File "nouislider.js"
Full Path: /home2/sdektunc/
File size: 12 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
/*! nouislider - 13.0.0 - 2/6/2019 */
(function(factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === "object") {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals
window.noUiSlider = factory();
})(function() {
"use strict";
var VERSION = "13.0.0";
function isValidFormatter(entry) {
return typeof entry === "object" && typeof === "function" && typeof entry.from === "function";
function removeElement(el) {
function isSet(value) {
return value !== null && value !== undefined;
// Bindable version
function preventDefault(e) {
// Removes duplicates from an array.
function unique(array) {
return array.filter(function(a) {
return !this[a] ? (this[a] = true) : false;
}, {});
// Round a value to the closest 'to'.
function closest(value, to) {
return Math.round(value / to) * to;
// Current position of an element relative to the document.
function offset(elem, orientation) {
var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
var docElem = doc.documentElement;
var pageOffset = getPageOffset(doc);
// getBoundingClientRect contains left scroll in Chrome on Android.
// I haven't found a feature detection that proves this. Worst case
// scenario on mis-match: the 'tap' feature on horizontal sliders breaks.
if (/webkit.*Chrome.*Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
pageOffset.x = 0;
return orientation
? + pageOffset.y - docElem.clientTop
: rect.left + pageOffset.x - docElem.clientLeft;
// Checks whether a value is numerical.
function isNumeric(a) {
return typeof a === "number" && !isNaN(a) && isFinite(a);
// Sets a class and removes it after [duration] ms.
function addClassFor(element, className, duration) {
if (duration > 0) {
addClass(element, className);
setTimeout(function() {
removeClass(element, className);
}, duration);
// Limits a value to 0 - 100
function limit(a) {
return Math.max(Math.min(a, 100), 0);
// Wraps a variable as an array, if it isn't one yet.
// Note that an input array is returned by reference!
function asArray(a) {
return Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a];
// Counts decimals
function countDecimals(numStr) {
numStr = String(numStr);
var pieces = numStr.split(".");
return pieces.length > 1 ? pieces[1].length : 0;
function addClass(el, className) {
if (el.classList) {
} else {
el.className += " " + className;
function removeClass(el, className) {
if (el.classList) {
} else {
el.className = el.className.replace(
new RegExp("(^|\\b)" + className.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\b|$)", "gi"),
" "
function hasClass(el, className) {
return el.classList
? el.classList.contains(className)
: new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b").test(el.className);
function getPageOffset(doc) {
var supportPageOffset = window.pageXOffset !== undefined;
var isCSS1Compat = (doc.compatMode || "") === "CSS1Compat";
var x = supportPageOffset
? window.pageXOffset
: isCSS1Compat
? doc.documentElement.scrollLeft
: doc.body.scrollLeft;
var y = supportPageOffset
? window.pageYOffset
: isCSS1Compat
? doc.documentElement.scrollTop
: doc.body.scrollTop;
return {
x: x,
y: y
// we provide a function to compute constants instead
// of accessing window.* as soon as the module needs it
// so that we do not compute anything if not needed
function getActions() {
// Determine the events to bind. IE11 implements pointerEvents without
// a prefix, which breaks compatibility with the IE10 implementation.
return window.navigator.pointerEnabled
? {
start: "pointerdown",
move: "pointermove",
end: "pointerup"
: window.navigator.msPointerEnabled
? {
start: "MSPointerDown",
move: "MSPointerMove",
end: "MSPointerUp"
: {
start: "mousedown touchstart",
move: "mousemove touchmove",
end: "mouseup touchend"
// Issue #785
function getSupportsPassive() {
var supportsPassive = false;
/* eslint-disable */
try {
var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
get: function() {
supportsPassive = true;
window.addEventListener("test", null, opts);
} catch (e) {}
/* eslint-enable */
return supportsPassive;
function getSupportsTouchActionNone() {
return window.CSS && CSS.supports && CSS.supports("touch-action", "none");
// Value calculation
// Determine the size of a sub-range in relation to a full range.
function subRangeRatio(pa, pb) {
return 100 / (pb - pa);
// (percentage) How many percent is this value of this range?
function fromPercentage(range, value) {
return (value * 100) / (range[1] - range[0]);
// (percentage) Where is this value on this range?
function toPercentage(range, value) {
return fromPercentage(range, range[0] < 0 ? value + Math.abs(range[0]) : value - range[0]);
// (value) How much is this percentage on this range?
