File "PostsCustomPosts.php"

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namespace Nextend\SmartSlider3\Generator\WordPress\Posts\Sources;

use Nextend\Framework\Form\Container\ContainerTable;
use Nextend\Framework\Form\Element\MixedField\GeneratorOrder;
use Nextend\Framework\Form\Element\OnOff;
use Nextend\Framework\Form\Element\Radio;
use Nextend\Framework\Form\Element\Select;
use Nextend\Framework\Form\Element\Text;
use Nextend\Framework\Form\Element\Textarea;
use Nextend\Framework\Parser\Common;
use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Generator\AbstractGenerator;
use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Generator\WordPress\Posts\Elements\PostsCustomFields;
use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Generator\WordPress\Posts\Elements\PostsOptions;
use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Generator\WordPress\Posts\Elements\PostsTaxonomies;
use Nextend\SmartSlider3\Generator\WordPress\Posts\GeneratorGroupPosts;

class PostsCustomPosts extends AbstractGenerator {

    protected $layout = 'article';

    protected $postType;

    public function __construct($group, $name, $post_type, $label) {
        $this->postType = $post_type;
        parent::__construct($group, $name, $label);

    public function getPostType() {
        return $this->postType;

    public function getDescription() {
        return sprintf(n2_('Creates slides from the following post type: %1$s.'), $this->postType);

    private function checkKeywords($variable) {
        switch ($variable) {
            case 'current_date':
                $variable = current_time('mysql');
            case 'current_date_timestamp':
                $variable = current_time('timestamp');

        return $variable;

    public function renderFields($container) {
        $filterGroup = new ContainerTable($container, 'filter-group', n2_('Filter'));
        $filter      = $filterGroup->createRow('filter');
        new PostsTaxonomies($filter, 'taxonomies', n2_('Taxonomies'), 0, array(
            'postType'      => $this->postType,
            'postSeparator' => '|*|'

        new Select($filter, 'taxonomies_relation', n2_('Relation'), 'OR', array(
            'options' => array(
                'OR'  => 'OR',
                'AND' => 'AND'

        $ids = $filterGroup->createRow('ids');
        new Textarea($ids, 'ids', n2_('Post IDs to display'), '', array(
            'width'          => 150,
            'height'         => 150,
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Post IDs to display'),
            'tipDescription' => sprintf(n2_('You can make your generator display only the posts with the set ID. No other post will be fetched, even if they match the set filters. %1$s Write one ID per line.'), '<br>')

        new Textarea($ids, 'exclude_ids', n2_('Exclude posts'), '', array(
            'width'          => 150,
            'height'         => 150,
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Exclude posts'),
            'tipDescription' => sprintf(n2_('The selected post IDs won\'t appear in the generator, even if they they match the set filters. %1$s Write one ID per line.'), '<br>')

        $status   = $filterGroup->createRow('status');
        $statuses = get_post_stati();
        $statuses += array(
            'any'   => 'any',
            'unset' => 'unset',
        new Select($status, 'poststatus', n2_('Post status'), 'publish', array(
            'options' => $statuses

        $postMetaGroup = $filterGroup->createRowGroup('postmetaGroup', n2_('Post meta comparison'));
        $postMeta      = $postMetaGroup->createRow('postmeta');
        new PostsCustomFields($postMeta, 'postmetakey', n2_('Field name'), 0, array(
            'postType'       => $this->postType,
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Field name'),
            'tipDescription' => n2_('Only show posts, where the given meta key is equal to the given meta value.'),
            'tipLink'        => ''

        new Select($postMeta, 'postmetacompare', n2_('Compare method'), '=', array(
            'options' => array(
                '='           => '=',
                '!='          => '!=',
                '>'           => '>',
                '>='          => '>=',
                '<'           => '<',
                '<='          => '<=',
                'LIKE'        => 'LIKE',
                'NOT LIKE'    => 'NOT LIKE',
                'IN'          => 'IN',
                'NOT IN'      => 'NOT IN',
                'BETWEEN'     => 'BETWEEN',
                'NOT BETWEEN' => 'NOT BETWEEN',
                'REGEXP'      => 'REGEXP',
                'NOT REGEXP'  => 'NOT REGEXP',
                'RLIKE'       => 'RLIKE',
                'EXISTS'      => 'EXISTS',
                'NOT EXISTS'  => 'NOT EXISTS'

        new Text($postMeta, 'postmetavalue', n2_('Field value'));

