File "contact-form.php"

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class WPCF7_ContactForm {

	use WPCF7_SWV_SchemaHolder;

	const post_type = 'wpcf7_contact_form';

	private static $found_items = 0;
	private static $current = null;

	private $id;
	private $name;
	private $title;
	private $locale;
	private $properties = array();
	private $unit_tag;
	private $responses_count = 0;
	private $scanned_form_tags;
	private $shortcode_atts = array();

	 * Returns count of contact forms found by the previous retrieval.
	 * @return int Count of contact forms.
	public static function count() {
		return self::$found_items;

	 * Returns the contact form that is currently processed.
	 * @return WPCF7_ContactForm Current contact form object.
	public static function get_current() {
		return self::$current;

	 * Registers the post type for contact forms.
	public static function register_post_type() {
		register_post_type( self::post_type, array(
			'labels' => array(
				'name' => __( 'Contact Forms', 'contact-form-7' ),
				'singular_name' => __( 'Contact Form', 'contact-form-7' ),
			'rewrite' => false,
			'query_var' => false,
			'public' => false,
			'capability_type' => 'page',
			'capabilities' => array(
				'edit_post' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_form',
				'read_post' => 'wpcf7_read_contact_form',
				'delete_post' => 'wpcf7_delete_contact_form',
				'edit_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms',
				'edit_others_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms',
				'publish_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms',
				'read_private_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms',
		) );

	 * Retrieves contact form data that match given conditions.
	 * @param string|array $args Optional. Arguments to be passed to WP_Query.
	 * @return array Array of WPCF7_ContactForm objects.
	public static function find( $args = '' ) {
		$defaults = array(
			'post_status' => 'any',
			'posts_per_page' => -1,
			'offset' => 0,
			'orderby' => 'ID',
			'order' => 'ASC',

		$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

		$args['post_type'] = self::post_type;

		$q = new WP_Query();
		$posts = $q->query( $args );

		self::$found_items = $q->found_posts;

		$objs = array();

		foreach ( (array) $posts as $post ) {
			$objs[] = new self( $post );

		return $objs;

	 * Returns a contact form data filled by default template contents.
	 * @param string|array $args Optional. Contact form options.
	 * @return WPCF7_ContactForm A new contact form object.
	public static function get_template( $args = '' ) {
		$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
			'locale' => '',
			'title' => __( 'Untitled', 'contact-form-7' ),
		) );

		$locale = $args['locale'];
		$title = $args['title'];

		if ( ! $switched = wpcf7_load_textdomain( $locale ) ) {
			$locale = determine_locale();

		$contact_form = new self;
		$contact_form->title = $title;
		$contact_form->locale = $locale;

		$properties = $contact_form->get_properties();

		foreach ( $properties as $key => $value ) {
			$default_template = WPCF7_ContactFormTemplate::get_default( $key );

			if ( isset( $default_template ) ) {
				$properties[$key] = $default_template;

		$contact_form->properties = $properties;

		$contact_form = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_contact_form_default_pack',
			$contact_form, $args

		if ( $switched ) {

		self::$current = $contact_form;

		return $contact_form;

	 * Returns an instance of WPCF7_ContactForm.
	 * @return WPCF7_ContactForm A new contact form object.
	public static function get_instance( $post ) {
		$post = get_post( $post );

		if ( ! $post
		or self::post_type != get_post_type( $post ) ) {
			return false;

		return self::$current = new self( $post );

	 * Generates a "unit-tag" for the given contact form ID.
	 * @return string Unit-tag.
	private static function generate_unit_tag( $id = 0 ) {
		static $global_count = 0;

		$global_count += 1;

		if ( in_the_loop() ) {
			$unit_tag = sprintf( 'wpcf7-f%1$d-p%2$d-o%3$d',
				absint( $id ),
		} else {
			$unit_tag = sprintf( 'wpcf7-f%1$d-o%2$d',
				absint( $id ),

		return $unit_tag;

	 * Constructor.
	private function __construct( $post = null ) {
		$post = get_post( $post );

		if ( $post
		and self::post_type == get_post_type( $post ) ) {
			$this->id = $post->ID;
			$this->name = $post->post_name;
			$this->title = $post->post_title;
			$this->locale = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_locale', true );

			$this->construct_properties( $post );
		} else {

		do_action( 'wpcf7_contact_form', $this );

	 * Magic method for property overloading.
	public function __get( $name ) {
		$message = __( '<code>%1$s</code> property of a <code>WPCF7_ContactForm</code> object is <strong>no longer accessible</strong>. Use <code>%2$s</code> method instead.', 'contact-form-7' );

		if ( 'id' == $name ) {
			if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
					sprintf( $message, 'id', 'id()' ),

			return $this->id;
		} elseif ( 'title' == $name ) {
			if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
					sprintf( $message, 'title', 'title()' ),

			return $this->title;
		} elseif ( $prop = $this->prop( $name ) ) {
			if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
					sprintf( $message, $name, 'prop(\'' . $name . '\')' ),

			return $prop;

	 * Returns true if this contact form is not yet saved to the database.
	public function initial() {
		return empty( $this->id );

	 * Constructs contact form properties. This is called only once
	 * from the constructor.
	private function construct_properties( $post = null ) {
		$builtin_properties = array(
			'form' => '',
			'mail' => array(),
			'mail_2' => array(),
			'messages' => array(),
			'additional_settings' => '',

		$properties = apply_filters(
			$builtin_properties, $this

		// Filtering out properties with invalid name
		$properties = array_filter(
			function ( $key ) {
				$sanitized_key = sanitize_key( $key );
				return $key === $sanitized_key;

		foreach ( $properties as $name => $val ) {
			$prop = $this->retrieve_property( $name );

			if ( isset( $prop ) ) {
				$properties[$name] = $prop;

		$this->properties = $properties;

		foreach ( $properties as $name => $val ) {
			$properties[$name] = apply_filters(
				$val, $this

		$this->properties = $properties;

		$properties = (array) apply_filters(
			$properties, $this

		$this->properties = $properties;

	 * Retrieves contact form property of the specified name from the database.
	 * @param string $name Property name.
	 * @return array|string|null Property value. Null if property does not exist.
	private function retrieve_property( $name ) {
		$property = null;

		if ( ! $this->initial() ) {
			$post_id = $this->id;

			if ( metadata_exists( 'post', $post_id, '_' . $name ) ) {
				$property = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $name, true );
			} elseif ( metadata_exists( 'post', $post_id, $name ) ) {
				$property = get_post_meta( $post_id, $name, true );

		return $property;

	 * Returns the value for the given property name.
	 * @param string $name Property name.
	 * @return array|string|null Property value. Null if property does not exist.
	public function prop( $name ) {
		$props = $this->get_properties();
		return isset( $props[$name] ) ? $props[$name] : null;

	 * Returns all the properties.
	 * @return array This contact form's properties.
	public function get_properties() {
		return (array) $this->properties;

	 * Updates properties.
	 * @param array $properties New properties.
	public function set_properties( $properties ) {
		$defaults = $this->get_properties();

		$properties = wp_parse_args( $properties, $d