<?php /** * Plugin Name: TP Education * Plugin URI: https://www.themepalace.com/plugins/tp_education * Description: A plugin to add custom post type ( Events, Courses, Classes, Excursions, Team, Testimonial, Affiliation ) and it's required meta fields for educational sites. This plugin is dedicated for educational themes. * Version: 4.3 * Author: Theme Palace * Author URI: https://themepalace.com * Requires at least: 4.7 * Tested up to: 5.8 * Requires PHP : 6.0 * Text Domain: tp-education * Domain Path: /languages/ * * @package TP Education * @category Core * @author Theme Palace */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } if ( ! class_exists( 'TP_Education' ) ) : final class TP_Education { public function __construct() { $this->tp_education_constant(); $this->tp_education_includes(); $this->tp_education_hooks(); $this->tp_education_install_uninstall_hook(); } public function tp_education_constant() { define( 'TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH', dirname(__FILE__ ) ); define( 'TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__ ) ); define( 'TP_EDUCATION_PLUGIN_BASE_PATH', plugin_basename(__FILE__) ); define( 'TP_EDUCATION_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH', (__FILE__) ); } public function tp_education_install_uninstall_rewrite() { /* * flush rewrite rules */ register_activation_hook( TP_EDUCATION_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH, array( 'TP_Education', 'tp_education_rewrite' ) ); register_deactivation_hook( TP_EDUCATION_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH, array( 'TP_Education', 'tp_education_rewrite' ) ); } private function tp_education_install_uninstall_hook() { /* * Activation and Deactivation hook */ add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'tp_education_install_uninstall_rewrite' ) ); } public function tp_education_add_action_links ( $links ) { /* * Add Support link to plugin action */ $mylinks = array( '<a href="' . admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=tp-education-admin' ) . '">' . __( 'Settings', 'tp-education' ) . '</a>', ); return array_merge( $links, $mylinks ); } static function tp_education_rewrite() { flush_rewrite_rules( $hard = false ); } public function tp_education_includes() { $options = get_option( 'tp_education_setting_option' ); /* * Setting Page */ include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/includes/tp-education-setting-page.php'; /* * CUSTOM POST TYPE */ // Courses Post Type if ( isset( $options['enable_course_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-post-type/class-tp-courses.php'; endif; // Classes Post Type if ( isset( $options['enable_class_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-post-type/class-tp-classes.php'; endif; // Events Post Type if ( isset( $options['enable_event_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-post-type/class-tp-events.php'; endif; // Excursions Post Type if ( isset( $options['enable_excursion_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-post-type/class-tp-excursions.php'; endif; // Team Post Type if ( isset( $options['enable_team_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-post-type/class-tp-team.php'; endif; // Testimonial Post Type if ( isset( $options['enable_testimonial_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-post-type/class-tp-testimonial.php'; endif; // Affiliation Post Type if ( isset( $options['enable_affiliation_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-post-type/class-tp-affiliation.php'; endif; /* * META BOX */ // Classes Meta Box if ( isset( $options['enable_class_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-classes-metabox.php'; endif; // Testimonial Meta Box if ( isset( $options['enable_testimonial_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-testimonial-metabox.php'; include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-testimonial-social-metabox.php'; endif; // Team Meta Box if ( isset( $options['enable_team_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-team-metabox.php'; include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-team-social-metabox.php'; include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-widget/class-tp-team-widget.php'; endif; // Events Meta Box if ( isset( $options['enable_event_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-events-metabox.php'; endif; // Excursion Meta Box if ( isset( $options['enable_excursion_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-excursion-metabox.php'; endif; // Course Meta Box if ( isset( $options['enable_course_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-course-metabox.php'; include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-widget/class-tp-featured-course-widget.php'; endif; // Affiliation Meta Box if ( isset( $options['enable_affiliation_post_type'] ) ) : include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-affiliation-metabox.php'; include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-widget/class-tp-top-affiliation-widget.php'; endif; // Like Meta Box include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/tp-metabox/class-tp-like-metabox.php'; /* * TEMPLATE PARTS */ if ( isset( $options['enable_event_post_type'] ) ) : // Event Search form tab include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-search-tab-event-form.php'; // Content Event include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-event.php'; endif; if ( isset( $options['enable_excursion_post_type'] ) ) : // Excursion Search form tab include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-search-tab-excursion-form.php'; // Content Excursion include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-excursion.php'; endif; if ( isset( $options['enable_course_post_type'] ) ) : // Course Search form tab include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-search-tab-course-form.php'; // Content Course include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-course.php'; endif; if ( isset( $options['enable_team_post_type'] ) ) : // Team Search form tab include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-search-tab-team-form.php'; // Content Team include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-team.php'; endif; if ( isset( $options['enable_class_post_type'] ) ) : // Class Search form tab include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-search-tab-class-form.php'; // Content Class include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-class.php'; endif; if ( isset( $options['enable_affiliation_post_type'] ) ) : // Affiliation Search form tab include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-search-tab-affiliation-form.php'; // Content Affiliation include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-affiliation.php'; endif; if ( isset( $options['enable_testimonial_post_type'] ) ) : // Content Testimonial include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-testimonial.php'; endif; // Content Single include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-single.php'; // Related Posts include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-related-posts.php'; // Content Search include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/template-parts/tp-content-search.php'; /* * FUNCTIONS */ // Custom Post Type Date Archive Rewrite Rules include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/includes/tp-education-rewrite.php'; // Core functions include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/includes/tp-education-functions.php'; // Core functions include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/includes/tp-education-return-functions.php'; // Hooks include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/includes/tp-education-hooks.php'; // Shortcode include_once TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/includes/tp-education-shortcode.php'; } public function tp_education_hooks() { /* * HOOKS */ // add setting action in plugin page add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . TP_EDUCATION_PLUGIN_BASE_PATH, array( $this, 'tp_education_add_action_links' ) ); // register widget add_action( 'widgets_init', array( $this, 'tp_education_register_widgets' ) ); // enqueue admin scripts add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'tp_education_enqueue' ) ); // enqueue admin scripts add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'tp_education_admin_enqueue' ) ); // custom template add_filter( 'template_include', array( $this,'tp_education_set_template' ) ); // custom post type search template add_filter( 'template_include', array( $this, 'tp_education_set_search_template' ) ); // add search filter add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', array( $this, 'tp_education_filter_search_query' ) ); } public function tp_education_register_widgets() { $options = get_option( 'tp_education_setting_option' ); // Team Widget if ( isset( $options['enable_team_post_type'] ) ) : register_widget( 'Tp_Education_Team_Widget' ); endif; // Affiliation Widget if ( isset( $options['enable_affiliation_post_type'] ) ) : register_widget( 'Tp_Education_Top_Affiliation_Widget' ); endif; // Course Widget if ( isset( $options['enable_course_post_type'] ) ) : register_widget( 'Tp_Education_Featured_Course_Widget' ); endif; } public function tp_education_enqueue() { /* * Enqueue scripts */ // Load font awesome wp_enqueue_style( 'font-awesome', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/css/font-awesome.min.css' ); // Load simple date picker css wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/css/jquery-ui.min.css' ); // Load tp education style wp_enqueue_style( 'tp-education-style', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/css/tp-education-style.min.css' ); // Load jquery-ui js wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ); // Load tp education custom js wp_enqueue_script( 'tp-education-custom', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/js/tp-education-custom.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ), '', true ); } public function tp_education_admin_enqueue( $hook ) { /* * Enqueue admin scripts */ // Load tp education style wp_enqueue_style( 'tp-education-style', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/css/tp-education-admin-style.min.css' ); if ( 'post.php' == $hook || 'post-new.php' == $hook ) : // Load simple date picker css wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/css/jquery-ui.min.css' ); // Load time picker css wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-timepicker-css', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/css/jquery-timepicker.min.css' ); // Load time picker js wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-timepicker', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/js/jquery-timepicker.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), '', true ); // Load admin custom js wp_enqueue_script( 'tp-education-admin-custom', TP_EDUCATION_URL_PATH . 'assets/js/admin-custom.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ), '', true ); endif; } public function tp_education_set_template( $template ) { if ( is_post_type_archive( 'tp-event' ) || is_tax('tp-event-category') ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-event.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-event.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-event.php'; endif; if ( is_post_type_archive( 'tp-class' ) || is_tax('tp-class-category') ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-class.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-class.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-class.php'; endif; if ( is_post_type_archive( 'tp-excursion' ) || is_tax('tp-excursion-category') ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-excursion.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-excursion.