* @file Contains all dynamic functionality needed on post and term pages.
* @output wp-admin/js/post.js
/* global ajaxurl, wpAjax, postboxes, pagenow, tinymce, alert, deleteUserSetting, ClipboardJS */
/* global theList:true, theExtraList:true, getUserSetting, setUserSetting, commentReply, commentsBox */
/* global WPSetThumbnailHTML, wptitlehint */
// Backward compatibility: prevent fatal errors.
window.makeSlugeditClickable = window.editPermalink = function(){};
// Make sure the wp object exists.
window.wp = window.wp || {};
( function( $ ) {
var titleHasFocus = false,
__ = wp.i18n.__;
* Control loading of comments on the post and term edit pages.
* @type {{st: number, get: commentsBox.get, load: commentsBox.load}}
* @namespace commentsBox
window.commentsBox = {
// Comment offset to use when fetching new comments.
st : 0,
* Fetch comments using Ajax and display them in the box.
* @memberof commentsBox
* @param {number} total Total number of comments for this post.
* @param {number} num Optional. Number of comments to fetch, defaults to 20.
* @return {boolean} Always returns false.
get : function(total, num) {
var st = this.st, data;
if ( ! num )
num = 20;