        $postMetaMore = $filterGroup->createRow('postmeta-more');
        new Textarea($postMetaMore, 'postmetakeymore', n2_('Meta comparison'), 'field_name||compare_method||field_value', array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Meta comparison'),
            'tipDescription' => sprintf(n2_('You can create other comparison based on the previous "Field name" and "Compare method" options. %1$s Use the following format: published||=||yes %1$s Write one comparison per line.'), '<br>'),
            'tipLink'        => '',
            'width'          => 300,
            'height'         => 100

        $option = $filterGroup->createRow('option');
        new PostsOptions($option, 'postoption', n2_('Post option'), '0', array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Post option'),
            'tipDescription' => n2_('Posts can have options, like a post can be "sticky" or not. You can choose to only display posts, which are selected to be IN or NOT IN this option.')

        new Select($option, 'postoptionin', n2_('Post relationship with selected option'), '0', array(
            'options' => array(
                0 => 'IN',
                1 => 'NOT IN'

        $dateGroup = $filterGroup->createRowGroup('dateGroup', n2_('Date configuration'));
        $date      = $filterGroup->createRow('date');
        new OnOff($date, 'identifydatetime', n2_('Identify datetime'), 0, array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Identify datetime'),
            'tipDescription' => n2_('Our system tries to identify the date and time in your variables.')
        new Text($date, 'datetimeformat', n2_('Datetime format'), 'm-d-Y H:i:s', array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Datetime format'),
            'tipDescription' => sprintf(n2_('You can use any %1$sPHP date format%2$s.'), '<a href="">', '</a>')
        new Textarea($date, 'translatedate', n2_('Translate dates'), "from||to\nMonday||Monday\njan||jan", array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Translate dates'),
            'tipDescription' => sprintf(n2_('Write one per line in the following format: from||to %1$s E.g.: Monday||Montag'), '<br>'),
            'width'          => 300,
            'height'         => 200

        $replaceGroup = $filterGroup->createRowGroup('replaceGroup', n2_('Replace variables'));
        $variables    = $filterGroup->createRow('variables');
        new Text($variables, 'timestampvariables', n2_('Timestamp variables'), '', array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Replace timestamp variables'),
            'tipDescription' => sprintf(n2_('The "Datetime format" will be used to create dates from the given timestamp containing variables. %1$s Separate them with comma.'), '<br>')

        new Text($variables, 'filevariables', n2_('File variables'), '', array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Replace file variables'),
            'tipDescription' => sprintf(n2_('If you have IDs of files, you can replace those variables with the urls of the files instead. %1$s Separate them with comma.'), '<br>')

        new Text($variables, 'uniquevariable', n2_('Remove duplicate results'), '', array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Remove duplicate results'),
            'tipDescription' => n2_('You can remove results based on one variable\'s uniqueness. For example if you want the images to be unique, you could write the "image" variable into this field (without quotemarks).')

        $orderGroup = new ContainerTable($container, 'order-group', n2_('Order'));
        $order      = $orderGroup->createRow('order');
        new GeneratorOrder($order, 'postsorder', 'post_date|*|desc', array(
            'options' => array(
                'none'          => n2_('None'),
                'post_date'     => n2_('Post date'),
                'ID'            => 'ID',
                'title'         => n2_('Title'),
                'post_modified' => n2_('Modification date'),
                'rand'          => n2_('Random'),
                'post__in'      => n2_('Given IDs'),
                'menu_order'    => n2_('Menu order')

        $metaOrder = $orderGroup->createRow('meta-order');
        new PostsCustomFields($metaOrder, 'meta_order_key', n2_('Custom field name'), 0, array(
            'tipLabel'       => n2_('Custom field name'),
            'tipDescription' => n2_('If it\'s set, this will be used instead of the \'Field\' value.'),
            'tipLink'        => '',
            'postType'       => $this->postType

        new Radio($metaOrder, 'meta_orderby', n2_('Order'), 'meta_value_num', array(
            'options' => array(
                'meta_value_num' => n2_('Numeric'),
                'meta_value'     => n2_('Alphabetic')

    protected function _getData($count, $startIndex) {
        global $post, $wp_query;
        $tmpPost = $post;

        $identifyDateTime = $this->data->get('identifydatetime', 0);

        if (has_filter('the_content', 'siteorigin_panels_filter_content')) {
            $siteorigin_panels_filter_content = true;
            remove_filter('the_content', 'siteorigin_panels_filter_content');
        } else {
            $siteorigin_panels_filter_content = false;