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-excursion.php'; endif; if ( is_post_type_archive( 'tp-team' ) || is_tax('tp-team-category') ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-team.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-team.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-team.php'; endif; if ( is_post_type_archive( 'tp-course' ) || is_tax('tp-course-category') ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-course.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-course.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-course.php'; endif; if ( is_post_type_archive( 'tp-testimonial' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-testimonial.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-testimonial.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-testimonial.php'; endif; if ( is_post_type_archive( 'tp-affiliation' ) || is_tax('tp-affiliation-category') ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-affiliation.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-affiliation.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-affiliation.php'; endif; if( is_singular( 'tp-testimonial' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-testimonial.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-testimonial.php' ); elseif ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-single-post.php'; endif; if( is_singular( 'tp-team' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-team.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-team.php' ); elseif ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-single-post.php'; endif; if( is_singular( 'tp-class' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-class.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-class.php' ); elseif ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-single-post.php'; endif; if( is_singular( 'tp-event' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-event.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-event.php' ); elseif ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-single-post.php'; endif; if( is_singular( 'tp-excursion' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-excursion.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-excursion.php' ); elseif ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-single-post.php'; endif; if( is_singular( 'tp-course' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-course.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-course.php' ); elseif ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-single-post.php'; endif; if( is_singular( 'tp-affiliation' ) ) : if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-affiliation.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-affiliation.php' ); elseif ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-single-post.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-single-post.php'; endif; return $template; } public function tp_education_set_search_template( $template ) { global $wp_query; $tp_education_post_type = array( 'tp-event', 'tp-course', 'tp-excursion', 'tp-team', 'tp-class', 'tp-affiliation' ); $post_type = get_query_var( 'post_type' ); if ( $wp_query->is_search && in_array( $post_type, $tp_education_post_type ) ) { if ( locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-search.php' ) != '' ) $template = locate_template( 'tp-education/tp-archive-search.php' ); else $template = TP_EDUCATION_BASE_PATH . '/templates/tp-archive-search.php'; } return $template; } public function tp_education_filter_search_query( $query ) { global $wp_query; $post_type = ! empty( $_GET['post_type'] ) ? $_GET['post_type'] : get_query_var( 'post_type' ); $term = ! empty( $_GET['tp_term'] ) ? $_GET['tp_term'] : get_query_var( 'term' ); if ( $wp_query->is_search && !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) { switch ( $post_type ) { case 'tp-event': $date = $_GET['date']; if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { $taxquery = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'tp-event-category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term ) ); $query->set( 'tax_query', $taxquery ); } if ( ! empty( $date ) ) { $metaquery = array( array( 'key' => 'tp_event_date_value', 'value' => $date, 'type' => time(), 'compare' => '=', ) ); $query->set( 'meta_query', $metaquery ); } break; case 'tp-course': if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { $taxquery = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'tp-course-category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term ) ); $query->set( 'tax_query', $taxquery ); } break; case 'tp-excursion': $date = $_GET['date']; if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { $taxquery = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'tp-excursion-category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term ) ); $query->set( 'tax_query', $taxquery ); } if ( ! empty( $date ) ) { $metaquery = array( array( 'key' => 'tp_excursion_start_date_value', 'value' => $date, 'type' => time(), 'compare' => '=', ) ); $query->set( 'meta_query', $metaquery ); } break; case 'tp-team': if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { $taxquery = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'tp-team-category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term ) ); $query->set( 'tax_query', $taxquery ); } break; case 'tp-class': if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { $taxquery = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'tp-class-category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term ) ); $query->set( 'tax_query', $taxquery ); } break; case 'tp-affiliation': if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { $taxquery = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'tp-affiliation-category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $term ) ); $query->set( 'tax_query', $taxquery ); } break; default: break; } } return $query; } } new TP_Education(); endif;