File "import.php"
Full Path: /home2/sdektunc/
File size: 23.87 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility\Base_Adapter;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility\Envato;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility\Kit_Library;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils;
use Elementor\Core\Base\Document;
use Elementor\Core\Kits\Documents\Kit;
use Elementor\Plugin;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Elementor_Content;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Import_Runner_Base;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Plugins;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Site_Settings;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Taxonomies;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Templates;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Wp_Content;
use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Module;
use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Connect\Kit_Library as Kit_Library_Api;
class Import {
const MANIFEST_ERROR_KEY = 'manifest-error';
const ZIP_FILE_ERROR_KEY = 'invalid-zip-file';
const ZIP_ARCHIVE_ERROR_KEY = 'zip-archive-module-missing';
* @var Import_Runner_Base[]
protected $runners = [];
* The session ID of the import process.
* This ID is uniquely generated for each import process (by the temp folder which contains the extracted kit files).
* @var string
private $session_id;
* The Kit ID.
* @var string
private $kit_id;
* Adapter for the kit compatibility.
* @var Base_Adapter[]
private $adapters;
* Document's data (elements and settings) that was imported during the process.
* @var array { [document_id] => { "elements": array , "settings": array } }
private $documents_data = [];
* Path to the extracted kit files.
* @var string
private $extracted_directory_path;
* Imported kit manifest.
* @var array
private $manifest;
* Imported kit site settings. (e.g: custom_colors, custom_typography, etc.)
* @var array
private $site_settings;
* Selected content types to import.
* @var array
private $settings_include;
* Referer of the import. (e.g: kit-library, local, etc.)
* @var string
private $settings_referrer;
* All the conflict between the exited templates and the kit templates.
* @var array
private $settings_conflicts;
* Selected elementor templates conditions to override.
* @var array
private $settings_selected_override_conditions;
* Selected custom post types to import.
* @var array
private $settings_selected_custom_post_types;
* Selected plugins to import.
* @var array
private $settings_selected_plugins;
* The imported data output.
* @var array
private $imported_data = [];
* The metadata output of the import runners.
* Will be saved in the import_session and will be used to revert the import process.
* @var array
private $runners_import_metadata = [];
* @param string $path session_id | zip_file_path
* @param array $settings Use to determine which content to import.
* (e.g: include, selected_plugins, selected_cpt, selected_override_conditions, etc.)
* @param array|null $old_instance An array of old instance parameters that will be used for creating new instance.
* We are using it for quick creation of the instance when the import process is being split into chunks.
* @throws \Exception
public function __construct( string $path, array $settings = [], array $old_instance = null ) {
if ( ! empty( $old_instance ) ) {
$this->set_import_object( $old_instance );
} else {
if ( is_file( $path ) ) {
$this->extracted_directory_path = $this->extract_zip( $path );
} else {
$elementor_tmp_directory = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->get_temp_dir();
$path = $elementor_tmp_directory . basename( $path );
if ( ! is_dir( $path ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because the import session does not exist.' );
$this->extracted_directory_path = $path . '/';
$this->session_id = basename( $this->extracted_directory_path );
$this->kit_id = $settings['id'] ?? '';
$this->settings_referrer = ! empty( $settings['referrer'] ) ? $settings['referrer'] : 'local';
$this->settings_include = ! empty( $settings['include'] ) ? $settings['include'] : null;
// Using isset and not empty is important since empty array is valid option.
$this->settings_selected_override_conditions = $settings['overrideConditions'] ?? null;
$this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $settings['selectedCustomPostTypes'] ?? null;
$this->settings_selected_plugins = $settings['plugins'] ?? null;
$this->manifest = $this->read_manifest_json();
$this->site_settings = $this->read_site_settings_json();
add_filter( 'wp_php_error_args', function ( $args, $error ) {
return $this->filter_php_error_args( $args, $error );
}, 10, 2 );
* Set the import object parameters.
* @param array $instance
* @return void
private function set_import_object( array $instance ) {
$this->session_id = $instance['session_id'];
$instance_data = $instance['instance_data'];
$this->extracted_directory_path = $instance_data['extracted_directory_path'];
$this->runners = $instance_data['runners'];
$this->adapters = $instance_data['adapters'];
$this->manifest = $instance_data['manifest'];
$this->site_settings = $instance_data['site_settings'];
$this->settings_include = $instance_data['settings_include'];
$this->settings_referrer = $instance_data['settings_referrer'];
$this->settings_conflicts = $instance_data['settings_conflicts'];
$this->settings_selected_override_conditions = $instance_data['settings_selected_override_conditions'];
$this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $instance_data['settings_selected_custom_post_types'];
$this->settings_selected_plugins = $instance_data['settings_selected_plugins'];
$this->documents_data = $instance_data['documents_data'];
$this->imported_data = $instance_data['imported_data'];
$this->runners_import_metadata = $instance_data['runners_import_metadata'];
* Creating a new instance of the import process by the id of the old import session.