        $taxonomies = array_diff(explode('||', $this->data->get('taxonomies', '')), array(

        if (count($taxonomies)) {
            $tax_array = array();
            foreach ($taxonomies as $tax) {
                $parts = explode('|*|', $tax);
                if (!is_array(@$tax_array[$parts[0]]) || !in_array($parts[1], $tax_array[$parts[0]])) {
                    $tax_array[$parts[0]][] = $parts[1];

            $tax_query = array();
            foreach ($tax_array as $taxonomy => $terms) {
                $tax_query[] = array(
                    'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
                    'terms'    => $terms,
                    'field'    => 'id'
            $tax_query['relation'] = $this->data->get('taxonomies_relation', 'OR');
        } else {
            $tax_query = '';

        list($orderBy, $order) = Common::parse($this->data->get('postsorder', 'post_date|*|desc'));

        $compare       = array();
        $compare_value = $this->data->get('postmetacompare', '');
        if (!empty($compare_value)) {
            $compare = array('compare' => $compare_value);

        $postMetaKey = $this->data->get('postmetakey', '0');
        if (!empty($postMetaKey)) {
            $postMetaValue = $this->data->get('postmetavalue', '');
            $postMetaValue = $this->checkKeywords($postMetaValue);
            $getPostMeta   = array(
                'meta_query' => array(
                        'key'   => $postMetaKey,
                        'value' => $postMetaValue,
                    ) + $compare
        } else {
            $getPostMeta = array();
        $metaMore = $this->data->get('postmetakeymore', '');
        if (!empty($metaMore) && $metaMore != 'field_name||compare_method||field_value') {
            $metaMoreValues = explode(PHP_EOL, $metaMore);
            foreach ($metaMoreValues as $metaMoreValue) {
                $metaMoreValue = trim($metaMoreValue);
                if ($metaMoreValue != 'field_name||compare_method||field_value') {
                    $metaMoreArray = explode('||', $metaMoreValue);
                    if (count($metaMoreArray) >= 2) {
                        $compare = array('compare' => $metaMoreArray[1]);

                        $key_query = array(
                            'key' => $metaMoreArray[0]

                        if (!empty($metaMoreArray[2])) {
                            $key_query += array(
                                'value' => $this->checkKeywords($metaMoreArray[2])

                        $getPostMeta['meta_query'][] = $key_query + $compare;

        $post_status = explode(",", $this->data->get('poststatus', 'publish'));

        $meta_order_key = $this->data->get('meta_order_key');
        $meta_key       = '';
        if (!empty($meta_order_key)) {
            $orderBy  = $this->data->get('meta_orderby', 'meta_value_num');
            $meta_key = $meta_order_key;

        $getPosts = array(
            'include'          => '',
            'exclude'          => '',
            'meta_key'         => $meta_key,
            'meta_value'       => '',
            'post_type'        => $this->postType,
            'post_mime_type'   => '',
            'post_parent'      => '',
            'post_status'      => $post_status,
            'suppress_filters' => false,
            'offset'           => $startIndex,
            'posts_per_page'   => $count,
            'tax_query'        => $tax_query

        if ($orderBy != 'none') {
            $getPosts += array(
                'orderby'            => $orderBy,
                'order'              => $order,
                'ignore_custom_sort' => true

        $getPosts = array_merge($getPosts, $getPostMeta);

        $ids = array_diff($this->getIDs(), array(0));

        if (count($ids) > 0) {
            $getPosts += array(
                'post__in' => $ids

        $exclude_ids = array_diff($this->getIDs('exclude_ids'), array(0));

        if (count($exclude_ids) > 0) {
            $getPosts += array(
                'post__not_in' => $exclude_ids

        $post_option = $this->data->get('postoption', 0);
        if (!empty($post_option)) {
            $post_option_in = $this->data->get('postoptionin', 0);
            switch ($post_option_in) {
                case 0:
                    $getPosts += array(
                        'post__in' => get_option($post_option)
                case 1:
                    $getPosts += array(
                        'post__not_in' => get_option($post_option)

        $posts = get_posts($getPosts);

        $data = array();

        $timestampVariables = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->data->get('timestampvariables', '')));
        $fileVariables      = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->data->get('filevariables', '')));
        $datetimeformat     = $this->data->get('datetimeformat', 'm-d-Y H:i:s');

        for ($i = 0; $i < count($posts); $i++) {
            $record = array();

            $post = $posts[$i];
            $wp_query->post = $post;

            $record['id'] = $post->ID;