function isPercentage(range, value) {
return (value * (range[1] - range[0])) / 100 + range[0];
// Range conversion
function getJ(value, arr) {
var j = 1;
while (value >= arr[j]) {
j += 1;
return j;
// (percentage) Input a value, find where, on a scale of 0-100, it applies.
function toStepping(xVal, xPct, value) {
if (value >= xVal.slice(-1)[0]) {
return 100;
var j = getJ(value, xVal);
var va = xVal[j - 1];
var vb = xVal[j];
var pa = xPct[j - 1];
var pb = xPct[j];
return pa + toPercentage([va, vb], value) / subRangeRatio(pa, pb);
// (value) Input a percentage, find where it is on the specified range.
function fromStepping(xVal, xPct, value) {
// There is no range group that fits 100
if (value >= 100) {
return xVal.slice(-1)[0];
var j = getJ(value, xPct);
var va = xVal[j - 1];
var vb = xVal[j];
var pa = xPct[j - 1];
var pb = xPct[j];
return isPercentage([va, vb], (value - pa) * subRangeRatio(pa, pb));
// (percentage) Get the step that applies at a certain value.
function getStep(xPct, xSteps, snap, value) {
if (value === 100) {
return value;
var j = getJ(value, xPct);
var a = xPct[j - 1];
var b = xPct[j];
// If 'snap' is set, steps are used as fixed points on the slider.
if (snap) {
// Find the closest position, a or b.
if (value - a > (b - a) / 2) {
return b;
return a;
if (!xSteps[j - 1]) {
return value;
return xPct[j - 1] + closest(value - xPct[j - 1], xSteps[j - 1]);
// Entry parsing
function handleEntryPoint(index, value, that) {
var percentage;
// Wrap numerical input in an array.
if (typeof value === "number") {
value = [value];
// Reject any invalid input, by testing whether value is an array.
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'range' contains invalid value.");
// Covert min/max syntax to 0 and 100.
if (index === "min") {
percentage = 0;
} else if (index === "max") {
percentage = 100;
} else {
percentage = parseFloat(index);
// Check for correct input.
if (!isNumeric(percentage) || !isNumeric(value[0])) {
throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'range' value isn't numeric.");
// Store values.
// NaN will evaluate to false too, but to keep
// logging clear, set step explicitly. Make sure
// not to override the 'step' setting with false.
if (!percentage) {
if (!isNaN(value[1])) {
that.xSteps[0] = value[1];
} else {
that.xSteps.push(isNaN(value[1]) ? false : value[1]);
function handleStepPoint(i, n, that) {
// Ignore 'false' stepping.
if (!n) {
return true;
// Factor to range ratio
that.xSteps[i] =
fromPercentage([that.xVal[i], that.xVal[i + 1]], n) / subRangeRatio(that.xPct[i], that.xPct[i + 1]);
var totalSteps = (that.xVal[i + 1] - that.xVal[i]) / that.xNumSteps[i];
var highestStep = Math.ceil(Number(totalSteps.toFixed(3)) - 1);
var step = that.xVal[i] + that.xNumSteps[i] * highestStep;
that.xHighestCompleteStep[i] = step;
// Interface
function Spectrum(entry, snap, singleStep) {
this.xPct = [];
this.xVal = [];
this.xSteps = [singleStep || false];
this.xNumSteps = [false];
this.xHighestCompleteStep = [];
this.snap = snap;
var index;
var ordered = []; // [0, 'min'], [1, '50%'], [2, 'max']
// Map the object keys to an array.
for (index in entry) {
if (entry.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
ordered.push([entry[index], index]);
// Sort all entries by value (numeric sort).
if (ordered.length && typeof ordered[0][0] === "object") {
ordered.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[0][0] - b[0][0];
} else {
ordered.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
// Convert all entries to subranges.
for (index = 0; index < ordered.length; index++) {
handleEntryPoint(ordered[index][1], ordered[index][0], this);
// Store the actual step values.
// xSteps is sorted in the same order as xPct and xVal.
this.xNumSteps = this.xSteps.slice(0);
// Convert all numeric steps to the percentage of the subrange they represent.
for (index = 0; index < this.xNumSteps.length; index++) {
handleStepPoint(index, this.xNumSteps[index], this);
Spectrum.prototype.getMargin = function(value) {
var step = this.xNumSteps[0];
if (step && (value / step) % 1 !== 0) {
throw new Error("noUiSlider (" + VERSION + "): 'limit', 'mar