* @param string $session_id
* @return Import
* @throws \Exception
public static function from_session( string $session_id ): Import {
$import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions();
if ( ! $import_sessions || ! isset( $import_sessions[ $session_id ] ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because the import session does not exist.' );
$import_session = $import_sessions[ $session_id ];
return new self( $session_id, [], $import_session );
* Register a runner.
* Be aware that the runner will be executed in the order of registration, the order is crucial for the import process.
* @param Import_Runner_Base $runner_instance
public function register( Import_Runner_Base $runner_instance ) {
$this->runners[ $runner_instance::get_name() ] = $runner_instance;
public function register_default_runners() {
$this->register( new Site_Settings() );
$this->register( new Plugins() );
$this->register( new Templates() );
$this->register( new Taxonomies() );
$this->register( new Elementor_Content() );
$this->register( new Wp_Content() );
* Set default settings for the import.
private function set_default_settings() {
if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_include() ) ) {
$this->settings_include( $this->get_default_settings_include() );
if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_conflicts() ) ) {
$this->settings_conflicts( $this->get_default_settings_conflicts() );
if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_override_conditions() ) ) {
$this->settings_selected_override_conditions( $this->get_default_settings_override_conditions() );
if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() ) ) {
$this->settings_selected_custom_post_types( $this->get_default_settings_custom_post_types() );
if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_plugins() ) ) {
$this->settings_selected_plugins( $this->get_default_settings_plugins() );
* Execute the import process.
* @return array The imported data output.
* @throws \Exception If no import runners have been specified.
public function run() {
if ( empty( $this->runners ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because no import runners have been specified. Try again by specifying import runners.' );
$data = [
'session_id' => $this->session_id,
'include' => $this->settings_include,
'manifest' => $this->manifest,
'site_settings' => $this->site_settings,
'selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins,
'extracted_directory_path' => $this->extracted_directory_path,
'selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types,
remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ Plugin::$instance->modules_manager->get_modules( 'content-sanitizer' ), 'sanitize_content' ] );
add_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10, 2 );
// Set the Request's state as an Elementor upload request, in order to support unfiltered file uploads.
Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( true );
foreach ( $this->runners as $runner ) {
if ( $runner->should_import( $data ) ) {
$import = $runner->import( $data, $this->imported_data );
$this->imported_data = array_merge_recursive( $this->imported_data, $import );
$this->runners_import_metadata[ $runner::get_name() ] = $runner->get_import_session_metadata();
// After the upload complete, set the elementor upload state back to false.
Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( false );
remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10 );
Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( $this->extracted_directory_path );
return $this->imported_data;
* Run specific runner by runner_name
* @param string $runner_name
* @return array
* @throws \Exception If no export runners have been specified.
public function run_runner( string $runner_name ): array {
if ( empty( $this->runners ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because no import runners have been specified. Try again by specifying import runners.' );
$data = [
'session_id' => $this->session_id,
'include' => $this->settings_include,
'manifest' => $this->manifest,
'site_settings' => $this->site_settings,
'selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins,
'extracted_directory_path' => $this->extracted_directory_path,
'selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types,
add_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10, 2 );
// Set the Request's state as an Elementor upload request, in order to support unfiltered file uploads.
Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( true );
$runner = $this->runners[ $runner_name ];
if ( empty( $runner ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because the import runner was not found. Try again by specifying an import runner.' );
if ( $runner->should_import( $data ) ) {
$import = $runner->import( $data, $this->imported_data );
$this->imported_data = array_merge_recursive( $this->imported_data, $import );
$this->runners_import_metadata[ $runner::get_name() ] = $runner->get_import_session_metadata();
// After the upload complete, set the elementor upload state back to false.
Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( false );
remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10 );
$is_last_runner = key( array_slice( $this->runners, -1, 1, true ) ) === $runner_name;
if ( $is_last_runner ) {
} else {
return [
'status' => 'success',
'runner' => $runner_name,
* Create and save all the instance data to the import sessions option.