            $record['url']           = get_permalink();
            $record['title']         = apply_filters('the_title', get_the_title(), $post->ID);
            $record['content']       = get_the_content();
            $record['description']   = GeneratorGroupPosts::removeShortcodes($record['content']);
            $record['author_name']   = $record['author'] = get_the_author();
            $userID                  = get_the_author_meta('ID');
            $record['author_url']    = get_author_posts_url($userID);
            $record['author_avatar'] = get_avatar_url($userID);

            if ($identifyDateTime) {
                $record['date']     = get_the_date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $record['modified'] = get_the_modified_date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            } else {
                $record['date']     = get_the_date();
                $record['modified'] = get_the_modified_date();

            $thumbnail_id             = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
            $record['featured_image'] = wp_get_attachment_image_url($thumbnail_id, 'full');
            if (!$record['featured_image']) {
                $record['featured_image'] = '';
            } else {
                $thumbnail_meta = get_post_meta($thumbnail_id, '_wp_attachment_metadata', true);
                if (isset($thumbnail_meta['sizes'])) {
                    $sizes  = GeneratorGroupPosts::getImageSizes($thumbnail_id, $thumbnail_meta['sizes']);
                    $record = array_merge($record, $sizes);
                $record['alt'] = '';
                $alt           = get_post_meta($thumbnail_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
                if (isset($alt)) {
                    $record['alt'] = $alt;

            $record['thumbnail'] = $record['image'] = $record['featured_image'];
            $record['url_label'] = 'View';

            $record = array_merge($record, GeneratorGroupPosts::extractPostMeta(get_post_meta($post->ID)));

            $taxonomies = get_post_taxonomies($post->ID);
            $args       = array(
                'orderby' => 'parent',
                'order'   => 'ASC',
                'fields'  => 'all'

            foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                $post_terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy, $args);
                $taxonomy   = str_replace('-', '', $taxonomy);

                for ($j = 0; $j < count($post_terms); $j++) {
                    $record[$taxonomy . '_' . ($j + 1)]                  = $post_terms[$j]->name;
                    $record[$taxonomy . '_' . ($j + 1) . '_ID']          = $post_terms[$j]->term_id;
                    $record[$taxonomy . '_' . ($j + 1) . '_description'] = $post_terms[$j]->description;

            $record = array_merge($record, GeneratorGroupPosts::getACFData($post->ID));

            if (isset($record['primarytermcategory'])) {
                $primary                         = get_category($record['primarytermcategory']);
                $record['primary_category_name'] = $primary->name;
                $record['primary_category_link'] = get_category_link($primary->cat_ID);
            $record['excerpt'] = get_the_excerpt();

            if (!empty($timestampVariables)) {
                foreach ($timestampVariables as $timestampVariable) {
                    if (isset($record[$timestampVariable])) {
                        $record[$timestampVariable] = date($datetimeformat, intval($record[$timestampVariable]));

            if (!empty($fileVariables)) {
                foreach ($fileVariables as $fileVariable) {
                    if (isset($record[$fileVariable])) {
                        $record[$fileVariable] = wp_get_attachment_url($record[$fileVariable]);

            $record = apply_filters('smartslider3_posts_customposts_data', $record);

            $data[$i] = &$record;

        $unique_variable = $this->data->get('uniquevariable', '');
        if (!empty($unique_variable)) {
            $count         = count($data);
            $unique_helper = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                if (!in_array($data[$i][$unique_variable], $unique_helper)) {
                    $unique_helper[] = $data[$i][$unique_variable];
                } else {
            $data = array_values($data);

        if ($siteorigin_panels_filter_content) {
            add_filter('the_content', 'siteorigin_panels_filter_content');

        $wp_query->post = $tmpPost;

        if ($identifyDateTime) {
            $translate_dates = $this->data->get('translatedate', '');
            $translateValue  = explode(PHP_EOL, $translate_dates);
            $translate       = array();
            if (!empty($translateValue)) {
                foreach ($translateValue as $tv) {
                    $translateArray = explode('||', $tv);
                    if (!empty($translateArray) && count($translateArray) == 2) {
                        $translate[$translateArray[0]] = $translateArray[1];
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
                foreach ($data[$i] as $key => $value) {
                    if ($this->isDate($value)) {
                        $data[$i][$key] = $this->translate($this->formatDate($value, $datetimeformat), $translate);

        return $data;

    protected function isDate($value) {
        if (!$value) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $date = date_parse($value);
            if ($date['error_count'] == 0 && $date['warning_count'] == 0) {
                return checkdate($date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year']);
            } else {
                return false;

    protected function formatDate($date, $format) {
        return date($format, strtotime($date));

    protected function translate($from, $translate) {
        if (!empty($translate) && !empty($from)) {
            foreach ($translate as $key => $value) {
                $from = str_replace($key, trim($value), $from);

        return $from;