File "Html.php"
Full Path: /home2/sdektunc/
File size: 10.39 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
namespace Nextend\Framework\View;
use Nextend\Framework\Platform\Platform;
use Nextend\Framework\Settings;
class Html {
private static $closeSingleTags = true;
* @var boolean whether to render special attributes value. Defaults to true. Can be set to false for HTML5.
* @since 1.1.13
private static $renderSpecialAttributesValue = true;
* Generates an HTML element.
* @param string $tag the tag name
* @param array $htmlOptions the element attributes. The values will be HTML-encoded using
* {@link encodeAttribute()}. If an 'encode' attribute is given and its value is false,
* the rest of the attribute values will NOT be HTML-encoded. Since version 1.1.5,
* attributes whose value is null will not be rendered.
* @param mixed $content the content to be enclosed between open and close element tags. It will not be
* HTML-encoded. If false, it means there is no body content.
* @param boolean $closeTag whether to generate the close tag.
* @return string the generated HTML element tag
public static function tag($tag, $htmlOptions = array(), $content = "", $closeTag = true) {
$html = '<' . $tag . self::renderAttributes($htmlOptions);
if ($content === false) return $closeTag && self::$closeSingleTags ? $html . ' />' : $html . '>'; else
return $closeTag ? $html . '>' . $content . '</' . $tag . '>' : $html . '>' . $content;
* Generates an open HTML element.
* @param string $tag the tag name
* @param array $htmlOptions the element attributes. The values will be HTML-encoded using
* {@link encodeAttribute()}.
* If an 'encode' attribute is given and its value is false,
* the rest of the attribute values will NOT be HTML-encoded.
* Since version 1.1.5, attributes whose value is null will not be rendered.
* @return string the generated HTML element tag
public static function openTag($tag, $htmlOptions = array()) {
return '<' . $tag . self::renderAttributes($htmlOptions) . '>';
* Generates a close HTML element.
* @param string $tag the tag name
* @return string the generated HTML element tag
public static function closeTag($tag) {
return '</' . $tag . '>';
* Generates an image tag.
* @param string $src the image URL
* @param string $alt the alternative text display
* @param array $htmlOptions additional HTML attributes (see {@link tag}).
* @return string the generated image tag
public static function image($src, $alt = '', $htmlOptions = array()) {
$htmlOptions['src'] = $src;
$htmlOptions['alt'] = $alt;
return self::tag('img', $htmlOptions, false, false);
* Renders the HTML tag attributes.
* Since version 1.1.5, attributes whose value is null will not be rendered.
* Special attributes, such as 'checked', 'disabled', 'readonly', will be rendered
* properly based on their corresponding boolean value.
* @param array $htmlOptions attributes to be rendered
* @return string the rendering result
public static function renderAttributes($htmlOptions = array()) {
static $specialAttributes = array(
'autofocus' => 1,
'autoplay' => 1,
'controls' => 1,
'declare' => 1,
'default' => 1,
'disabled' => 1,
'ismap' => 1,
'loop' => 1,
'muted' => 1,
'playsinline' => 1,
'webkit-playsinline' => 1,
'nohref' => 1,
'noresize' => 1,
'novalidate' => 1,
'open' => 1,
'reversed' => 1,
'scoped' => 1,
'seamless' => 1,
'selected' => 1,
'typemustmatch' => 1,
'lazyload' => 1,
), $specialAttributesNoValue = array(
'defer' => 1,
'async' => 1
if (empty($htmlOptions)) {
return '';
if (isset($htmlOptions['style']) && empty($htmlOptions['style'])) {
$html = '';
if (isset($htmlOptions['encode'])) {
$raw = !$htmlOptions['encode'];
} else
$raw = false;
foreach ($htmlOptions as $name => $value) {
if (isset($specialAttributes[$name])) {
if ($value) {
$html .= ' ' . $name;
if (self::$renderSpecialAttributesValue) $html .= '="' . $name . '"';
} else if (isset($specialAttributesNoValue[$name])) {
$html .= ' ' . $name;
} else if ($value !== null) $html .= ' ' . $name . '="' . ($raw ? $value : self::encodeAttribute($value)) . '"';
return $html;
* @param $text
* @return string
public static function encode($text) {
return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
* @param $text
* @return string
public static function encodeAttribute($text) {
* Do not encode: '
return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8');
public static function link($name, $url = '#', $htmlOptions = array()) {
$htmlOptions["href"] = $url;
$url = self::openTag("a", $htmlOptions);
if (isset($htmlOptions["encode"]) && $htmlOptions["encode"]) {
$url .= self::encode($name);
} else {
$url .= $name;
$url .= self::closeTag("a");
return $url;
* Insert stylesheet
* @param string $script
* @param bool $file
* @param array $scriptOptions
* @return string
public static function style($script, $file = false, $scriptOptions = array()) {
if ($file) {
$options = array(
"rel" => "stylesheet",
"type" => "text/css",
"href" => $script
$options = array_merge($options, $scriptOptions);
return self::tag('link', $options, false, false);
return self::tag("style", $scriptOptions, $script);
* Insert script
* @param string $script
* @return string
public static function script($script) {
return self::tag('script', array(
'encode' => false
), $script);
public static function scriptFile($script, $attributes = array()) {
return self::tag('script', array(
'src' => $script
) + self::getScriptAttributes() + $attributes, '');
private static function getScriptAttributes() {
static $attributes = null;
if (Platform::isAdmin()) {
return array();
if ($attributes === null) {
if (class_exists('\\Nextend\\Framework\\Settings', false)) {
$value = trim(html_entity_decode(strip_tags(Settings::get('scriptattributes', ''))));
$_attributes = explode(' ', str_replace(array(
), "", str_replace(array(
), "not-allowed", $value)));
if (!empty($value) && !empty($_attributes)) {
foreach ($_attributes as $attr) {
if (strpos($attr, '=') !== false) {
$atts = explode("=", $attr);
if (count($atts) <= 2) {
$attributes[$atts[0]] = $atts[1];
} else {
$attributes[$attr] = $attr;
} else {
$attributes[$attr] = $attr;
} else {
$attributes = array();
} else {
return array();
return $attributes;
* @param array $array1
* @param array $array2 [optional]
* @param array $_ [optional]
* @return array the resulting array.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
public static function mergeAttributes($array1, $array2 = null, $_ = null) {
$arguments = func_get_args();
$target = array_shift($arguments);
foreach ($arguments as $array) {
if (isset($array['style'])) {
if (!isset($target['style'])) $target['style'] = '';
$target['style'] .= $array['style'];
if (isset($array['class'])) {
if (empty($target['class'])) {
$target['class'] = $array['class'];
} else {
$target['class'] .= ' ' . $array['class'];
$target = array_merge($target, $array);
return $target;
public static function addExcludeLazyLoadAttributes($target = array()) {
return self::mergeAttributes($target, self::getExcludeLazyLoadAttributes());
public static function getExcludeLazyLoadAttributes() {
static $attrs;
if ($attrs === null) {
$attrs = array(
'class' => 'skip-lazy',
'data-skip-lazy' => 1
if (defined('JETPACK__VERSION')) {
$attrs['class'] .= ' jetpack-lazy-image';
if (defined('PERFMATTERS_VERSION')) {
$attrs['class'] .= ' no-lazy';
return $attrs;