* @return void
public function init_import_session( $save_instance_data = false ) {
$import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions( true );
$import_sessions[ $this->session_id ] = [
'session_id' => $this->session_id,
'kit_title' => $this->manifest['title'] ?? '',
'kit_name' => $this->manifest['name'] ?? '',
'kit_thumbnail' => $this->get_kit_thumbnail(),
'kit_source' => $this->settings_referrer,
'user_id' => get_current_user_id(),
'start_timestamp' => current_time( 'timestamp' ),
if ( $save_instance_data ) {
$import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data'] = [
'extracted_directory_path' => $this->extracted_directory_path,
'runners' => $this->runners,
'adapters' => $this->adapters,
'manifest' => $this->manifest,
'site_settings' => $this->site_settings,
'settings_include' => $this->settings_include,
'settings_referrer' => $this->settings_referrer,
'settings_conflicts' => $this->settings_conflicts,
'settings_selected_override_conditions' => $this->settings_selected_override_conditions,
'settings_selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types,
'settings_selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins,
'documents_data' => $this->documents_data,
'imported_data' => $this->imported_data,
'runners_import_metadata' => $this->runners_import_metadata,
update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions, false );
* Get the Kit thumbnail, goes to the home page thumbnail if main doesn't exist
* @return string
private function get_kit_thumbnail(): string {
if ( ! empty( $this->manifest['thumbnail'] ) ) {
return $this->manifest['thumbnail'];
if ( empty( $this->kit_id ) ) {
return '';
$api = new Kit_Library_Api();
$kit = $api->get_by_id( $this->kit_id );
if ( is_wp_error( $kit ) ) {
return '';
return $kit->thumbnail;
public function get_runners_name(): array {
return array_keys( $this->runners );
public function get_manifest() {
return $this->manifest;
public function get_extracted_directory_path() {
return $this->extracted_directory_path;
public function get_session_id() {
return $this->session_id;
public function get_adapters() {
return $this->adapters;
public function get_imported_data() {
return $this->imported_data;
* Get settings by key.
* Used for backward compatibility.
* @param string $key The key of the setting.
public function get_settings( $key ) {
switch ( $key ) {
case 'include':
return $this->get_settings_include();
case 'overrideConditions':
return $this->get_settings_selected_override_conditions();
case 'selectedCustomPostTypes':
return $this->get_settings_selected_custom_post_types();
case 'plugins':
return $this->get_settings_selected_plugins();
return [];
public function settings_include( array $settings_include ) {
$this->settings_include = $settings_include;
return $this;
public function get_settings_include() {
return $this->settings_include;
public function settings_referrer( $settings_referrer ) {
$this->settings_referrer = $settings_referrer;
return $this;
public function get_settings_referrer() {
return $this->settings_referrer;
public function settings_conflicts( array $settings_conflicts ) {
$this->settings_conflicts = $settings_conflicts;
return $this;
public function get_settings_conflicts() {
return $this->settings_conflicts;
public function settings_selected_override_conditions( array $settings_selected_override_conditions ) {
$this->settings_selected_override_conditions = $settings_selected_override_conditions;
return $this;
public function get_settings_selected_override_conditions() {
return $this->settings_selected_override_conditions;
public function settings_selected_custom_post_types( array $settings_selected_custom_post_types ) {
$this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $settings_selected_custom_post_types;
return $this;
public function get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() {
return $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types;
public function settings_selected_plugins( array $settings_selected_plugins ) {
$this->settings_selected_plugins = $settings_selected_plugins;
return $this;
public function get_settings_selected_plugins() {
return $this->settings_selected_plugins;
* Prevent saving elements on elementor post creation.
* @param array $data
* @param Document $document
* @return array
public function prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation( array $data, Document $document ) {
if ( isset( $data['elements'] ) ) {
$this->documents_data[ $document->get_main_id() ] = [ 'elements' => $data['elements'] ];
$data['elements'] = [];
if ( isset( $data['settings'] ) ) {
$this->documents_data[ $document->get_main_id() ]['settings'] = $data['settings'];
return $data;
* Extract the zip file.
* @param string $zip_path The path to the zip file.
* @return string The extracted directory path.
private function extract_zip( $zip_path ) {
$extraction_result = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->extract_and_validate_zip( $zip_path, [ 'json', 'xml' ] );
if ( is_wp_error( $extraction_result ) ) {
if ( isset( $extraction_result->errors['zip_error'] ) ) {
throw new \Error( static::ZIP_ARCHIVE_ERROR_KEY );
throw new \Error( static::ZIP_FILE_ERROR_KEY );
return $extraction_result['extraction_directory'];
* Get the manifest file from the extracted directory and adapt it if needed.
