin capital letter E with breve |
* | U+0115 | ĕ | e | Latin small letter e with breve |
* | U+0116 | Ė | E | Latin capital letter E with dot above |
* | U+0117 | ė | e | Latin small letter e with dot above |
* | U+0118 | Ę | E | Latin capital letter E with ogonek |
* | U+0119 | ę | e | Latin small letter e with ogonek |
* | U+011A | Ě | E | Latin capital letter E with caron |
* | U+011B | ě | e | Latin small letter e with caron |
* | U+011C | Ĝ | G | Latin capital letter G with circumflex |
* | U+011D | ĝ | g | Latin small letter g with circumflex |
* | U+011E | Ğ | G | Latin capital letter G with breve |
* | U+011F | ğ | g | Latin small letter g with breve |
* | U+0120 | Ġ | G | Latin capital letter G with dot above |
* | U+0121 | ġ | g | Latin small letter g with dot above |
* | U+0122 | Ģ | G | Latin capital letter G with cedilla |
* | U+0123 | ģ | g | Latin small letter g with cedilla |
* | U+0124 | Ĥ | H | Latin capital letter H with circumflex |
* | U+0125 | ĥ | h | Latin small letter h with circumflex |
* | U+0126 | Ħ | H | Latin capital letter H with stroke |
* | U+0127 | ħ | h | Latin small letter h with stroke |
* | U+0128 | Ĩ | I | Latin capital letter I with tilde |
* | U+0129 | ĩ | i | Latin small letter i with tilde |
* | U+012A | Ī | I | Latin capital letter I with macron |
* | U+012B | ī | i | Latin small letter i with macron |
* | U+012C | Ĭ | I | Latin capital letter I with breve |
* | U+012D | ĭ | i | Latin small letter i with breve |
* | U+012E | Į | I | Latin capital letter I with ogonek |
* | U+012F | į | i | Latin small letter i with ogonek |
* | U+0130 | İ | I | Latin capital letter I with dot above |
* | U+0131 | ı | i | Latin small letter dotl