File "customize-preview-widgets-20250305184837.js"
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* @output wp-includes/js/customize-preview-widgets.js
/* global _wpWidgetCustomizerPreviewSettings */
* Handles the initialization, refreshing and rendering of widget partials and sidebar widgets.
* @since 4.5.0
* @namespace wp.customize.widgetsPreview
* @param {jQuery} $ The jQuery object.
* @param {Object} _ The utilities library.
* @param {Object} wp Current WordPress environment instance.
* @param {Object} api Information from the API.
* @return {Object} Widget-related variables.
wp.customize.widgetsPreview = wp.customize.WidgetCustomizerPreview = (function( $, _, wp, api ) {
var self;
self = {
renderedSidebars: {},
renderedWidgets: {},
registeredSidebars: [],
registeredWidgets: {},
widgetSelectors: [],
preview: null,
l10n: {
widgetTooltip: ''
selectiveRefreshableWidgets: {}
* Initializes the widgets preview.
* @since 4.5.0
* @memberOf wp.customize.widgetsPreview
* @return {void}
self.init = function() {
var self = this;
self.preview = api.preview;
if ( ! _.isEmpty( self.selectiveRefreshableWidgets ) ) {
self.preview.bind( 'highlight-widget', self.highlightWidget );
api.preview.bind( 'active', function() {
} );
* Refresh a partial when the controls pane requests it. This is used currently just by the
* Gallery widget so that when an attachment's caption is updated in the media modal,
* the widget in the preview will then be refreshed to show the change. Normally doing this
* would not be necessary because all of the state should be contained inside the changeset,
* as everything done in the Customizer should not make a change to the site unless the
* changeset itself is published. Attachments are a current exception to this rule.
* For a proposal to include attachments in the customized state, see #37887.
api.preview.bind( 'refresh-widget-partial', function( widgetId ) {
var partialId = 'widget[' + widgetId + ']';
if ( api.selectiveRefresh.partial.has( partialId ) ) {
api.selectiveRefresh.partial( partialId ).refresh();
} else if ( self.renderedWidgets[ widgetId ] ) {
api.preview.send( 'refresh' ); // Fallback in case theme does not support 'customize-selective-refresh-widgets'.
} );
self.WidgetPartial = api.selectiveRefresh.Partial.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.widgetsPreview.WidgetPartial.prototype */{
* Represents a partial widget instance.
* @since 4.5.0
* @constructs
* @augments wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.Partial
* @alias wp.customize.widgetsPreview.WidgetPartial
* @memberOf wp.customize.widgetsPreview
* @param {string} id The partial's ID.
* @param {Object} options Options used to initialize the partial's
* instance.
* @param {Object} options.params The options parameters.
initialize: function( id, options ) {
var partial = this, matches;
matches = id.match( /^widget\[(.+)]$/ );
if ( ! matches ) {
throw new Error( 'Illegal id for widget partial.' );
partial.widgetId = matches[1];
partial.widgetIdParts = self.parseWidgetId( partial.widgetId );
options = options || {};
options.params = _.extend(
settings: [ self.getWidgetSettingId( partial.widgetId ) ],
containerInclusive: true
options.params || {}
); partial, id, options );
* Refreshes the widget partial.
* @since 4.5.0
* @return {Promise|void} Either a promise postponing the refresh, or void.
refresh: function() {
var partial = this, refreshDeferred;
if ( ! self.selectiveRefreshableWidgets[ partial.widgetIdParts.idBase ] ) {
refreshDeferred = $.Deferred();
return refreshDeferred.promise();
} else {