* @return string The manifest file content.
private function read_manifest_json() {
$manifest = Utils::read_json_file( $this->extracted_directory_path . 'manifest' );
if ( ! $manifest ) {
Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( static::MANIFEST_ERROR_KEY );
throw new \Error( static::ZIP_FILE_ERROR_KEY );
$this->init_adapters( $manifest );
foreach ( $this->adapters as $adapter ) {
$manifest = $adapter->adapt_manifest( $manifest );
return $manifest;
* Init the adapters and determine which ones to use.
* @param array $manifest_data The manifest file content.
private function init_adapters( array $manifest_data ) {
$this->adapters = [];
/** @var Base_Adapter[] $adapter_types */
$adapter_types = [ Envato::class, Kit_Library::class ];
foreach ( $adapter_types as $adapter_type ) {
if ( $adapter_type::is_compatibility_needed( $manifest_data, [ 'referrer' => $this->get_settings_referrer() ] ) ) {
$this->adapters[] = new $adapter_type( $this );
* Get the site settings file from the extracted directory and adapt it if needed.
* @return string The site settings file content.
private function read_site_settings_json() {
$site_settings = Utils::read_json_file( $this->extracted_directory_path . 'site-settings' );
foreach ( $this->adapters as $adapter ) {
$site_settings = $adapter->adapt_site_settings( $site_settings, $this->manifest, $this->extracted_directory_path );
return $site_settings;
* Get all the custom post types in the kit.
* @return array Custom post types names.
private function get_default_settings_custom_post_types() {
if ( empty( $this->manifest['custom-post-type-title'] ) ) {
return [];
$manifest_post_types = array_keys( $this->manifest['custom-post-type-title'] );
return array_diff( $manifest_post_types, Utils::get_builtin_wp_post_types() );
* Get the default settings of elementor templates conditions to override.
* @return array
private function get_default_settings_conflicts() {
if ( empty( $this->manifest['templates'] ) ) {
return [];
return apply_filters( 'elementor/import/get_default_settings_conflicts', [], $this->manifest['templates'] );
* Get the default settings of elementor templates conditions to override.
* @return array
private function get_default_settings_override_conditions() {
if ( empty( $this->settings_conflicts ) ) {
return [];
return array_keys( $this->settings_conflicts );
* Get the default settings of the plugins that should be imported.
* @return array
private function get_default_settings_plugins() {
return ! empty( $this->manifest['plugins'] ) ? $this->manifest['plugins'] : [];
* Get the default settings of which content types should be imported.
* @return array
private function get_default_settings_include() {
return [ 'templates', 'plugins', 'content', 'settings' ];
* Get the data that requires updating/replacement when imported.
* @return array{post_ids: array, term_ids: array}
private function get_imported_data_replacements() : array {
return [
'post_ids' => Utils::map_old_new_post_ids( $this->imported_data ),
'term_ids' => Utils::map_old_new_term_ids( $this->imported_data ),
* Save the prevented elements on elementor post creation elements.
* Handle the replacement of all the dynamic content of the elements that probably have been changed during the import.
private function save_elements_of_imported_posts() {
$imported_data_replacements = $this->get_imported_data_replacements();
foreach ( $this->documents_data as $new_id => $data ) {
$document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $new_id );
if ( isset( $data['elements'] ) ) {
$data['elements'] = $document->on_import_update_dynamic_content( $data['elements'], $imported_data_replacements );
if ( isset( $data['settings'] ) ) {
if ( $document instanceof Kit ) {
// Without post_status certain tabs in the Kit will not save properly.
$data['settings']['post_status'] = get_post_status( $new_id );
$data['settings'] = $document->on_import_update_settings( $data['settings'], $imported_data_replacements );
$document->save( $data );
private function update_instance_data_in_import_session_option() {
$import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions();
$import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data']['documents_data'] = $this->documents_data;
$import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data']['imported_data'] = $this->imported_data;
$import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data']['runners_import_metadata'] = $this->runners_import_metadata;
update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions, false );
public function finalize_import_session_option() {
$import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions();
if ( ! isset( $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ] ) ) {
unset( $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data'] );
$import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['end_timestamp'] = current_time( 'timestamp' );
$import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['runners'] = $this->runners_import_metadata;
update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions, false );
* Filter the php error args and return 408 status code if the error is a timeout.
* @param array $args
* @param array $error
* @return array
private function filter_php_error_args( $args, $error ) {
if ( strpos( $error['message'], 'Maximum execution time' ) !== false ) {
$args['response'] = 408;
return $args;