=== TP Education ===
Contributors: themepalace
Tags: Custom Post Type, Meta data, Education
Donate link: http://themepalace.com
Requires PHP: 5.6
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.0
Stable tag: 4.3
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Enhance your educational sites more efficiently. Allow user to utilize post types and meta data on your site with TP Education.
== Description ==
A plugin to add custom post type ( Events, Courses, Classes, Excursions, Team, Testimonial, Affiliation ) and it's required meta fields for educational sites. This plugin is dedicated for educational themes.
= Frontend Submission =
TP Eduacation allows you to like post from frontend and view the no of likes for that particular post.
= Customization and Flexibility =
TP Education plugin is highly flexible and customizable. This Plugin provides hooks that makes very easy for you to customize the output format. You just need to update design with css.
= Template Overwrite =
* Create a folder named "tp-education" and do all the overwrites inside the folder as instructed below.
* Archive Pages
- you can overwrite all archive pages for post types available in this plugin. ie: tp-archive-class.php
* Search Page
- you can overwrite search page for post types available in this plugin by tp-archive-search.php
* Single Pages
- you can overwrite all single pages for post types available in this plugin. ie: tp-single-class.php
== Installation ==
= Using The WordPress Dashboard =
* Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
* Search for TP Education
* Click Install Now
* Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
= Uploading in WordPress Dashboard =
* Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
* Navigate to the 'Upload' area
* Select tp-education.zip from your computer
* Click 'Install Now'
* Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
= Using FTP =
* Download tp-education.zip
* Extract the tp-education directory to your computer
* Upload the tp-education directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
* Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
= Setting Options =
* Setting Page is located inside Default Settings Option
* Enable and Disable Post Types Options As Per Need
= Permalink Setup =
* Go to Settings -> Permalinks and click on "Save Changes" if your custom post type redirects you to 404 page.
== Screenshots ==
1. Class Meta Fields
2. Event Meta Fields
3. Affiliation Meta Fields
4. Course Meta Fields
5. Excursion Meta Fields
6. Team Meta Fields
7. Testimonial Meta Fields
== Shortcodes ==
= Defaults Atts :- =
* category = '',
* no_of_posts = 2,
* post_ids = '', ( should be seperated by ','. ie: 15, 27 )
* column = 2 ( max num value 4 )
= Class shortcode: =
[TP_EDUCATION_CLASS] OR [TP_EDUCATION_CLASS category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
= Event shortcode: =
[TP_EDUCATION_EVENT] OR [TP_EDUCATION_EVENT category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
= Course shortcode: =
[TP_EDUCATION_COURSE] OR [TP_EDUCATION_COURSE category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
= Team shortcode: =
[TP_EDUCATION_TEAM] OR [TP_EDUCATION_TEAM category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
= Excursion shortcode: =
[TP_EDUCATION_EXCURSION] OR [TP_EDUCATION_EXCURSION category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
= Affiliation shortcode: =
[TP_EDUCATION_AFFILIATION] OR [TP_EDUCATION_AFFILIATION category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
= Testimonial shortcode: =
[TP_EDUCATION_TESTIMONIAL] OR [TP_EDUCATION_TESTIMONIAL no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
= Search Tabs shortcode: =
== Functions to Call Meta Values ==
= Check if the page loaded is TP Education territorial =
= Event Details =
tp_event_date( $post_id = '' ); // Event Date