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<?php /** * WordPress scripts and styles default loader. * * Several constants are used to manage the loading, concatenating and compression of scripts and CSS: * define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); loads the development (non-minified) versions of all scripts and CSS, and disables compression and concatenation, * define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression and concatenation of scripts and CSS, * define('COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression of scripts, * define('COMPRESS_CSS', false); disables compression of CSS, * define('ENFORCE_GZIP', true); forces gzip for compression (default is deflate). * * The globals $concatenate_scripts, $compress_scripts and $compress_css can be set by plugins * to temporarily override the above settings. Also a compression test is run once and the result is saved * as option 'can_compress_scripts' (0/1). The test will run again if that option is deleted. * * @package WordPress */ /** WordPress Dependency Class */ require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-dependency.php'; /** WordPress Dependencies Class */ require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-dependencies.php'; /** WordPress Scripts Class */ require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-scripts.php'; /** WordPress Scripts Functions */ require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/functions.wp-scripts.php'; /** WordPress Styles Class */ require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-styles.php'; /** WordPress Styles Functions */ require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/functions.wp-styles.php'; /** * Registers TinyMCE scripts. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @global string $tinymce_version * @global bool $concatenate_scripts * @global bool $compress_scripts * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts object. * @param bool $force_uncompressed Whether to forcibly prevent gzip compression. Default false. */ function wp_register_tinymce_scripts( $scripts, $force_uncompressed = false ) { global $tinymce_version, $concatenate_scripts, $compress_scripts; $suffix = wp_scripts_get_suffix(); $dev_suffix = wp_scripts_get_suffix( 'dev' ); script_concat_settings(); $compressed = $compress_scripts && $concatenate_scripts && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) && false !== stripos( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip' ) && ! $force_uncompressed; /* * Load tinymce.js when running from /src, otherwise load wp-tinymce.js.gz (in production) * or tinymce.min.js (when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true). */ if ( $compressed ) { $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce', includes_url( 'js/tinymce/' ) . 'wp-tinymce.js', array(), $tinymce_version ); } else { $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce-root', includes_url( 'js/tinymce/' ) . "tinymce$dev_suffix.js", array(), $tinymce_version ); $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce', includes_url( 'js/tinymce/' ) . "plugins/compat3x/plugin$dev_suffix.js", array( 'wp-tinymce-root' ), $tinymce_version ); } $scripts->add( 'wp-tinymce-lists', includes_url( "js/tinymce/plugins/lists/plugin$suffix.js" ), array( 'wp-tinymce' ), $tinymce_version ); } /** * Registers all the WordPress vendor scripts that are in the standardized * `js/dist/vendor/` location. * * For the order of `$scripts->add` see `wp_default_scripts`. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @global WP_Locale $wp_locale WordPress date and time locale object. * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts object. */ function wp_default_packages_vendor( $scripts ) { global $wp_locale; $suffix = wp_scripts_get_suffix(); $vendor_scripts = array( 'react' => array( 'wp-polyfill' ), 'react-dom' => array( 'react' ), 'regenerator-runtime', 'moment', 'lodash', 'wp-polyfill-fetch', 'wp-polyfill-formdata', 'wp-polyfill-importmap', 'wp-polyfill-node-contains', 'wp-polyfill-url', 'wp-polyfill-dom-rect', 'wp-polyfill-element-closest', 'wp-polyfill-object-fit', 'wp-polyfill-inert', 'wp-polyfill' => array( 'wp-polyfill-inert', 'regenerator-runtime' ), ); $vendor_scripts_versions = array( 'react' => '18.2.0', 'react-dom' => '18.2.0', 'regenerator-runtime' => '0.14.0', 'moment' => '2.29.4', 'lodash' => '4.17.21', 'wp-polyfill-fetch' => '3.6.17', 'wp-polyfill-formdata' => '4.0.10', 'wp-polyfill-node-contains' => '4.8.0', 'wp-polyfill-url' => '3.6.4', 'wp-polyfill-dom-rect' => '4.8.0', 'wp-polyfill-element-closest' => '3.0.2', 'wp-polyfill-object-fit' => '2.3.5', 'wp-polyfill-inert' => '3.1.2', 'wp-polyfill' => '3.15.0', 'wp-polyfill-importmap' => '1.8.2', ); foreach ( $vendor_scripts as $handle => $dependencies ) { if ( is_string( $dependencies ) ) { $handle = $dependencies; $dependencies = array(); } $path = "/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/$handle$suffix.js"; $version = $vendor_scripts_versions[ $handle ]; $scripts->add( $handle, $path, $dependencies, $version, 1 ); } did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->add_inline_script( 'lodash', 'window.lodash = _.noConflict();' ); did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->add_inline_script( 'moment', sprintf( "moment.updateLocale( '%s', %s );", get_user_locale(), wp_json_encode( array( 'months' => array_values( $wp_locale->month ), 'monthsShort' => array_values( $wp_locale->month_abbrev ), 'weekdays' => array_values( $wp_locale->weekday ), 'weekdaysShort' => array_values( $wp_locale->weekday_abbrev ), 'week' => array( 'dow' => (int) get_option( 'start_of_week', 0 ), ), 'longDateFormat' => array( 'LT' => get_option( 'time_format', __( 'g:i a' ) ), 'LTS' => null, 'L' => null, 'LL' => get_option( 'date_format', __( 'F j, Y' ) ), 'LLL' => __( 'F j, Y g:i a' ), 'LLLL' => null, ), ) ) ), 'after' ); } /** * Returns contents of an inline script used in appending polyfill scripts for * browsers which fail the provided tests. The provided array is a mapping from * a condition to verify feature support to its polyfill script handle. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts object. * @param string[] $tests Features to detect. * @return string Conditional polyfill inline script. */ function wp_get_script_polyfill( $scripts, $tests ) { $polyfill = ''; foreach ( $tests as $test => $handle ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $handle, $scripts->registered ) ) { continue; } $src = $scripts->registered[ $handle ]->src; $ver = $scripts->registered[ $handle ]->ver; if ( ! preg_match( '|^(https?:)?//|', $src ) && ! ( $scripts->content_url && str_starts_with( $src, $scripts->content_url ) ) ) { $src = $scripts->base_url . $src; } if ( ! empty( $ver ) ) { $src = add_query_arg( 'ver', $ver, $src ); } /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-scripts.php */ $src = esc_url( apply_filters( 'script_loader_src', $src, $handle ) ); if ( ! $src ) { continue; } $polyfill .= ( // Test presence of feature... '( ' . $test . ' ) || ' . /* * ...appending polyfill on any failures. Cautious viewers may balk * at the `document.write`. Its caveat of synchronous mid-stream * blocking write is exactly the behavior we need though. */ 'document.write( \'<script src="' . $src . '"></scr\' + \'ipt>\' );' ); } return $polyfill; } /** * Registers development scripts that integrate with `@wordpress/scripts`. * * @see * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts object. */ function wp_register_development_scripts( $scripts ) { if ( ! defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) || ! SCRIPT_DEBUG || empty( $scripts->registered['react'] ) || defined( 'WP_RUN_CORE_TESTS' ) ) { return; } $development_scripts = array( 'react-refresh-entry', 'react-refresh-runtime', ); foreach ( $development_scripts as $script_name ) { $assets = include ABSPATH . WPINC . '/assets/script-loader-' . $script_name . '.php'; if ( ! is_array( $assets ) ) { return; } $scripts->add( 'wp-' . $script_name, '/wp-includes/js/di